Sv. Franjo prosvitli im pamet

Objavljeno u Ljubimci

nek' se bolje odnose prema okolišu i životinjama!

Fra Joakim Jaki Gregov pored svoga kipa Franje Asiškog ispred Franjevačkog samostana u Hvaru. Fra Joakim Jaki Gregov pored svoga kipa Franje Asiškog ispred Franjevačkog samostana u Hvaru. Mirko Crnčević

Početkom listopada se sv. Franju Asiškog slavilo u Franjevačkom samostanu Gospe od milosti u Hvaru, ispred kojeg se gotovo svakog dana vjernici i posjetitelji dive monumentalnom kipu sveca (u adoraciji), radu predstojnika samostana – fratra zlatnih ruku Joakima Jakija Gregova, ali i u Sućurju, gdje u tamošnjoj, te župama Bogomolje i Gdinj svoje dužnosti obavljaju franjevci provincije Bosne Srebrene (fra Stipo Marčinković i fra Agustin Tomas). No, od ove godine na Otoku sunca je uveden i jedan sasvim novi običaj, svečanoj proslavi se pridružila i Udruga "Eco Hvar" budući da je sv. Franjo Asiški zapravo zaštitnik okoliša i životinja.

Članovi Udruge 'Eco Hvar' svečano su proslavili Svjetski dan životinja i blagdan sv.Franje Asiškog 2016.god. Foto Mirko Crnčević

Inače, pokret za obilježavanje Svjetskog dana životinja (4. listopada) pojavio se u Njemačkoj još 1924. godine, a službeno proglašen 1931. na konvenciji ekologa u Firenci, s težnjom da se ljude upozori na važnost životinja i čovjekova odnosa prema njima. Učinjeno je to jer po podacima svjetskih organizacija svaki dan izumru deseci životinjskih vrsta, a najugroženije su morske kornjače, gorile, pande, slonovi, kitovi, tigrovi, pa čak mačke i neke pasmine pasa.

▪ Moram istaknuti da na dobrobit životinja moramo misliti tijekom cijele godine zbog sve većih i većih potreba. Primjerice u kolovozu je kod Milne netko neodgovoran čak 10 štenaca bacio u kontejner. Našli su ih neki turisti, ali ih je nažalost već šest bilo uginulo. Doista ružna slika za destinaciju kao što je otok Hvar, ostale su pokušali spasiti donošenjem nama u Udrugu, međutim, bili su premali i svi su uginuli u roku od nekoliko dana. Mi bismo htjeli pomoći vlasniku te jadne kuje koja je na svijet donijela neželjene male psiće da bi je on sterilizirao. Izgubiti svoju novorođenu mladunčad veliki je šok i najveća tuga kao i za svaku drugu majku, osobito neposredno nakon okota. Strašno je mučiti jadnu kuju, ili bilo koju životinju, na taj način – kazala je Vivian Grisogono, predsjednica Udruge.

Vivian Grisogono, Predsjednica Udruge 'Eco Hvar' sa psima o kojima se brine. Foto: Mirko Crnčević

Napuštaju se čak i lovački psi

Zlostavljanjem i ubijanjem životinja krše se odredbe Kaznenoga zakona RH (članak 205.) i to prijavljuje nadležnoj Policijskoj postaji ili pisanim putem direktno Općinskom državnom odvjetništvu. Kroz ljeto je zabilježen veći broj slučajeva napuštenih i zapuštenih pasa, među kojima bilo dosta i onih lovačkih, čime se također krši Zakon o zaštiti životinja RH, a prijave podnose nadležnoj Županijskoj veterinarskoj inspekciji. Udruga je na takve slučajeve reagirala kada je god to mogla i većinom su dobro završavali.

Vlasnicima koji više ne žele zadržati svoje ljubimce preporučuje se da potraže nove udomitelje, čak im je i Udruga spremna u tome pomoći ukoliko to ikako može. Tako je u nekoliko slučajeva pomagala kad su se bili izgubili psi od turista, odveli bi ih kod veterinara i provjerili čip, te su nakon toga pronašli vlasnike. Ipak, najbolje bi bilo da vlasnici pasa dodatno stave i etiketu na ogrlicu s brojem mobitela vlasnika. I naravno psi bi u naseljenim mjestima trebali biti pod nadzorom i na uzici, po potrebi i s brnjicom, pogotovo kad je dolaze u novo nepoznato mjesto.

Dr.Zdenka Filipović, Animalis Centrum. Foto: Vivian Grisogono

▪ Ove godine je "Eco Hvar" uspjela spasiti pet pasa koji su neko vrijeme bili kod nas, uspješno smo ih smjestili u nove domove. Tri su završila u Njemačkoj preko NO Kill Skloništa u Kaštel Sućurcu, koji je ostvario odlične i učinkovite veze s nekim njemačkim udrugama i volonterima. Slike iz tih njihovih novih domova pokazuju da je sve prošlo očekivano, te da su oni danas doista sretni kućni ljubimci - s velikom zahvalnošću je rekla gospođa Grisogono, napomenuvši da je njihova Udruga puno učinila i na planu zaštite okoliša kao što su prijedlozi za manje (kontrolirano) korištenje pesticida i herbicida u poljodjelstvu, odvojeno prikupljanje otpada u mjestima..., a Svjetski dan zaštite životinja su proslavili s optimizmom, jer se nada da će gradonačelnici i općinski načelnici s otoka Hvara napokon shvatiti da je na škoju potrebno izgraditi jedan odgovarajući azil za životinje pri čemu će oni svakako dati maksimalan suport.

© Mirko Crnčević / Dobra Kob 2016.

Tekst obavljen u Dobroj Kobi u listopadu 2016.god., reproduciran uz dopuštenje

NAPOMENA: ako na bilo koji način možete pomoći Skloništu 'Animalis Centrum', Zaklade Bestie (na primjer donacijom novca, hrane ili opreme, aktivnim volontiranjem, bilo to udomljavanjem ili privremenim čuvanjem životinje u nevolji) obratite se Zakladi putem Facebooka ili nazovite Zvonimira na 097 760 8906.

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Video sadržaj

Dogs at play with Izo in Pitve: Čorni (black, curly-haired), Nada (blonde), Mala (small and mainly white), Benđi (black, playing with Mala), and the gentle humble Tati (smaller black curly haired) Vivian Grisogono
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Eco Environment News feeds

  • The Saudi delegation said it ‘will not accept any text that targets any specific sectors, including fossil fuels’

    My colleague Patrick Greenfield is following the plenary where countries give their formal response to the draft text.

    Cop29 president Mukhtar Babayev gets the plenary started. He asks countries to give their thoughts on the latest iterations of text to inform future versions. He says that with collective effort, he believes that the summit can be finished by 6pm tomorrow.

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  • All of a sudden I heard this loud noise at the back of my house. The window was smashed in what was supposed to be our secure room. This is Roseman’s story

    Location Union Island, the Caribbean

    Disaster Hurricane Beryl

    Roseman Adams, a nature conservation officer and part of the island’s disaster preparedness committee, was at home on Union Island when Hurricane Beryl hiton 2 July. It was the earliest-formingcategory 5 hurricane on record, demolishing almost all of the buildings on the island of 2,500 people. The climate crisis is making hurricanes ever more intense and destructive.

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  • Steve Reed says he may not agree on inheritance tax changes but government will listen to rural Britain

    The UK environment secretary has promised to reform the food system to ensure farmers are paid fairly for the food they produce, after many filled the streets of Westminster to campaign against inheritance tax changes.

    Speaking at the Country Land and Business Association (CLA) conference, Steve Reed said: “I heard the anguish of the countryside on the streets of London earlier this week. We may not agree over the inheritance tax changes, but this government is determined to listen to rural Britain and end its long decline.”

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  • On Qikiqtaruk, off Canada, researchers at the frontier of climate change are seeing its rich ecology slide into the sea as the melting permafrost leaves little behind

    Last summer, the western Arctic was uncomfortably hot. Smoke from Canada’s wildfires hung thick in the air, and swarms of mosquitoes searched for exposed skin. It was a maddening combination that left researchers on Qikiqtaruk, an island off the north coast of the Yukon, desperate for relief.

    And so on a late July afternoon, a team of Canadian scientists dived into the Beaufort Sea, bobbing and splashing in a sheltered bay for nearly two hours. Later, as they lay sprawled on a beach, huge chunks of the island they were studying slid into the ocean.

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  • Exclusive: Trail would help region with few areas where people can walk in countryside, report says

    A new trail along the east coast of England should be created, a Tory thinktank has said, because farmland is preventing those who live there from having access to nature.

    A report from Onward has found that in most rural areas, people enjoy extensive rights-of-way networks. But across the east of England, there are many areas where people have barely anywhere they are allowed to walk in the countryside. This, the report says, is because of large areas of high-grade farmland in that area, but also because Lincolnshire has the largest backlog for recognition of historical but unrecorded rights of way, with more than 450 outstanding applications.

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  • Peace Brigades International calling for new act to force companies with links to UK to do due diligence

    Human rights defenders have faced brutal reprisals for standing up to extractive industries with links to UK companies or investors, according to a report calling for a law obliging firms to do human rights and environmental due diligence.

    Peace Brigades International (PBI) UK says a corporate accountability law requiring businesses to do due diligence on their operations, investments and supply chains could have prevented past environmental devastation and attacks.

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  • ‘While it was dark, I climbed up and put remote control cameras in the tree. I’d never have got the shot if I’d been up there. An orangutan always knows you’re there’

    I was following orangutans in Borneo with my wife, Cheryl Knott, a primatologist who has spent 30 years working in Gunung Palung national park, in the Indonesian part of Borneo. I am a biologist by background, and did my PhD research in rainforest ecology in Borneo, before I went into photography and film-making. I saw so much destruction in the rainforest back in the 90s, and it dawned on me that I could publish scientific articles that maybe 10 people would read – or an article in National Geographic that 10 million people would see.

    I was getting increasingly serious about my photography while working on my PhD when I got funding from the National Geographic Society for field research. Through that connection, I was able to show them my pictures and eventually I published an article in the magazine about my work, which in turn meant I was able to get an assignment to document Cheryl’s orangutan PhD.

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  • Interviews and analysis of court documents show how the world’s most prestigious consulting firm quietly helps fuel the climate crisis

    Two giant, mirrored walls are set to rise out of the sands of the Arabian desert. They will run parallel for more than 100 miles from the coast of the Red Sea through arid valleys and craggy mountains. Between them, a futuristic city which has no need for cars or roads will be powered completely by renewable energy.

    This engineering marvel, its creators say, will usher in “a revolution in civilization”. It’s the jewel in the crown of a $500bn Saudi government project known as Neom, turning a vast scrubland into a techno-utopia and world-class tourist and sporting destination. Perhaps a harbinger for the end of oil, it will supposedly put the powerful petrostate at the forefront of the energy transition. For American consulting giant McKinsey & Company, its advising on this project appears to be making good on the firm’s green promises.

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  • A recent strike narrowly missed slave trade archives in Barbados, and experts warn more and worse is to come as global heating intensifies storms

    When the Barbados National Archives, home to one of the world’s most significant collections of documents from the transatlantic slave trade, reported in June that it had been struck by lightning, it received widespread sympathy and offers of support locally and internationally.

    A section of the 60-year-old building, Block D, located on the grounds of the “Lazaretto” (the island’s former colony for people with leprosy), caught fire, and sustained serious damage. Official documents including hospital and school records were lost. “It was not just paper that was in the building, but documents that have stories about our families and ancestors,” says the chief archivist, Ingrid Thompson.

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  • Unlocking secrets of how the algae survive could help extend growing seasons for crop plants at high latitudes

    Plants left for too long in the dark usually turn sickly yellow and die, but scientists were astonished to discover tiny microalgae in the Arctic Ocean down to 50 metres deep can perform photosynthesis in near darkness.

    The microalgae were at 88-degrees north and started photosynthesising in late March, only a few days after the long winter polar night came to an end at this latitude. The sun was barely poking up above the horizon and the sea was still covered in snow and ice, barely allowing any light to pass through. Typical light conditions outside on a clear day in Europe are more than 37,000-50,000 times the amount of light required by these Arctic microalgae.

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  • Doba u kojem živimo obilježeno je sve bržim promjenama koje se name?‡u morskom okolišu, a gotovo za sve odgovorni su ljudi. Obalna zona Sredozemlja, pa tako i našeg Jadranskoga mora,  mjesto je na kojemu obitava više od polovice ukupnog stanovništva Mediterana te zbog toga ovo usko područje predstavlja i jedan od najugroženijih morskih okoliša.

  • U našem dijelu svijeta, koji zovemo zapadnim i smatramo razvijenim, prije samo 50 godina nisu sve žene imale pravo glasa na izborima, nisu imale jednak pristup obrazovanju, nisu mogle voditi države i nisu imale pristup visokim pozicijama u poslovnom svijetu.

  • Gotovo svi su upoznati s činjenicom kako oceani i mora prekrivaju više od 70 % površine Zemlje. Me?‘utim, nedovoljno je prepoznato kako su oceani, mora i obalna područja esencijalni dio Zemljinih ekosustava te kako o njima ovisi cijelo čovječanstvo, bilo na obali ili u dubokoj unutrašnjosti kontinenata! Zašto?

  • Ovaj cilj održivog razvoja odnosi se na ostvarivanje održive proizvodnje i potrošnje u čemu trenutačno ne uspijevamo jer je ekološki otisak koji ostavljamo i dalje ve?‡i od resursa koje imamo na raspolaganju. Dakle, potrebno je promijeniti načine na koji proizvodimo hranu, smanjiti bacanje hrane, pove?‡ati udjele obnovljive izvore energije u ukupnoj proizvodnji energije, pravilno gospodariti otpadom tijekom čitavog njegovog životnog ciklusa kako bi, me?‘u ostalim što manje utjecali na zaga?‘enje zraka, vode i tla.

  • Razvoj industrije i infrastrukture kao temelja za pove?‡anje životnog standarda za sve ljude, uz okolišno prihvatljiva rješenja te uključivanje novih tehnologija tema je cilja održivog razvoja koji se odnosi na okolišno prihvatljivu industrijalizaciju, kvalitetnu, pouzdanu, održivu i prilagodljivu infrastrukturu, a sve uz primjenu novih tehnologija, istraživanja i inovacija.