For your safety, avoid walking in fields, woods or other open spaces during hunting times!
Much of Hvar is hunting ground during the season, as there are hunting groups in most of the island's settlements. Each hunting group is assigned a hunting area around their location.
In accordance with the group's Statute, the 'Hvar' Hunting Association defined the official hunting dates at a meeting held on May 26th 2024.
Sunday is the main hunting day throughout the season, plus some Saturdays and Wednesdays. Hunts last from 7 am to 2 pm on the dates as follows:
Fallow deer - 16/09/2024 – 15/02/2025
Roe deer (male) 16/04/2024 – 30/09/2024
Roe deer (female) – 01/09/2024 – 31/01/2025
Woodcock – 01/10/2024 - 28/02/2025 – 3 birds per hunting day
Pigeon – 01/10/2024 – 31/01/2025 – 3 birds per hunting day
Edible dormouse – 01/10/2024 - 30/11/2024
Quail – 21/08/2024 - 30/11/2024 - 10 birds per hunting day
Rabbit / Pheasant - 20/10/2024 – 15/01/2025 (Wednesdays from 20/11/2024)
Rabbit / Pheasant hunting days: 20/10, 27/10,
03/11, 10/11, 17/11, 20/11, 24/11, 27/11,
01/12, 04/12, 08/12, 11/12, 15/12, 18/12, 22/12, 26/12, 29/12/2024,
01/01, 05/01, 08/01, 12/01 & 15/01/2025
Wild Boar - 22/9/2024 – 01/02/2025
Wild Boar hunting day is Sunday until 13/10/2024, Saturday from 19/10/2024