Poisons Beware
Glyphosate and the EU 2015 - 2016
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup and many other herbicides, was discussed in the EU Parliament on December 1st 2015.
Glyphosate: EU draft Motion, March 2016
Draft Motion for a Resolution prepared for the EU Parliamentary Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, March 2016
Glyphosate: EU draft Motion, ENF Group
A draft Motion prepared for the EU Parliamentary Committe for the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety in March 2016.
Are you still using pesticides?
Insecticides In The Air
The practice of spraying the roads with insecticides in the summertime is potentially harmful and needs urgent review.
Green MEPs 'pissed off'
The Green Group of the European Parliament organized urine tests for the herbicide glyphosate on 48 volunteer MEPs.
Glyphosate, EU, Tragedy in the Making
When the World Health Organization defined Glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans”, it should have put an immediate stop to the sale and use of Glyphosate-based herbicides.
Can we do without chemical pesticides?
Poisons Fit For Eating?
The manufacturers have claimed that the herbicide Roundup, whose active ingredient is glyphosate, is "safe enough to drink", and many people are naive enough to believe this.
A pestilence of poisons
Pesticides: cause for alarm
From October 1st 2016, the sale of Roundup (Croatian Cidokor) and 11 other similar glyphosate-based herbicides was banned in the European Union. The ban should serve as a wake-up call to all users, supporters and promoters of pesticides.
Pesticides, Profit, Torture
The look of abject terror on the monkey's face is a haunting picture, the stuff of nightmares for anyone with an ounce of empathy for torture victims, whether human or animal. Animals are frontline victims of dangerous chemicals.
Rat poison: time to think again
Just as the use of insecticides does not solve a mosquito problem, vermin are not controlled by repeated use of poisons.
Insect spraying: save the bees!
A bee sting can cause a severe allergic reaction in a vulnerable person. Under current Croatian law, insects which cause allergic reactions must be subjected to an annual programme of suppression.
Insect spraying calls for change
Our request to Croatian local and national authorities to review the insect suppression programme has produced a lamentable response so far. It's hard getting the message across, but we will keep trying.
Insect spraying: the campaign
Because we at Eco Hvar are very concerned about the shortcomings of the mosquito liquidation programme on Hvar and around Croatia, we have petitioned the Minister for Health to re-consider the methods used.
Insect spraying: rethink needed
The campaign to eliminate mosquitoes through routine insect spraying is not working! And it's dangerous. We at Eco Hvar are asking for change.
Insect spraying: the 'fogging' practice
Would I find myself driving home through a mist of toxic chemicals if I caught the 20:30 ferry back from Split? That was the question on 27th September 2017.
Insect Spraying Pros and Cons
For several years, the local councils of Jelsa, Stari Grad and Hvar have routinely sprayed the streets against mosquitoes, flies and other 'flying pests'. Is this a good thing?
About the Insect Suppression Programme
God save our bees!
Chemical poison use is out of control in much of the modern world. Safeguards exist in theory, in practice they are inadequate. At each level of responsibility, practices need to be improved. These are our suggestions for achieving vital improvements.
Pesticides, Laws and Permits
This is a guide to the systems governing chemical pesticide regulation, registers and laws, with an overview of some of the many problems arising from pesticide use.
Pesticide Testing in the Home
Testing For Pesticides
Testing people on Hvar Island for pesticides via hair samples is an ongoing project, conducted by Eco Hvar. These are the preliminary results from the Kudzu laboratory which tested for 60 pesticides in 2021 and 100 as from 2022.
Pesticide Products in Croatia
A listing of selected pesticides which are, or have been in common use in Croatia, with the official warnings of their side-effects and the known side-effects of their active constituents.
Glyphosate herbicides, scientific evidence
An overview of the scientific evidence for claims that glyphosate-based herbicides are or are not safe.
Pesticides and their adverse effects
Scientific evidence of the dangers surrounding chemical pesticides commonly used on Hvar and in other parts of Croatia.
Pesticides: Why Not
Pesticide chaos: action urgently needed!
Towards the end of 2023, the European Parliament and the European Commission showed that they are not willing or able to protect European citizens from the ill-effects of chemical pesticides. So what needs to be done?
Insect Spraying - Scandalous Practices
Letter sent to the Public Health authorities on 12th June 2024, following yet another scandalous example of irresponsible poison spraying against insects.
If someone filled a spray can with potentially deadly poisons and went round spraying people at random, everyone, including the police, would react to put a stop to it.