On Monday April 11th 2016, Mayor Nikša Peronja formally signed a statement, together with myself as President of Eco Hvar, recommending farmers and gardeners to stop using dangerous pesticides. Naturally, both signatures were sealed with the indispensable official rubber stamps, without which no self-respecting Croatian document is complete.

The Mayor had asked Eco Hvar to produce a flyer stating the reasons why glyphosate-based herbicides in particular are unacceptable. The signing was the culmination of this collaboration, a small part of the campaign to make Hvar the paradise island of clean sea, pristine landscape and fresh air that it deserves to be. The flyer will be posted on official Council notice boards in and around Jelsa.

Official backing in this important element of public education gives great cause for optimism. Eco Hvar hopes that now the other Council leaders on the island will follow Jelsa's lead. Protecting Hvar's environment is vital for improving the health of the local population. Hvar's discerning visitors deserve to find the island's natural treasures in their proper unspoiled state.
© Vivian Grisogono 2016