Every year Eco Hvar receives numerous requests for help from local people and visitors who are worried about dogs they have come across, mostly on Hvar, but sometimes from other islands or the mainland. The most common causes for concern are: stray dogs, abandoned dogs, lost dogs, hungry dogs, thirsty dogs, sick dogs, injured dogs, dogs kept in bad conditions, dogs treated inhumanely.

By law, dogs should be kept on a lead in towns and settlements, but (like so many Croatian laws!) this law is often ignored. Hvar Town in particular boasts a wide variety of dogs of all sizes who habitually wander around doing their 'business' and generally acting as if they own the place.
Strays, abandoned and lost dogs
Ask local people if it is known to have an owner. Post the details on Facebook and via social media, and ask local animal welfare groups to do the same, in case the owner can be contacted that way.
Make a note of the exact location(s) where the dog is roaming, and preferably take photos of it.
Either: contact the local town warden (komunalni redar)*, who should take charge of any stray and check if it has a micro-chip; or: take the dog to a local vet to check if it has a micro-chip.
If it has an owner, but the owner can't be contacted via the contact details on the micro-chip, it may be possible to find temporary shelter for it through the local authority or local animal welfare charities. Otherwise it should be transferred to the nearest regional animal shelter. This is the responsibility of the local authority**. Failing that, a local animal welfare charity may be able to help. If you can help with transporting the dog to the mainland, that can make the whole process much easier.
If the dog has no owner, it should be transferred to the nearest regional animal shelter, either by the local authority or through a local animal welfare charity.
Do not take stray animals into your rental apartment or hotel room: this is usually against house rules, and it is not in their best interests to get used to going indoors when they have no home of their own.
Do not get too attached to a stray dog unless you are in a position to offer it a secure future.
If you find local people who are willing to look after the stray, it is very helpful if you can give them a stock of dog food for after your departure.
* You can ask the local tourist office to contact the town warden. Alternatively the number is usually listed in the local authority's website.
** Most of the local authorities on Hvar have contracts with the Animalis Centrum No-Kill Shelter in Kaštel Sučurac, near Split on the mainland. Eco Hvar has successfully homed many dogs through the shelter (see our previous article from 2017). The shelter takes exemplary trouble over the animals in its care, providing not only the basic essentials of food, shelter and medical care, but also training and socialization, including walks outside the shelter and swimming sessions in the summer. It has an extensive volunteer programme and is open to visitors on a daily basis. (See more on the Animalis Centrum Facebook page)

inform the local Town Warden and local animal welfare groups and charities
provide full details of their exact location, preferably with photographs
if you can, give the puppies food and water - try to provide the best quality puppy food you can afford (preferably not adult dog food or processed human food)
if the puppies are newly born or not weaned, there is very little chance of them surviving, unless you yourself can take on the task of bottle-feeding them to give them a chance. The special formula milk needed for this is generally not available on Hvar, but can be bought in Split, usually from veterinarians.
make a leaflet giving details of the dog and where it was last seen, preferably including at least one photo
inform the local vet(s) and place your leaflet at the vet centre(s)
inform the local authority's Town Warden (komunalni redar)
inform local animal welfare groups and charities
post the information on Facebook, and ask local groups to do the same
Put down a bowl of fresh water in a shady spot where the dog can reach it.
Inform the local authorities and animal welfare groups.
If you choose to feed it, please give the best quality moist dog food (preferably not dry) that you can afford, and feed it in an area which will not inconvenience other people.
It is very helpful if you can hygienically remove any dog faeces you come across.
Ask local people who the owner is.
See if it is possible to help the owner create better conditions for the dog(s).
Depending on circumstances, if the dogs are in an isolated location, you can provide them with water, especially if the weather is hot.
If there is neglect, contact the local vet or Town Warden, giving details of the situation and the exact location in which you have found the dog, preferably with photographs; if possible, name the owner.
Any action has to be taken carefully and discreetly, to avoid making the situation worse for the mistreated dog.
If you identify the owner as a reasonable person, you can offer to help by providing the dog with water and food, and taking it for walks.
Otherwise, report the situation to the Town Warden and vet, giving full details of the dog's living conditions, preferably with photographs; describe the dog's state; give the exact location where you have seen the dog; if possible, name the owner.
On no account should you get angry and challenge the owner: this might lead to reprisals against yourself and/or the dog - you might be able to defend yourself, but the dog can't.
Do not take matters into your own hands and try to intervene against the owner's will.
Contact the local vet or Town Warden, giving details of the problem and the exact location in which you have found the dog, preferably with photographs.
In urgent situations, depending on circumstances, take the dog to the vet yourself if you can.
If the dog does not have an owner, ask the vet to contact local animal welfare groups or local people who might help look after the dog until it can be homed or transferred to an animal shelter.

Giving a dog a temporary home can be extremely helpful for a stray which is nervous in a shelter, or can't be admitted to a shelter. A foster home gives the dog a chance to settle and become socialized with people and other animals. It is different from full adoption, and the aim is to give the dog a better chance of finding the right permanent home. If you are in a position to take on the tasks of a foster 'pet parent', Dr. Karen Becker offers good advice in her article 'Why You Should Consider Fostering a Homelss Pet'
HVAR TOWN: Dr. Mirej Butorović-Dujmović, 15a Šime Buzolić Tome, 21450 Hvar.
Facebook: Ormondo Specijalistička veterinarska praksa za male životinje
Telephone: 00 385 (0)21 88 00 22; Mobile: 00 385 (0)91 533 0530
Working hours: 08:00 - 14:00 Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays; 14:00 - 20:00 Tuesdays, Thursdays; 08:00 -12:00 Saturdays.
Sundays & Public Holidays closed.
Besides diagnostics and treatments, the surgery offers expert grooming, including haircuts.
Directions: driving towards Hvar Town from Stari Grad, at the entrance to Hvar the main road comes to a small junction, where the main road curves right for the town itself, the left fork leads to Križna Luka, and the road straight head leads towards the graveyard. Take the road straight ahead until you see a sign for the surgery: turn left up this road, the surgery is on the left with parking in front of the building or in a designated area to the right of the building, on the left side of the road.
STARI GRAD: Dr Prosper Vlahović, Put Rudine 3, 21460 Stari Grad
Veterinarska ambulanta Lota website; Lota Facebook page.
Telephone: 00 385 (0)21 244 337
Opening hours: 08:00 - 14:00 weekdays, 08 - 12:00 Saturdays;
Sundays & Public Holidays closed.
There is a pet shop on the premises.
Directions: at the entrance to Stari Grad itself from the Jelsa side, there is a park with a stream between the park and the road; go to the other side of the park, turn off on to the Rudine road, which is the only main turning on the far side of the park, situated about halfway along. The surgery is on the left up that road, with parking in front of the building.
THE BESTIE FOUNDATION for animal rescues is essential to our work in helping unwanted dogs. Please support their work: here are twelve good reasons for doing so.
Details for donations:
Via the bank:
Zaklada Bestie
Kukuljevićeva 1, 21000 Split
Otp banka
IBAN: HR9324070001100371229
Paypal donate button: https://www.paypal.me/ZakladaBestie
If you wish to contact Eco Hvar, please use email, giving full details of your query with photographs if appropriate: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. (We cannot deal with queries by phone)
Vivian Grisogono MA(Oxon), updated July 2024.