Starigrad Plain: Our Survey

Published in Environment


The results from our survey about land usage on the Starigrad Plain (Hora, Ager). The survey was conducted on behalf of LAG Škoji (Local Action Group), Eco Hvar and the Agency for the Management of the Starigrad Plain. The aim was to gain an overview of land usage, and to gather information as to what the landowners think is needed to improve conditions in this historic field layout.

Donkeys grazing on the Plain, 2nd June 2014. Donkeys grazing on the Plain, 2nd June 2014. Photo: Vivian Grisogono

The information has been gathered anonymously, and we thank everyone who filled in the questionnaire. The survey was completed between 2019 and 2020.

Number of completed questionnaires: 62.

1. Land owned (or rented): 569,296 square metres (m2), 56.9296 hectares (ha)

- Land under cultivation: 494,211 m2, (49.4211 ha) (2 not specified)

Cultivation tunnels, 28th February 2019. Photo: Vivian Grisogono

2. Crops cultivated (farmer numbers): vines 45; olives: 50; fruit: 24; vegetables: 39 ; lavender: 12; asparagus: 2; wheat: 0; almonds: 1; exotic fruits/vegetables (tomatillos, aronia / chokeberries): 1; flowers- limonium (sea lavender): 1

3. Number keeping animals on the Plain: 4: (dog, 1; horses, 1; chickens, 1; goats, 1)

4. Registered farm businesses (OPG): 43

5. Registered (certificated) to use pesticides (so-called "plant protection products"): 43

6. Organic certificated: 3

Herbicide under olive trees, 28th February 2019. Photo: Vivian Grisogono

7. Number using herbicides: 30

Specifically: Cidokor (Roundup), Boomefekt, Uragan/Ouragan (all glyphosate-based); "glyphosate-based"; "Cidokor and other glyphosate-based herbicides";

How often and when? variously: once a year; 1-2 times a year; "as needed"; "once during the season"; "once around the vines to avoid getting scratched"; "once a year in the places the rotavator can't get to"; "a little"

8. Number using insecticides: 26

      - including: naturally-based substances according to organic rules; organic teas (nettle etc.); fastac; actara; affirm; bordeaux mix; "against beetles"; "I ask the professionals"; cuprablau (copper with zinc); laser; "various"; "those needed for vines and olives"; rogor; mospillan; yellow sticky traps for olive fly; what's available; nordox

How often and when? variously: as needed; occasionally, according to the season; once a year; during blossom time; twice a year; three times a year; in June, as needed; rarely; a little; very rarely, when needed for a major infestation

9. Number using fungicides: 38

Specifically: naturally-based substances according to organic rules; cuprablau (copper with zinc); sulphur-based products; bordeaux mixture; copper-based products; sulphur; nordox; antrakol; mikal; luna; ridomil; topas; falcon; "everything"; cabrio top; "contact/ copper based / systemic / all types"; "those recommended for protecting grapes"; "various"; "the ones needed for vines"; "contact (sulphur, cuprablau)"; Universalis; pyrus; cadillac; chromosul; "against powdery mildew and downy mildew"; pergardo

How often and when? variously: when needed; occasionally, depending on the season; once a year; twice a year; 5-6 times a year; up to 6 times a year; 6-7 times a year; in May and June; "during the vine vegetation phase"; "during the vine spraying time"; from May to July; "when I have to"; "preventively"; "during the spraying season"; "without them, there's nothing"; "2-4 times spraying during vegetation"; twice a year in May and July; 7 - 10 times during vine vegetation time.

Fungicide on fruit trees, February 2019. Photo: Vivian Grisogono

10. Actively follow information on agriculture: yes: 44; no: 17 (one non-reply)

      -Sources of information: Education / courses: 17; from professionals / experts: 23; Internet: 33; advertisements: 11; fellow-cultivators: 38; radio 1;

11. Follow information (including bans) about chemical pesticides: yes 47, no 14 (one non-reply)

12. Follow information about alternative organic plant protection products: yes 42, no 18 (two non-replies)

Organic vegetables on the Plain, 2nd June 2014. Photo: Vivian Grisogono


  •  I would be grateful to know where i can obtain information and courses about protecting my olive trees, correct ways to prune them and organic cultivation.
  •  The Ager is shameful, 80% neglected land, only 20% cultivated by my estimate. The rough tracks with no asphalt are a catastrophe (making access to land plots difficult), store sheds should be within set dimensions and proportions (not containers and wooden shacks); they should have stone walls, or be clad in stone. Before, there were stone huts (trimovi) for equipment and shelter, but now that's impossible. Sadly, young people are not going into agriculture, they're not interested in grapes and wine, sadly they drink BEER!
  • How can farmers be steered towards strimming instead of using chemical pesticides? Organic agriculture should be promoted on the island.
  • There needs to be a survey about irrigation, according to the National Programme for Irrigation in the Republic of Croatia, i.e. the Croatian Water Board
  • We want water
  • Allow the main roadways to be mended, and make it possible to renovate the access paths to the land plots - by widening the paths etc.
  • A way needs to be found to encourage owners of neglected land plots to tidy them up. The macadam tracks need to be put right to make them easier and safer to use. Encourage people not to allow their animals to roam everywhere, they should take care of them. Find a way of providing water over the whole Ager.
  • Forbid every form of Herbicide / Fungicide and above all Insecticide!!!
  • There is lots of uncultivated land and the reason for it is our political policy for agriculture for the islands about which all I can say is that of the grapes which we produce 80% of the producers don't know what to do with them.
  • I would keep animals on my land, but I am not allowed to make an animal shelter for them!
  • There should be more support and encouragement for the land users on the Ager, so that it does not get overrun by brambles and trees, then the story about the thriving parcelized Stari Grad Plain will not be a "pipe-dream"!
  • The roadways and tracks are in a very bad state. Please pave the main roads at least with asphalt.
  • It should be possible for farmers with a registered business (OPG) to erect on their land a building with at least the minimum technical requirements for wine-tasting.
  • If restrictions were relaxed and rules were more flexible, it would be better for everyone and there would be less untended land.
  • I think it is necessary to do a reconnaissance of the situation on the ground. To get to my land I cross other plots where, without let or hindrance, various little buildings have been erected, and old vehicles and rubbish dumped. I think the type of any buildings should be limited. If small buildings for tools are approved, their size and appearance should be precisely defined as a condition for approval.
  • Motivate owners of neglected land plots to bring them into function. Farmers could be motivated by having a certain market for their produce from the Ager. The tracks across the Ager should be restored.
  • If you want agriculture on the Stari Grad Plain, pave the tracks across the Ager with asphalt.
  • The Association responsible for the Ager should be more flexible towards the farmers. We live off our agriculture and our work, we don't live off you.
  • No earthly use up to now, just plenty of messing around.
  • I recommend that even on these small land plots we should be allowed to build small buildings.
  • Traditional stone roundhouse ('trim'). Photo: Vivian Grisogono
  • In my opinion small buildings should be allowed on the Ager, or at least some kind of appropriate structure for storing tools and sheltering livestock, we can't build stone roundhouses these days but we could have something similar, not wooden portacabins as has sometimes happened, but little stone-clad buildings. And there should be asphalted or concreted access tracks to each land plot.
  • The road between Stari Grad and Vrboska should be asphalted, - access tracks should be repaired, - land plots should be cleared of weeds, - plant residues should be dealt with ecologically, - soil fertility should be monitored - fertilizer should be recommended according to the state of the soil - conduct research into the international area, - reduce the amounts of artificial fertilizer.
  • Make a road (from white asphalt or some other permitted material) so that tourists, cyclists and we farmers don't have to swallow dust because the whole Hora is under one big fog of dust.
  • It would be good if the local authorities considered forming an Association of small-scale farmers, to stop the neglect of the Ager, as it is now it will all be taken over by weeds - this is already happening on the Ager.
  • Contact the Agency for the Management of the Starigrad Plain for information about all current and future projects.
  • Brambles are rampant on the Ager, ...trees are growing wild... I hope for a Plan and Programme for the Ager, legalization of the field houses, tours (organized) for visitors across the Ager,perhaps the creation of a branded image related to the Ager (to make it easier to market produce), etc. etc.
  • There should be more care taken over cleaning the Ager and its lands, and funds should be obtained from the EU to encourage cultivation of crops on the Ager.
  • Less brambles and more cultivated land
  • Croatia has only a few locations with the status of international heritage, under the protection of UNESCO. Hvar has the Hora, as well as two non-material assets. We can be proud of this. Unfortunately, not, not as the Hora is looking nowadays. Living or owning land on the Hora in this historical heritage site is not pleasant. No apartments, no concrete structures, no asphalt - that's all right! To make the Hora look like the pearl it was in my childhood would take a lot of effort on the part of the farmers, along with support from the State. Without the work and presence of the farmers there are no tidy, beautiful fields. The question is how to motivate them. I see the Hora as vineyards planted with the grape varieties of Pošip, Maraškina, Bogdanuša and Plavac mali. A qualified person should decide where each variety should be planted, and the State should provide seedlings, organize preparation of the land, and the stakes and wires. Interested farmers would establish a Cooperative and winery, where they could work as volunteers alongside two employed professionals, and where they could sell their grapes. The wine produced in this winery would be sold in Stari Grad, which is also part of our historical heritage, and it would be forbidden to sell any other wines until all the Hora wine was sold. So the shops, restaurant and bar owners would be obliged to sell wine made from grapes from the Hora. In this way farming would be made attractive. Because only the farmers can restore the Hora to its proper appearance, and up to now they are the only people who have only losses from the fact that they own land on the Hora. While those who gain from the Hora are the State, people in the hospitality business, shops and those twisted creations called Agrotourism from which animals roam free to ruin the neighbouring vineyards and kill off what little enthusiasm there is of the people who cultivate them.
  • Mend the road first of all
  • Access roads and paths, asphalt
  •  It would be good if local farmers could build small sheds or huts for equipment on the Ager.
  •  The road should be asphalted because the Ager attracts tourists and the drystone walls and stone huts should be preserved as our predecessors preserved them
  •  The existing roads should be repaired. Regulations should be established about what local people can and cannot do!
  • There needs to be better maintenance of the main roads. Consideration should be given to incentives for tidying abandoned fields.
  • Asphalt the roads and legalize the buildings.
  • Asphalt the roads, paths; farm buildings.
  • 1. Our ancestors built huts and stone roundhouses (trimovi in Croatian) for protection against the sun and rain, nowadays that is all consigned to the past and we are not allowed to touch anything, so I wonder what we will be leaving to our successors, a jungle? as young people don't go to the fields any more. The wineries take my grapes and don't pay me, they owe all of use grape-growers about 100,000 kunas, and the State about 4,000,000 kunas. 2. We go to our fields in motor vehicles, macadam is for mules and donkeys. 
  • Essential: asphalt the roads for access to the fields, and allow some buildings for equipment.
  • Roads should be asphalted. And we need buildings for equipment.
  • Asphalt the roads, provide grants (financial assistance), allow buildings for agricultural needs, provide education for the farmers.
  •  Give the Ager produce a trade-mark symbol.
  • The Ager is too neglected, the uncultivated areas should be cleaned up, as it is, it is a disgrace. And the road from Stari Grad should be asphalted.
Overgrown untended field on the Stari Grad Plain, February 2019. Photo: Vivian Grisogono
AN OVERVIEW OF THE CHEMICAL PESTICIDES NAMED IN THE SURVEY.  The pesticides in the list marked in red were banned, mostly after completion of the survey.
For an updated version of this information, please refer to our articles 'Pesticide Products in Croatia'  and 'Pesticides and their Adverse Effects'
INSECTICIDES. - ECHA approval code PT18 (Insecticides, acaricides, products to control other arthropods)
ACTARA 25WG, ACTARA 240SC  active ingredient THIAMETHOXAM. Neonicotinoid, EU: not approved ECHA: approved PT18/01/02.2015 - 31/01/2025..
Thiamethoxam possible adverse effects: Highly toxic to aquatic life, with acute and lasting effects; highly toxic to bees; toxic to earthworms; in humans, can be harmful through skin contact, inhalation, and especially ingestion; can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, dizziness, headache; ingestion can cause seizures, coma, hypothermia, respiratory failure, hypotension, ventricular dysrhythmias and death.
Croatia FIS: Actara 25WG approved 28/03/2011-30/04/2020 - approval withdrawn; Actara 240SC not approved
AFFIRM OPTI Active ingredient EMAMECTIN BENZOATE. Semi-synthetic derivative of avermectin, derived from soil bacterium Streptomyces avermitilis, EU: Approved 01/05/2014 - 30/04/2024. ECHA: Emamectin benzoate not approved
Emamectin Benzoate possible adverse effects: Highly toxic to bees, birds, aquatic life, aquatic environment, algae; in humans: can cause organ damage, serious eye irritation or damage; muscle tremors, muscle incoordination, vomiting, pulmonary oedema, unconsciousness; skin allergies; toxic through swallowing, inhalation and skin contact.
Croatia FIS: Affirm Opti approved 26/03/2018.-30/04/2025.
BORDEAUX MIX, which some respondents use against insects, is a copper-based fungicide (see below)
DECIS 2,5 EC, DECIS 100 EC , DECIS TRAP -MEDITERANSKA VOĆNA MUHA, DECIS 6,25 ECactive ingredient DELTAMETHRIN. synthetic pyrethroid EU: approved 01/1172003, - 31.10.2020. ECHA: approved PT18, 01/10/2013 - 30/09/2023.
Deltamethrin possible adverse effects: Toxic to bees; highly toxic to cats; extremely toxic to aquatic life, with long-lasting effects; toxic to fish; also to aquatic herbivorous insects, causing increased algae; in humans can cause ataxia, convulsions leading to muscle fibrillation and paralysis, dermatitis, oedema, diarrhoea, dyspnoea, headache, hepatic microsomal enzyme induction, irritability, peripheral vascular collapse, rhinorrhoea, serum alkaline phosphatase elevation, tinnitus, tremors, vomiting and death due to respiratory failure. Possible allergic reactions: anaphylaxis, bronchospasm, eosinophilia, fever, hypersensitivity pneumonia, pallor, pollinosis, sweating, sudden swelling of the face, eyelids, lips and mucous membranes, and tachycardia.
Croatia FIS: Decis 2,5 EC approved 02/03/2000.-31/12/2023.; Decis 100 EC approved 18/03/2016.-31/10/2023.; Decis trap - mediteranska voćna muha approved 23/09/2015.-31/10/2023; Decis 6,25 EC not approved
FASTAC EC active ingredient ALPHA-CYPERMETHRIN (ALPHAMETHRIN). Synthetic pyrethroid, EU: Re-approved 01/11/2019-31/10/2026. ECHA PT18: 01/07/2016. - 30/06/2026.
Alpha-Cypermethrin possible adverse effects: highly toxic to fish, most aquatic organisms and honeybees; toxic to earthworms; possible human carcinogen; can cause irreversible eye damage; serious water pollutant.
Croatia FIS: Fastac 10EC approved 16/02/2017.-01/11/2020 - approval withdrawn; Fastac 10SC not approved
LASER active ingredient SPINOSAD, combination of Spinosyn A and Spinosyn D, derived from naturally occurring soil fungi (naturalyte), EU: Approved 01/02/2007 - 15/03/2025. ECHA: Approved, PT18, 01/11/2012. - 30/04/2025.
Spinosad possible adverse effects: Highly toxic to aquatic organisms, with long-lasting effects; highly toxic to bees; toxic to fish and earthworms; in humans can cause allergic reactions and eye irritation.
Croatia FIS: Laser approved 20/03/2002-31/12/2023
MOSPILAN 20SG, MOSPILAN 20SP active ingredient ACETAMIPRID. Neonicotinoid, EU: approved 01/03/2018.- 28/02/2033. ECHA: approved 01/02/2020 - 31/01/2027
Acetamiprid possible adverse effects: Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic
environment; highly toxic to honeybees if mixed with piperonyl butoxide or propiconazole; harmful for populations of pollinating insects; harmful to birds and earthworms; dangerous for the environment; in humans: harmful - toxic if swallowed; can be fatal if inhaled; skin irritant.
Croatia FIS: Mospilan 20SG approved 07/10/2015-30/04/2025, Mospilan 20SP approved 30/10/2015-30/04/2025.
NORDOX 75WG, which some respondents use against insects, is a copper-based fungicide (see below)
ROGOR 40 active ingredient DIMETHOATE. Organophosphate, EU: not approved. ECHA: not approved
Dimethoate possible adverse effects. Very toxic to bees and aquatic organisms; possibly toxic to wildlife, including birds, and livestock: possible endocrine disruptor; in humans inhalation, swallowing or excess skin contact can cause breathing difficulties, headache, dizziness, tiredness, slurred speech, blurred vision, a lack of coordination, sweating, slow or rapid heart beat, convulsions, incontinence and in extreme cases unconsciousness and death; when swallowed, can also cause vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, faecal incontinence; long-term exposure may lead to impaired memory, depression, irritability, confusion and insomnia; possible human carcinogen (USEPA).
Croatia FIS: Registration for Rogor 40 withdrawn 31/12/2019, deadline 30/06/2020.
HERBICIDES (ECHA has no code for herbicide approval)
BOOM EFEKT. active ingredient GLYPHOSATE. There are at least some 750 glyphosate-based herbicides available in the world markets. Eleven of them, including the widely used Roundup (Cidokor in Croatian), were banned in the EU in 2016. Apart from these, Glyphosate is approved in the EU, 16/12/2017 - 15/12/2022.
Glyphosate, suspected possible adverse effects -in humans: carcinogenic; neurotoxic; genotoxic; contributes to antibiotic resistance; influences pregnancy, fertility, and birth defects; endocrine disruptor; damages DNA, gut bacteria, organs including liver, kidneys and spleen; contributes to Parkinson's Disease and autism. Possible environmental ill-effects: damage to water, fish, aquatic organisms, soil, soil organisms, bees, butterflies, gastropods, trees, plants.
CIDOKOR (Roundup), active ingredient GLYPHOSATE. Croatia FIS: Cidokor not approved
CIDOKOR MAX active ingredient GLYPHOSATE. Croatia FIS: Cidokor Max approved 09/06/2015-01/03/2022,
CIDOKOR PLUS active ingredient GLYPHOSATE. Croatia FIS: Cidokor Plus approved 24/11/2015.-01/03/2022
OURAGAN SYSTEM 4 (URAGAN), active ingredient GLYPHOSATE. Croatia FIS: approved 24/01/2012-24/01/2022
OXALIS active ingredient GLYPHOSATE. Croatia FIS: Oxalis not approved
FUNGICIDES (ECHA has no code for fungicide approval)
ANTRACOL COMBI WP76, active ingredients PROPINEB (substance type: carbamate), EU: not approved, & CYMOXANIL (substance group cyanoacetamide oxime) EU: Approved 01/09/2009-31/08/2021.
Propineb possible adverse effects: highly toxic to aquatic life; toxic to bees, birds, earthworms; in humans: can cause organ damage, allergic skin reactions; toxic on skin contact; suspected as possible carcinogen, respiratory tract irritant.
Cymoxanil possible adverse effects: very toxic to aquatic life and the aquatic environment, with long-lasting effects; in humans: highly toxic if swallowed; reproductive toxicity, suspected of damaging fertility and the unborn child; skin irritant; eye irritant; prolonged exposure causes organ damage.
Croatia FIS: Antracol Combi WP76 not approved
ANTRACOL WG70, ANTRACOL WP70 active ingredient PROPINEB (substance type: carbamate), EU: not approved
Propineb possible adverse effects: highly toxic to aquatic life; toxic to bees, birds, earthworms; in humans: can cause organ damage, allergic skin reactions; toxic on skin contact; suspected as possible carcinogen, respiratory tract irritant.
Croatia FIS: Antracol WG70, Antracol WP70 not approved
BORDOŠKA JUHA (MIX), (BORDEAUX MIXTURE), active ingredients COPPER SULPHATE + HYDRATED LIME / CALCIUM DIHYDROXIDE, EU: Bordeaux Mixture approved 01/01/2019-31/12/2025
Copper Sulphate possible adverse effects: toxic to fish, aquatic invertebrates, aquatic plants, algae, birds, earthworms. In humans: harmful if inhaled, can cause serious eye problems. Associated with increased risk of potentially malignant oral submucous fibrosis, which can lead to oral squamous cell carcinoma.
Calcium dihydroxide possible adverse effects: in humans, causes serious eye damage and skin irritation; may cause respiratory irritation
Croatia FIS: Bordoška juha caffaro 20WP approved 08/07/2004.-31/12/2023; Bordoška juha 20WP manica approved 24/11/2006-31/12/2023.
CABRIO® TOP active ingredients METIRAM (substance group carbamate) EU: Approved 01/07/20016 - 31/01/2021, + PYRACLOSTROBIN (carbamate ester, substance group strobilurin), EU: Approved 01/06/2004 - 31/01/2021.
Metiram possible adverse effects: Moderately toxic to fish; highly toxic to aquatic invertebrates; highly toxic to aquatic life, with long-lasting effects; hazardous to the aquqatic environment; moderately toxic to honeybees and earthworms; in humans: can cause skin and eye irritation; can cause anaemia; toxic if ingested or inhaled; can cause abdominal cramps, vomiting and diarrhoea if ingested; classified as a possible human carcinogen
Pyraclostrobin possible adverse effects: Highly toxic to fish, aquatic life, with long-lasting effects; hazardous to the aquatic environment with long-term effects; in humans: toxic, acutely dangerous if inhaled, can be fatal if swallowed; may cause respiratory irritation; causes eye and skin irritation; causes neurodegeneration; can cause nausea, headache, dizziness, chest pain
Croatia FIS: Cabrio Top approved 07/04/2011.-07/04/2021.
CADILLAC 80 WP active ingredient MANCOZEB (substance group dithiocarbamate), EU: Approved 01/07/2006 - 31/01/2021.
Mancozeb possible adverse effects: toxic to fish, birds, aquatic invertebrates; moderately toxic to bees, earthworms, algae; in humans: possible thyroid disruptor; possible effects on reproduction and development; respiratory tract irritant; eye irritant.
Croatia FIS: Cadillac 80WP approved 15/06/2015- 31/01/2021.
CHROMOSUL 80 active ingredient SULPHUR, EU: Approved 01/01/2010 - 31/12/2020.
Product warnings: to be used no more than four times a year, and never when the vine is fully developed; should not be mixed with propamocarb, captan, heptenophos, oils, bupirimate and folpet.
Sulphur, possible adverse effects: if inhaled can cause coughing, sneezing and respiratory impairment; skin contact can cause redness, itching and burning in sensitive individuals; eye contact can cause painful irritation, redness and tears; ingestion can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.
Croatia FIS Chromosul 80 approved 04/09/1997-31/12/2023.
CUPRABLAU Z, CUPRABLAU Z ULTRA active ingredients COPPER OXYCHLORIDE, EU: approved 01/01/2019-31/12/2025 & ZINC SULPHIDE
Copper compounds, possible adverse effects: highly toxic to fish, birds, aquatic invertebrates, organisms and plants; toxic to bees and earthworms; sheep, chickens; persists in the soil. In humans can cause nausea, irritation of respiratory tract and skin, eczema. Eye contact can cause conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelid lining, excess fluid build-up in the eyelid, clouding of the cornea, cornea tissue deterioration due to ulceration in the eye's mucous membrane.
Long-term, excessive exposure leads to the risk of heavy metal poisoning, including liver disease, brain damage, kidney and intestinal problems, anaemia, mutagenic potential; possible damaging effects on reproduction and development. Symptoms include: a metallic taste in the mouth, burning pain in the chest and abdomen, intense nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, sweating, shock, disrupted urination leading to yellowing of the skin.
Zinc sulphide possible adverse effects: in humans, can be harmful if inhaled or swallowed; can cause skin and eye irritation; can cause headaches and nausea
Croatia FIS: Cuprablau-Z registration withdrawn on 01/01/2020, final deadline for sales of stocks 01/07/2020, final use-by date 01/07/2021; Cuprablau Z Ultra not approved
CUPRABLAU Z 35WG active ingredients COPPER COMPOUNDS, COPPER OXYCHLORIDE, EU: approved 01/01/2019-31/12/2025
Copper compounds, possible adverse effects: highly toxic to fish, birds, aquatic invertebrates, organisms and plants; toxic to bees and earthworms; sheep, chickens; persists in the soil. In humans can cause nausea, irritation of respiratory tract and skin, eczema. Eye contact can cause conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelid lining, excess fluid build-up in the eyelid, clouding of the cornea, cornea tissue deterioration due to ulceration in the eye's mucous membrane.
Long-term, excessive exposure leads to the risk of heavy metal poisoning, including liver disease, brain damage, kidney and intestinal problems, anaemia, mutagenic potential; possible damaging effects on reproduction and development. Symptoms include: a metallic taste in the mouth, burning pain in the chest and abdomen, intense nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, sweating, shock, disrupted urination leading to yellowing of the skin.
Croatia FIS: Cuprablau Z 35WG approved 17/04/2019-01/01/2022.
FALCON FORTE, active ingredients: TEBUCONAZOLE, (substance group triazole), EU: Approved 01/09/2009 - 31/08/2020, SPIROXAMINE (substance group morpholine), EU: Approved 01/01/2012 - 31/12/2021, PROTHIOCONAZOLE (substance group triazolinthione) EU: Approved 01/08/2008-31/07/2020
Tebuconazole possible adverse effects: highly toxic to aquatic life, with long-lasting effects; toxic to bees, birds, earthworms; in humans: can damage the unborn child; possible human carcinogen; toxic if swallowed.
Spiroxamine possible adverse effects: very toxic to aquatic life; in humans, suspected of causing damage to the unborn child; may cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure; harmful if swallowed or inhaled; can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions.
Prothiconazole possible adverse effects: toxic to fish, aquatic invertebrates, aquatic crustaceans and sediment dwelling organisms; very toxic to aquatic life, with long-lasting effects; hazardous to the aquatic environment; toxic to honeybees and earthworms; in humans: can affect reproduction and development; possible endocrine disruptor; can cause skin irritation; possible irritant if inhaled
Croatia FIS: Falcon Forte approved 20/03/2019-31/07/2020
FALCON EC 460 active ingredients TEBUCONAZOLE (substance group triazole), EU: Approved 01/09/2009 - 31/08/2020. & SPIROXAMINE (substance group morpholine), EU: Approved 01/01/2012 - 31/12/2021, TRIADIMENOL (substance group triazole) EU not approved
Tebuconazole possible adverse effects: highly toxic to aquatic life, with long-lasting effects; toxic to bees, birds, earthworms; in humans: can damage the unborn child; possible human carcinogen; toxic if swallowed.
Spiroxamine possible adverse effects: very toxic to aquatic life; in humans, suspected of causing damage to the unborn child; may cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure; harmful if swallowed or inhaled; can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions.
Triadimenol possible adverse effects: highly toxic to aquatic life with long-lasting effects; hazardous to the aquatic environment; causes reproductive disruption in medaka fish and mammals; can harm Eremias argus lizards; causes neurobehavioural effects in rats; in humans: highly toxic if swallowed; may damage fertility; may harm the unborn child; may harm a child being breast-fed; causes eye irritation; causes mild skin irritation
Croatia FIS: Falcon EC 460 approved 10/02/2006.-31/08/2020.
LUNA PRIVILEGE, LUNA SENSATION. active ingredients FLUOPYRAM (substance group benzamide, pyramide), EU: Approved 01/02/2014 - 31/01/2024., & TRIFLOXYSTROBIN (substance group strobilurin), EU: approved 01/08/2018-31/07/2033.
Fluopyram possible adverse effects: very toxic to fish, aquatic plants and algae, with long-lasting effects; slightly toxic to bees, birds, earthworms; in humans, can cause serious eye irritation; possibly causes damage to nervous system; affects reproduction, possibly damages the unborn child
Trifloxystrobin possible adverse effects: very toxic to fish, aquatic invertebrates and algae; very toxic to aquatic life with long-lasting effects; moderately toxic to sediment-dwelling organisms and aquatic plants; moderately toxic to earthworms; low toxicity to honeybees; in humans: can cause problems with reproduction and development; can cause eye irritation and allergic skin reactions
Croatia FIS: Luna Privilege approved 09/02/2015.-31/01/2025.; Luna Sensation approved 09/07/2019.-31/01/2025.
LUNA EXPERIENCE active ingredients FLUOPYRAM (substance group benzamide, pyramide), EU: Approved 01/02/2014 - 31/01/2024, with TEBUCONAZOLE (substance group triazole), EU: Approved 01/09/2009 - 31/08/2020.
Fluopyram possible adverse effects: very toxic to fish, aquatic plants and algae, with long-lasting effects; slightly toxic to bees, birds, earthworms; in humans, can cause serious eye irritation; possibly causes damage to nervous system; affects reproduction, possibly damages the unborn child
Tebcucozanole possible adverse effects: highly toxic to aquatic life, with long-lasting effects; toxic to bees, birds, earthworms; in humans: can damage the unborn child; possible human carcinogen; toxic if swallowed.
Croatia FIS: Luna Experience approved 19/01/2015.-31/08/2020.
MIKAL, MIKAL FLASH active ingredients FOLPET (synthetic phthalimide) EU: Approved 01/10/2007 - 31/07/2020 + FOSETYL-AL (organophosphate), EU: approved 01/05/2007 - 30/04/2021
Folpet possible adverse effects: highly toxic to fish and aquatic organisms; probable human carcinogen; causes developmental effects in animals; toxic if inhaled; causes serious eye irritation; can cause allergic skin reactions; moderately toxic to earthworms. ECHA warnings: hazardous to the environment and human health.
Fosetyl-aluminium (Fosetyl-al) possible adverse effects: toxic to mammals, bees, birds, fish, aquatic invertebrates, algae, earthworms; possible human carcinogen; irritant if inhaled, can cause lung damage; causes serious eye irritation or damage; skin irritant
Croatia FIS: Mikal Flash approved 30/11/2006.-31/12/2023. Mikal not approved
MIKAL PREMIUM F active ingredients FOLPET, (synthetic phthalimide) EU: Approved 01/10/2007 - 31/07/2020, & FOSETYL (organophosphate), EU: approved 01/05/2007 - 30/04/2021, & IPROVALICARB (substance group carbamate) EU: Approved 01/04/2016-31/03/2031
Folpet possible adverse effects: highly toxic to fish and aquatic organisms; probable human carcinogen; causes developmental effects in animals; toxic if inhaled; causes serious eye irritation; can cause allergic skin reactions; moderately toxic to earthworms. ECHA warnings: hazardous to the environment and human health.
Fosetyl-aluminium (Fosetyl-al) possible adverse effects: toxic to mammals, bees, birds, fish, aquatic invertebrates, algae, earthworms; possible human carcinogen; irritant if inhaled, can cause lung damage; causes serious eye irritation or damage; skin irritant
Iprovalicarb possible adverse effects: marine pollutant; very toxic to aquatic organisms; toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates; may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment; moderately toxic to earthworms; in humans: possible carcinogen; corrosive to skin; highly damaging to health if swallowed
Croatia FIS: Mikal Premium F approved 29/11/2007.-31/12/2023.
Copper Sulphate possible adverse effects: Copper sulphate products are highly toxic to fish, birds, bees and earthworms, toxic to mammals, aquatic invertebrates, aquatic plants, algae, sediment dwelling organisms; highly toxic to the aquatic environment, with long-lasting effects; in humans: possible reproduction and developmental effects; irritant to the respiratory tract; corrosive to skin and eyes; ingestion can cause burning pain in the chest and abdomen, intense nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, sweating, shock, and yellowing of the skin caused by disrupted urination; high doses and prolonged exposure can cause anaemia, also damage to the brain, liver, kidneys and stomach and intestinal linings; people with Wilson's disease (in which copper is absorbed and stored excessively in the body), are at special risk of poisoning from copper-based pesticides; associated with increased risk of potentially malignant oral submucous fibrosis, which can lead to oral squamous cell carcinoma.
Croatia FIS: Modra galica not approved; Modra Galica (Scarmagnan) registration withdrawn on 01/07/2016
NORDOX 75WG active ingredient COPPER OXIDE, EU: approved
Copper compounds, possible adverse effects: highly toxic to fish, birds, aquatic invertebrates, organisms and plants; toxic to bees and earthworms; sheep, chickens; persists in the soil. In humans can cause nausea, irritation of respiratory tract and skin, eczema. Eye contact can cause conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelid lining, excess fluid build-up in the eyelid, clouding of the cornea, cornea tissue deterioration due to ulceration in the eye's mucous membrane.
Long-term, excessive exposure leads to the risk of heavy metal poisoning, including liver disease, brain damage, kidney and intestinal problems, anaemia, mutagenic potential; possible damaging effects on reproduction and development. Symptoms include: a metallic taste in the mouth, burning pain in the chest and abdomen, intense nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, sweating, shock, disrupted urination leading to yellowing of the skin.
Croatia FIS: approved 24/01/2002.-31/12/2023.
PERGADO D active ingredients MANDIPROPRAMID (mandelamide) EU: approved 01/08/2013 - 31/07/2023 & MANCOZEB (substance group dithiocarbamate) EU: Approved 01/07/2006 - 31/01/2021
Mandipropamid possible adverse effects: highly toxic to fish and aquatic organisms; moderately toxic to birds and earthworms; can be harmful to the liver and kidneys; eye irritant. ECHA warning: Hazardous to the environment.
Mancozeb possible adverse effects: toxic to fish, birds, aquatic invertebrates; moderately toxic to bees, earthworms, algae; in humans: possible thyroid disruptor; possible effects on reproduction and development; respiratory tract irritant; eye irritant
Croatia FIS: Pergado D approved 28/01/2019 - 31/07/2024.
PERGADO F active ingredients FOLPET (synthetic phthalimide) EU: Approved 01/10/2007 - 31/07/2020, & MANDIPROPRAMID (mandelamide) EU: approved 01/08/2013 - 31/07/2023.
Product Warning: To be used no more than four times during vegetation at intervals of 8 -14 days.
Folpet possible adverse effects: highly toxic to fish and aquatic organisms; probable human carcinogen; causes developmental effects in animals; toxic if inhaled; causes serious eye irritation; can cause allergic skin reactions; moderately toxic to earthworms. ECHA warnings: hazardous to the environment and human health.
Mandipropamid possible adverse effects: highly toxic to fish and aquatic organisms; moderately toxic to birds and earthworms; can be harmful to the liver and kidneys; eye irritant. ECHA warning: Hazardous to the environment.
Croatia FIS: Pergado F approved 26/11/2007.-31/12/2023.
PERGADO MZ active ingredients MANCOZEB (substance group dithiocarbamate) EU: Approved 01/07/2006 - 31/01/2021. &MANDIPROPRAMID (mandelamide) EU: approved 01/08/2013 - 31/07/2023.
Product warning: To be used no more than three times during vegetation
Mancozeb possible adverse effects: toxic to fish, birds, aquatic invertebrates; moderately toxic to bees, earthworms, algae; in humans: possible thyroid disruptor; possible effects on reproduction and development; respiratory tract irritant; eye irritant
Mandipropamid possible adverse effects: highly toxic to fish and aquatic organisms; moderately toxic to birds and earthworms; can be harmful to the liver and kidneys; eye irritant. ECHA warning: Hazardous to the environment.
Croatia FIS: Pergado MZ approved 21/05/2007.-31/12/2023.
PYRUS® 400SC active ingredient PYRIMETHANIL (anilinopyrimidine) EU: approved 01/05/2007 - 30/04/2020
Pyrimethanil possible adverse effects: toxic to aquatic life, with long-lasting effects; endocrine disruptor in tree frogs, causes liver and kidney damage in non-target species; toxic to earthworms; in humans, possible carcinogen; toxic through skin contact and inhalation
Croatia FIS: Pyrus 400SC approved 09/05/2007-31/12/2023.
RIDOMIL GOLD MZ PEPITE active ingredients MANCOZEB (substance group dithiocarbamate) EU: Approved 01/07/2006 -  31/01/2021. & METALAXYL (substance group phenylamide) EU: Approved 01/07/2010 - 30/06/2023.
Mancozeb possible adverse effects: toxic to fish, birds, aquatic invertebrates; moderately toxic to bees, earthworms, algae; in humans: possible thyroid disruptor; possible effects on reproduction and development; respiratory tract irritant; eye irritant
Metalaxyl possible adverse effects: toxic to bees, birds, fish, earthworms; in humans: can cause serious eye damage; skin irritant; very harmful if swallowed
Croatia FIS: Ridomil Gold MZ Pepite approved 24/01/2011.-24/01/2021.
RIDOMIL GOLD MZ 68WP active ingredients MANCOZEB (substance group dithiocarbamate) EU: Approved 01/07/2006 - 31/01/2021. and METALAXYL M (substance group phenylamide) EU: Approved 01/07/2010 - 30/06/2023
Mancozeb possible adverse effects: toxic to fish, birds, aquatic invertebrates; moderately toxic to bees, earthworms, algae; in humans: possible thyroid disruptor; possible effects on reproduction and development; respiratory tract irritant; eye irritant
Metalaxyl possible adverse effects: toxic to bees, birds, fish, earthworms; in humans: can cause serious eye damage; skin irritant; very harmful if swallowed
Croatia FIS: Ridomil Gold MZ 68WP not approved
RIDOMIL GOLD PLUS 42,5 WP active ingredients METALAXYL M (substance group phenylamide) EU: Approved 01/07/2010 - 30/06/2023, with COPPER COMPOUNDS: COPPER OXYCHLORIDE EU: Approved 01/01/2019-31/12/2025
Metalaxyl possible adverse effects: toxic to bees, birds, fish, earthworms; in humans: can cause serious eye damage; skin irritant; very harmful if swallowed
Copper compounds, possible adverse effects: highly toxic to fish, birds, aquatic invertebrates, organisms and plants; toxic to bees and earthworms; sheep, chickens; persists in the soil. In humans can cause nausea, irritation of respiratory tract and skin, eczema. Eye contact can cause conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelid lining, excess fluid build-up in the eyelid, clouding of the cornea, cornea tissue deterioration due to ulceration in the eye's mucous membrane.
Long-term, excessive exposure leads to the risk of heavy metal poisoning, including liver disease, brain damage, kidney and intestinal problems, anaemia, mutagenic potential; possible damaging effects on reproduction and development. Symptoms include: a metallic taste in the mouth, burning pain in the chest and abdomen, intense nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, sweating, shock, disrupted urination leading to yellowing of the skin. People with Wilson's disease (in which copper is absorbed and stored excessively in the body), are at special risk of poisoning from copper-based pesticides.
Croatia FIS: Ridomil Gold Plus 42.5 WP registration withdrawn 01/01/2020.
RIDOMIL GOLD R active ingredients METALAXYL M (substance group phenylamide) EU: Approved 01/07/2010 - 30/06/2023, with COPPER COMPOUNDS: COPPER OXYCHLORIDE EU: Approved 01/01/2019-31/12/2025
Metalaxyl possible adverse effects: toxic to bees, birds, fish, earthworms; in humans: can cause serious eye damage; skin irritant; very harmful if swallowed
Copper compounds, possible adverse effects: highly toxic to fish, birds, aquatic invertebrates, organisms and plants; toxic to bees and earthworms; sheep, chickens; persists in the soil. In humans can cause nausea, irritation of respiratory tract and skin, eczema. Eye contact can cause conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelid lining, excess fluid build-up in the eyelid, clouding of the cornea, cornea tissue deterioration due to ulceration in the eye's mucous membrane.
Long-term, excessive exposure leads to the risk of heavy metal poisoning, including liver disease, brain damage, kidney and intestinal problems, anaemia, mutagenic potential; possible damaging effects on reproduction and development. Symptoms include: a metallic taste in the mouth, burning pain in the chest and abdomen, intense nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, sweating, shock, disrupted urination leading to yellowing of the skin. People with Wilson's disease (in which copper is absorbed and stored excessively in the body), are at special risk of poisoning from copper-based pesticides.
Croatia FIS: Ridomil Gold R approved 11/04/2017.-30/06/2021.
Sulphur, possible adverse effects: if inhaled can cause coughing, sneezing and respiratory impairment; skin contact can cause redness, itching and burning in sensitive individuals; eye contact can cause painful irritation, redness and tears; ingestion can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.
Croatia FIS: Sumpor prašivo approved 21/09/2016 - 31/12/2020, Sumpor SC 80 approved 25/05/1998 - 31/12/2023. Sumpor WG 80 approved 14/10/2016 - 11/12/2020, Sumporno prašivo approved 13/12/2004 - 31/12/2023, Sumpor Micro 80WP not approved, Sumpor močivi tiosam 80 mikro not approved.
TILT CB 187,5 FW active ingredients PROPICONAZOLE, (substance group triazole) EU: not approved. and CARBENDAZIM (substance group benzimidamole) EU: Not approved
Propiconazole possible adverse effects: highly toxic to fish; in humans, highly irritant to eyes and skin; harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin; can cause skin allergies; possible liver toxicant; possible endocrine disruptor; classified as possible carcinogen by USEPA
Carbendazim possible adverse effects: highly toxic to aquatic organisms and the aquatic environment, with long-lasting effects; toxic to earthworms; moderately toxic to honeybees; in humans, may cause genetic defects; may damage fertility and the unborn child;
Croatia FIS: Tilt CB 187.5FW not approved
TILT 250 EC active ingredient PROPICONAZOLE, (substance group triazole) EU: not approved
Propiconazole possible adverse effects: highly toxic to fish; in humans, highly irritant to eyes and skin; harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin; can cause skin allergies; possible liver toxicant; possible endocrine disruptor; classified as possible carcinogen by USEPA
Croatia FIS: not approved.
TOPAS 100EC active ingredient PENCONAZOLE, substance group triazole EU: Approved 01/01/2012 - 31/12/2021
Penconazole possible adverse effects: toxic to bees, birds, fish, aquatic invertebrates and algae; suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child; possible endocrine disruptor; harmful if swallowed
Croatia FIS: Topas 100EC approved 01/02/2007.-31/12/2023.
UNIVERSALIS, active ingredients AZOXYSTROBIN (substance group strobilurin) EU: Approved 01/01/2012 - 31/12/2024 and FOLPET (synthetic phthalimide) EU: Approved 01/10/2007 - 31/07/2020.
Azoxystrobin possible adverse effects: highly toxic to aquatic organisms and the aquatic environment, with long-lasting effects; highly toxic to hoverfly larvae; toxic to fish, earthworms; in humans, suspected possible carcinogen; toxic if swallowed or inhaled; skin and eye irritant.
Folpet possible adverse effects: highly toxic to fish and aquatic organisms; probable human carcinogen; causes developmental effects in animals; toxic if inhaled; causes serious eye irritation; can cause allergic skin reactions; moderately toxic to earthworms. ECHA warnings: hazardous to the environment and human health.
Croatia FIS: approved 21/05/2007.-31/12/2023.

For a more comprehensive listing of pesticides in common use in Croatia, please refer to 'Pesticide Products in Croatia'; for a list of pesticide active substances together with their possible adverse effects and the scientific sources of the information, also listings of approved products, see 'Pesticides and their Adverse Effects'

CONTACT for further information:

LAG Škoji: 095/549-5949 (Website, in Croatian

Agencija za upravljanje Starogradskim Poljem: 021 765 275 (Website, in Croatian

Udruga Eco Hvar, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The survey was completed between 2019 and 2020.

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Eco Environment News feeds

  • Research looking at tissue from postmortems between 1997 and 2024 finds upward trend in contamination

    The exponential rise in microplastic pollution over the past 50 years may be reflected in increasing contamination in human brains, according to a new study.

    It found a rising trend in micro- and nanoplastics in brain tissue from dozens of postmortems carried out between 1997 and 2024. The researchers also found the tiny particles in liver and kidney samples.

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  • Mountaineers now scaling more peaks for first global study of nanoplastics, which can enter lungs and bloodstream

    Particles from vehicle tyre wear are the biggest source of nanoplastic pollution in the high Alps, a pioneering project has revealed.

    Expert mountaineers teamed up with scientists to collect contamination-free samples and are now scaling peaks to produce the first global assessment of nanoplastics, which are easily carried around the world by winds.

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  • Open-net farms to continue despite numbers of wild fish halving as minister looks for ‘acceptable’ pollution levels

    Norway’s environment minister has ruled out a ban on open-net fish farming at sea despite acknowledging that the wild North Atlantic salmon is under “existential threat”.

    With yearly exports of 1.2m tonnes, Norway is the largest producer of farmed salmon in the world. But its wild salmon population has fallen from more than a million in the early 1980s to about 500,000 today.

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  • As commercial monocultures increase, ecologists are calling for the remaining splinters of native woodland to be identified, protected - and expanded

    • Photographs by Rob Stothard

    “This could almost be part of Lapland, up here,” says retired researcher John Spence, approaching a clearing in the Correl Glen nature reserve in Fermanagh, near Northern Ireland’s land border with the county of Leitrim. “You could make a Nordic movie here and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.”

    Spence pauses to point out oak, hazel, birch, ash and alder trees, along with a series of rare “filmy” ferns, wild strawberry bushes and honeysuckle. There are well over 100 species of lichen in this small patch of temperate rainforest alone.

    A path leads towards a sitka spruce forest in Glenboy, near Manorhamilton, in Leitrim

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  • Newbury, Berkshire: From tracks in the snow to musky scent markings to vixens screaming in the night, it is hard to ignore fox mating season

    The sensory presence of foxes is woven through my days and nights lately – sightings, sound, smells, evidence. It is the mating season and, being largely solitary creatures, they are advertising their presence to one another in a manner hard to ignore; in a way that carries across dark, silent miles or cuts through the fumes of urban traffic. Foxy scent markings – musky notes of singed fur, sandalwood, spice and hawthorn flowers – bring me up sharp at a hole in a hedge, by a gatepost or anywhere down the lane.

    In snow, or in the creamy chalk soil that has washed out of gateways in recent storms, tracks give away encounters. Paw prints, narrower than a dog’s, that you can draw a kiss through without touching the pads, track slightly sideways, printing a straight, tacking running stitch across the land. Occasionally, tracks cross and run alongside one another for a while, or pool in a coming together.

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  • Crevasses increasing in size and depth in response to climate breakdown, Durham University researchers find

    The Greenland ice sheet – the second largest body of ice in the world – is cracking more rapidly than ever before as a response to climate breakdown, a study has found.

    Researchers used 8,000 three-dimensional surface maps from high-resolution commercial satellite imagery to assess the evolution of cracks in the surface of the ice sheet between 2016 and 2021.

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  • Antamina, in the Andes, makes billions thanks to the green tech boom. But locals say they are being poisoned by arsenic, losing their water and sinking further into poverty

    A chilly breeze passes along the shore of Lake Contonga, 4,400 metres up in the Peruvian Andes. Julio Rimac Damian, from the nearby village of Challhuayaco, points to the mud under his feet. “All this used to be covered with water,” he says.

    A canal running from the lake that is supposed to carry water to lowland villages has also run dry. Damian says the water began to disappear two years ago when a mining company started exploratory drilling in Peru’s highlands.

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  • CJ Taylor was pushing back a fire front when a wind change almost killed him. A new exhibition aims to recreate a flashover – and disturb the public into action

    The roar of an advancing bushfire, for those who have heard it, is often described as being as loud as an aircraft or an approaching freight train. “But my recollection was the opposite,” says volunteer firefighter and visual artist CJ Taylor, of the moment a fire burned over him. “Everything went quiet.”

    It was November 2019, and Taylor and a group of fellow South Australian Country Fire Service volunteers had been deployed to north-eastern New South Wales, near the Guy Fawkes River national park. They were trying to push back a fire front but a sudden wind change meant it was gaining ground too quickly.

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  • Critics say Trump is using every presidential power possible against clean power in sharp turn after Biden investments created jobs

    For several years, Republicans accused Joe Biden of waging a “war on energy” even as the Untied States drilled more oil and gas than at any time in its history. Now, a more tangible assault is gathering pace under Donald Trump – aimed squarely at wind, solar and other cleaner forms of power.

    In the first two weeks of his return as president, Trump has, like his first term, issued orders to open up more American land and waters for fossil fuel extraction and started the process to yank the US from the Paris climate agreement. “We will drill, baby drill,” said Trump, who has promised to cut energy and electricity prices in half within 18 months.

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  • First women working as fishing guides on Laxá River, featured in new film, call for action after farmed fish escape

    For seven generations, Andrea Ósk Hermóðsdóttir’s family have been fishing on the Laxá River in Aðaldalur. Iceland has a reputation as a world leader on feminism, but until recently women have not been able to work as guides to wild salmon fishing for visiting anglers – a job that has traditionally been the preserve of men.

    The 21-year-old engineering student, her sister Alexandra Ósk, 16, and their friends Arndís Inga Árnadóttir, 18, and her sister Áslaug Anna, 15, are now the first generation of female guides on their river in northern Iceland, and among the very first female fishing guides in the country.

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