Reciklažno dvorište OpćineJelsa

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Sa zadovoljstvom javljamo da je Reciklažno dvorište za Općinu Jelsa konačno počelo s radom, što je dobra vijest za sve koji brinu o okolišu. Nadamo se da će sve stanovnike i posjetitelje potaknuti na odgovorno gospodarenje otpadom svih vrsta.

Reciklažno dvorište OpćineJelsa Foto: Vivian Grisogono

Ako ste registrirani kao obveznik zbrinjavanja kućnog otpada JELKOM-u, predmete na reciklažu možete odnijeti direktno na Reciklažno dvorište ili koristiti posebne vreće za uslugu odvoza, bez dodatne naknade.


Papir, metal, staklo, plastika, tekstil, građevnii otpad iz kućanstva, krupni (glomazni) otpad, električna i elektronička oprema, baterija i akumulatori, biorazgrađivi otpad, jestiva ulja i masti, boje, tinte, lijepila i smole, deterdženti, lijekovi i još otpadni tisarski toneri, otpadne gume i oštri predmeti. Popis problematičnog otpada koji se zaprima u Reciklažnom dvorištu dan je u objektu za zaposlene. Radno vrijeme je ponedjeljak - petak 07:00 - 14:00 a subota 07:00 - 12;00; pauza 11:00 - 11:30. Nedjeljom i praznikom zatvoreno.

Prostor ima 24h video nadzor!


Reciklažno dvorište se nalazi odmah uz staru cestu između Jelse i Svirča. Izlazeći iz Jelse, na spoju s glavnom cestom (D116) prelazite ravno na staru cestu prema Svirču, Vrbanju i Dolu.

Pratite cestu kroz polja dok ne dođete do šumskog područja. S vaše lijeve strane vidjet ćete neke zgrade ili strukture, koje su (privatni) suhi vez za brodove, zatim ćete vidjeti znak za reciklažno dvorište, također s lijeve strane. Tijekom radnog vremena možete se odvesti automobilom u dvorište ili parkirati ispred ulaza. Dolaskom sa zapadne strane skrećete starom cestom iz Dola, Vrbanja ili Svirča i pratite cestu dok s desne strane ne ugledate znak za Reciklažno dvorište.


Dragan Kuzmičič +385 (0) 91 5505563


JELKOM osigurava velike vrećice označene bojama za različite uobičajene kućanske materijale koji se prihvaćaju za recikliranje.

ŽUTE VREĆE su za plastiku, plastificiranu ambalažu i metal: ambalažu deterđenata, ambalažu šampona, ambalažu prehrambenih proizvoda, plastične vrećice i poklopce, folije i mjehurastu ambalažu, limenke, konzerve, metalne poklopce, tetrapak ambalažu.

Žute vreće nisu za ambalažu od motornih ulja, maziva, boje i lakove; ambalažu jakih kemikalija, opasnih i zapaljivih tvari; ambalažu sredstava za zaštitu bilja; ambalažu sprejeva; plastične igračke; pelene, higienske uloške.

PLAVE VREĆE su za papir i karton: novine, časopise, letce, prospekte, kataloge, kalendare; knjige, bilježnize, notese (bez spiralnog uveza); karton i kartonsku ambalažu (splijoštenu i u manjim komadima); uredski papir; kartonsku ambalažu za jaja: papirnate vrećice; ostale vrste papira.

Plave vreće nisu za terapak ambalažu; metalizirani papir; iskorištene papirnate maramice, salvete i pelene; zauljeni ili prljavi papir.

ZELENE VREĆE su za staklenu ambalažu: staklene boce svih boja; staklenke svih boja; staklene čaše.

Zelene vrećice nisu za prozorsko, medicinsko i automobilsko staklo; staklenu ambalažu jakih kemikalija i zapaljivih tvari; kristal, ogledala, porculan, keramike; žarulje, neonske svjetlijke.


Vreće za recikliranje prikupljaju se na istim mjestima kao i opći kućni otpad koji se ne može reciklirati. Ne bacajte vrećice za recikliranje u kantu za smeće! Kojim se danima preuzimaju vrećice možete saznati na stranici JELKOM-a. Trenutno (veljača 2025.) dan prikupljanja je svaki četvrtak za sve vrste građe.



UDRUGA ECO HVAR je oduševljena što sustav za recikliranje dobro napreduje. Zahvalni smo i gradonačelniku Nikši Peronji što je našoj Udruzi omogućio da u blizini Reciklažnog dvorišta postavi naše hranilice za mačke, gdje mačke mogu živjeti u (relativnom) miru, zaštićene sigurnosnim kamerama. Svi djelatnici Reciklažnog centra su ljubitelji životinja i posebno nam je drago što su podržali našu inicijativu.

Hranilice za mačke pored reciklažnog dvorišta. Foto: Vivian Grisogono

Podatke pokupila Vivian Grisogono u veljači 2025.

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Eco Environment News feeds

  • Thousands sign petition to save ‘vital’ Dartington Estate project that teaches agroforestry methods

    Even at this time of year when most of the trees are still bare, there is a feeling of abundance in Martin Crawford’s forest garden, close to the banks of the River Dart in Devon.

    Crawford, who has nurtured this landmark garden for three decades, is clearly in his element, pointing out the edible plants that flourish in the tangly two-acre patch, stooping from time to time to pick a leaf or green shoot and take a nibble.

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  • George Simonson says you learn about society by seeing how it treats its prisoners – and jail has strengthened his belief that change is crucial

    George Simonson, 24, from London, had recently graduated inmechanicalengineering from the University of Edinburgh when he wasgiven a 24-month custodial sentence for climbing a gantry over the M25 in 2022. He was also found guilty of criminal damage and sentenced to a further six-week custodial sentence for spraying paint on a wall of Exeter University in 2023. He sent this letter from prison before he was released in January.

    I remember the day I was sentenced like it was yesterday. I was filled with anxiety the entire time. It’s a strange situation to be in, not knowing whether or not you’d have your liberty at the end of the day, or for how long it might be taken away. My mind was racing and I had no idea how to operate.

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  • Scotland’s first minister speaking as report suggests up to 1,200 jobs could be created – but too late for refinery’s workers

    There is a realistic chance that one of the UK’s largest oil refineries can be converted into a hub for green chemicals, sustainable fuels and plastics, Scotland’s first minister says.

    Grangemouth oil refinery, which is being shut down by its UK and Chinese owners PetroIneos this year with the loss of 400 jobs, could become a world leader in low carbon chemicals and green fuels, John Swinney told media on Wednesday.

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  • Commission launched in 2022 says lagoon project, not full barrage, should be backed by UK and Welsh governments

    Urgent action is needed to harness the UK’s potential for tidal range energy in the Severn estuary but smaller lagoon models should be pursued over a larger dam-like barrage, a panel of experts has said.

    The Severn Estuary Commission said that harnessing the energy of the tides in the estuary could deliver predictable, renewable electricity that would work independent of weather conditions.

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  • Litter such as crisp packets and bottle tops are polluting the coast at the rate of nearly two items a sq metre, conservation charity report finds

    Single-use plastic waste increased on UK and Channel Island beaches last year with items such as crisp packets and bottle tops polluting the coast at the rate of almost two items a sq metre, according to data from beach cleanups.

    The amount of plastic waste collected on beaches rose by 9.5% in 2024, compared with 2023, and more than three-quarters of a million pieces of waste were picked up by volunteers, according to evidence from the State of our Beaches report by the Marine Conservation Society.

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  • Floods, heatwaves and supercharged hurricanes occurred in hottest climate human society has ever experienced

    The devastating impacts of the climate crisis reached new heights in 2024, with scores of unprecedented heatwaves, floods and storms across the globe, according to the UN’s World Meteorological Organization.

    The WMO’s report on 2024, the hottest year on record, sets out a trail of destruction from extreme weather that took lives, demolished buildings and ravaged vital crops. More than 800,000 people were displaced and made homeless, the highest yearly number since records began in 2008.

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  • The endangered great apes of Malaysia and Indonesia struggle when translocated despite efforts to protect them, finds research

    When authorities were called about reports of an orangutan in an Indonesian village, they arrived to find it bound with ropes by concerned local people. Worried about the animal’s proximity to humans, plans for translocation were made: removing it to an undisturbed forest habitat, far from human settlements, where it could peacefully live in the treetops. But when they finally identified the 20-year-old male, they found it had been relocated before, but, instead of settling in the new site it had travelled about 130km (80miles) away.

    Researchers are starting to realise that many great apes struggle when they are moved far from their homes, despite well-intentioned efforts to protect them.

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  • As the historic town of Leuven strives to become carbon neutral, it is transforming how its building are made – and demolished. Are there lessons for the rest of the world?

    Kelly Sempels’ dad was a builder, most of her five brothers are builders, and, until leaving her last job, she too was a builder. Now, after a career fixing roofs and laying bricks Sempels is plying a new trade: “urban mining”. She and her crew of six still dress and talk like builders, but their focus now revolves less around construction than dismantling.

    “I love it when I can go to work and learn something new,” says the 43-year-old, pointing to a pile of laminate floor tiles in the corner of the terrace house that she is helping to strip. “Like how to break wooden floors without actually breaking them.”

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  • New study finds dolphins, including critically endangered Burrunan, have among the world’s highest levels of chemicals banned decades ago

    It has been half a century since governments around the world, faced with overwhelming evidence, started banning early generations of what we now call forever chemicals. Industrial chemicals known as polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, and the notorious pesticide DDT had been widely used – DDT is credited with saving millions of lives from insect-borne disease, while PCBs were vital in electrical safety – before it was understood that they were serious environmental toxins.

    “The problem with these legacy contaminants,” environmental scientist Chantel Foord says, “is that they’re amazing in our products because they don’t break down, but they’re equally devastating in our environment because they don’t break down.”

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  • Some of the caves I dive in are hundreds of thousands of years old and the marine life is unique. But they can be very dangerous places

    Cave diving is like swimming through the history of the planet. There are remains of both humans and animals but also stalactites and stalagmites. These cannot form when the cave is flooded, so you can see when parts of it were submerged and when it was dry.

    Yet when I’m in a cave, time does not tick. There is no natural light, so the cave looks the same, whether it’s midday or midnight. If you cave dive without the right training, equipment and mindset, it can be a very dangerous place. I have a very meditative focus when I’m down there. I live in the now. I cannot think about anything else but what is happening in the cave. I find that very soothing and relaxing.

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