Notice: Rubbish Bills in Jelsa

Objavljeno u Obavijesti

We have received reports that property owners in the Jelsa Municipality are being over-charged for their rubbish collection services.

Do not overload your bin! Do not overload your bin!

JELKOM, the Jelsa rubbish management company, currently charges property owners a monthly flat rate fee, plus a surcharge for every time your bin is emptied. The flat rate is charged throughout the year, even if the property is empty for some or much of the time. There are two tiers of charging, a lower level for owners who are resident in their properties and a higher level at double the price for owners who do short-term rentals. The two categories are described as 'home use' (kućanstvo') and 'non-home' (ne-kućanstvo') which means commercial. There is no discount if a property is used for rental only some of the time and otherwise used by the owner; nor if only part of a property is used as a rental apartment while the other part is used for the owner and household. In both these cases the rubbish collection services are charged at the higher 'commercial' rates.

Some property owners have noticed that they are being charged at the 'commercial' rate, even though they do not rent their properties out. In this case, you need to notify JELKOM that this is mistaken and ask for any extra you have paid on your monthly bills to be returned.

You can see the details of the price list (in Croatian) on the JELKOM website.

Notes re the JELKOM bills. If you would like your bills to be sent to you by e-mail, you can apply by email: Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite..

If you have overpaid your bills, or paid in advance for several months or the year, you will still receive an invoice and payment slip for payment. The excess payment will however show on your bill as ''Vaši računi su preplačeni sa iznos..." ("your bills are in credit by...not counting this bill") and you can ignore the demand for payment (which should in fact read as 0 until your credit is used up).

For details of bin collection days in your area, download the document (in Croatian) from this link:

About the bins.All the bins distributed from JELKOM are microchipped with the householders' details and this is the basis for the collection charges. On collection days, your bin should be put near a road, either early in the morning or the night before, and then moved away after being emptied. The programme for rubbish collection is available as a document to download on this link (under 'Novosti' in the top bar) on the JELKOM website:

It is wise to put your address on the bin, otherwise if someone else steals it to use, you can be charged, as the collectors will not be able to identify the true owner. If your bin is stolen (this has happened) you will have to pay some 38€ for a replacement. You can mark your bin indelibly using Tippex correction fluid (known as 'korektor' in Croatian, available from the local stationers).

You should avoid overloading the bins, in principle the rubbish collectors are not allowed to collect any excess, especially not rubbish left around the bins.

Note: some of the links on the JELKOM home page do not work, and unfortunately the previously advertised recycling services are not yet fully functional. We hope this situation will change in the coming months.

Information correct as on 28.09.2024.


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