Companies can sue governments for closing oilfields and mines – and the risk of huge damages is already stopping countries from passing green laws, ministers say
In the mountains of Transylvania, a Canadian company makes plans for a vast gold and silver mine. The proposal – which involves razing four mountain tops – sparks a national outcry, and the Romanian government pulls its support.
After protests from local communities, the Italian government bans drilling for oil within 12 miles of its shoreline. A UK fossil fuel firm has to dismantle its oilfield.
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Scientists called the news ‘particularly worrying’ because ice reflects sunlight and cools the planet
Global sea ice fell to a record low in February, scientists have said, a symptom of an atmosphere fouled by planet-heating pollutants.
The combined area of ice around the north and south poles hit a new daily minimum in early February and stayed below the previous record for the rest of the month, the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said on Thursday.
The headline of this article was updated on 6 March 2025 to avoid ambiguity about the timeframe being referred to
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Blue Marine Foundation charity asks high court to declare quota decision unlawful amid concern over sustainability of fish stocks
At the start of 2024, Jerry Percy, who led the New Under Ten Fishermen’s Association, dedicated to small boats, said he started to receive lots of calls from members. “They were calling my office to report that a lack of fish in the inshore grounds were putting their livelihoods in peril,” he said.
The fishers said they had noticed a depletion of species such as pollack, typically caught off Britain’s coasts.
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Study finds wealthy have larger carbon footprints but are uniquely positioned to have positive effects
Better-off Britons are well placed to accelerate the transition towards low-carbon technologies, but only if they are prepared to curb their excessive consumption to lower their outsized carbon footprints, a study has found.
Researchers found people from the richest 10% in the UK were more likely to invest in electric vehicles, heat pumps and other clean energy alternatives, and were more likely to support green policies.
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The collaboration will be outlined at a summit in Liverpool, which aims to reduce trade barriers created by Brexit
The UK and Ireland have announced closer collaboration on subsea energy infrastructure to “harness the full potential” of the Irish and Celtic seas as part of ongoing efforts to reset post-Brexit relations.
The countries will enter into a new data-sharing arrangement to lay the groundwork for connections between the growing number of offshore windfarms and onshore national energy networks. They say it will cut red tape and minimise “the burden of maritime and environmental consent processes for developers”.
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Vow in 2020 aimed to keep shot out of human food chain but study finds most game carcasses still contain lead
A voluntary promise to phase out toxic lead shot in the UK has failed, meaning wildlife and human health are being put at risk, a study has found.
The vow, made in February 2020 by the UK’s nine leading game shooting and rural organisations, aimed to benefit wildlife and the environment and keep toxic lead out of the human food chain. They aimed to phase lead shot out by 2025, and hoped to avoid a full government ban. It is recommended birds are shot with non-toxic cartridges made of metals such as steel instead.
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Four beavers were legally released at Purbeck Heath in Dorset in what experts say is a huge step for national nature recovery
The sun was shining, people were gingerly paddling in the sea and dogs were being walked up and down the coast – a typical day on the beautiful Dorset coast. But the beachgoers probably didn’t know that just a few minutes inland, history was being made.
On Wednesday, at the National Trust’s Purbeck Heath nature reserve, four beavers were released from crates and crawled into Little Sea, a 33-hectare lake. They are the first beavers to be legally released in England, after 400 years of absence and a fight to return them to the landscape.
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The island is being sued by a mining company over its decision, and faces paying nine times its annual budget in damages if it loses
From the iceberg-filled bay, the mountains above the town of Narsaq, in south-west Greenland, appear unremarkable. In the September warmth, clumps of grass cling to the smooth, grey peaks shaped over centuries by an enormous ice cap that lurks behind the fjords on the horizon.
Brightly coloured homes are scattered around the shoreline below, home to a community of just over 1,300 people. Were it not for a mining outhouse on the edge of town, there would be little indication of the potential riches in the rock.
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Residents in Queensland’s capital are preparing for impact – and for some it’s bringing back memories of the 2022 floods
One month ago, when Alice Dent moved into her bottom-floor riverfront unit in the Brisbane suburb of Toowong, she told herself the city couldn’t possibly flood twice in the same decade.
But with category-two Tropical Cyclone Alfred bearing down on the city, the university student is having second thoughts. Like thousands of Brisbane residents, Dent spent Tuesday morning at a sandbag depot getting ready for inundation.
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While millions live with regular blackouts and limited energy, plants are being built to satisfy the global demand for digital storage and processing – piling pressure on an already fragile system
Thirty-six hours by boat from Manaus, the capital of Amazonas state, Deodato Alves da Silva longs for enough electricity to keep his tucumã and cupuaçu fruits fresh. These highly nutritious Amazonian superfoods are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, and serve as a main source of income for farmers in Silva’s area. However, the lack of electricity to refrigerate the fruit makes it hard to sell their produce.
Silva’s fruit-growing operation is located in the village of Boa Frente, in Novo Aripuanã municipality, one of Brazil’s most energy-poor regions, where there is only one diesel-powered electricity generator working for a few hours a day.
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Znanstvenici su otkrili mehanizam pomoću kojeg acetilsalicilatna kiselina može smanjiti metastaze nekih vrsta raka stimulirajući imunološki sustav. Smatra se, da bi ovo otkriće moglo dovesti do ciljane upotrebe acetilsalicilatne kiseline za sprječavanje širenja osjetljivih tipova raka te do razvoja učinkovitijih lijekova za sprječavanje metastaza raka.
Nova studija je proučavala mlađe odrasle osobe i otkrila povezanost između stresa i moždanog udara, bez poznatog uzroka, kod žena, no ne i kod muškaraca. Ova studija ne dokazuje da stres uzrokuje moždani udar; već samo ukazuje na njihovu povezanost.
Nova studija otkrila je brže nakupljanje tau proteina u određenim regijama mozga - ključnog pokazatelja Alzheimerove bolesti - u mozgovima žena starijih od 70 godina koje su uzimale menopauzalnu hormonsku terapiju (HT) više od desetljeća prije. Što se pak tiče nakupljanja beta amiloida, nije uočena značajna razlika.
Ozljede rožnice koje kvare vid mogu se popraviti pomoću revolucionarnog eksperimentalnog tretmana matičnim stanicama, pokazuje nova studija. Inače, rožnica se može nepovratno oštetiti ako ozljeda ili bolest unište njenu sposobnost da regenerira nove stanice.
Nesteroidni protuupalni lijekovi (NSAID) mogu pomoći u zaštiti mozga suzbijanjem upale koja pridonosi demenciji, ukazuju rezultati nove studije. Pokazalo se, da su osobe koje su dugotrajno uzimale nesteroidne protuupalne lijekove imale 12% manji rizik od razvoja demencije.
Psihosocijalni stres kardiovaskularni je čimbenik rizika; međutim, malo se zna o tome utječu li prenatalni psihosocijalni stresori na postporođajno kardiovaskularno zdravlje.
Uzimanje viših doza folne kiseline tijekom prvog tromjesečja trudnoće bilo je sigurno i povezano s poboljšanim verbalnim sposobnostima kod djece u dobi od šest godina, kao i poboljšanim vještinama ponašanja, ukazuju preliminarni rezultati nove studije.
Rezultati nove studije pokazali su da je san bitan kada je u pitanju oporavak od potresa mozga. Naime, znanstvenici su otkrili da ograničavanje dnevnog sna i približno sedam sati sna svake noći u prvom tjednu nakon potresa mozga može ubrzati oporavak.
Kvaliteta sperme kod muškaraca povezana je s dužinom njihovog života prema studiji provedenoj na gotovo 80.000 muškaraca. Studija je pratila muškarce do 50 godina i otkrila da muškarci s većim ukupnim brojem pokretnih spermija, većim od 120 milijuna, mogu očekivati da će živjeti dvije do tri godine duže od muškaraca s ukupnim brojem pokretnih spermija između 0 i 5 milijuna.
Crohnova bolest, iscrpljujuća upalna bolest crijeva, ima mnoge poznate čimbenike koji joj doprinose, uključujući bakterijske promjene u mikrobiomu koje potiču upalnu okolinu. Sada je po prvi put Crohnova bolest povezana s virusom - konkretno, Epstein-Barr virusom (EBV), najpoznatijim po tome što uzrokuje infektivnu mononukleozu (bolest poljupca).