Voda bez tragova glifosata, ali nebriga za životinje bode oči!

Objavljeno u Ljubimci

Bilo je burno na Redovnoj skupštini Udruge "Eco Hvar" – za dobrobit ljudi, životinja i okoliša otoka Hvara, a koja se u posljednje vrijeme na nekoliko vrlo čitanih portala bavila prvenstveno temama vezanim za uporabu pesticida kako u javnom, tako i privatnom prostoru.

Ljubimac Puppe sa mladom vlasnicom Paulom Ljubimac Puppe sa mladom vlasnicom Paulom Foto: Vivian Grisogono

▪ Vezano uz uporabu raznih otrova od strane stanovništva moguće je djelovati raznim oblicima informiranja, stalno moramo predočavati dostupna saznanja o njihovoj štetnosti do kojih dolaze brojni znanstvenici u međunarodnim neovisnim institucijama. Dobra je vijest da voda iz javne slavine na jelšanskoj Pjaci ne sadrži ostatke glifosata, sastojaka koje sadrže brojni pesticidi – kazala je Vivian Grisogono, predsjednica Udruge.

Čista voda za piti iz česme u Jelsi. Foto Mirko Crnčević

Naime, lani su krajem ljeta uzeti uzorci vode iz slavine u Jelsi i poslani na analizu u jedan institut u Španjolskoj. Na veliko zadovoljstvo sada su primljeni rezultati koji pokazuju da su uzorci bez tragova glifosata. No, to nije znak da treba bez ikakvog ograničenja i nadalje koristiti sredstva s tim sastojkom, jer su nezavisni instituti EU izrazili ozbiljnju sumnju da su glifosati potencijalno kancerogeni. Srećom, zemljišta na otoku su još toliko živa da se za sada 'uspješno bore' s ostacima otrova. Nadajmo se da će tako biti i nadalje.

Odbačena štenad i mačke

▪ Tijekom prošle godine Udruga se skrbila i o životinjama, jer su ljudi na žalost u tri navrata iz svojih kuća izbacili po sedam štenaca. Pronašli su ih domaći ljudi ili stranci koji su o tome obavijestili Udrugu. Četvero štenaca završilo je u Pitvama, no dobra je vijest da su neki od njih sretno udomljeni, pa čak i u Njemačkoj. Nekoliko stranaca bilo je voljno udomiti ponekog psića, ali to jednostavno nije bilo moguće. Ako čovjek dođe na Hvar avionom i nastavi putovanje, ne možemo očekivati da će sa škoja ponijeti psića – rekla je Grisogono.

Dr. Filipović sa Linom. Foto Vivian Grisogono

Inače, Udruga je uspostavila djelotvornu suradnju s azilom za napuštene životinje u Kaštel Sučurcu koji vrlo dobro vodi doktorica Vesna Filipović. Međutim, jedan od glavnih prioriteta i dalje je projekt izgradnje azila za napuštene pse i mačke na otoku Hvaru. Za tu namjenu Udruga je praktično osigurala zemljište koje je gotovo idealno, a u tijeku je i izrada projektne dokumentacije.

Lina (iz Vrbanja na Hvaru) je našla novi dom u Njemačkoj preko Azila u Kaštel Sučurcu.

Budući da Udruga sva sredstva za svoj rad osigurava isključivo putem donacija članovi vjeruju da će se napokon pronaći i izvori javnih sredstava za aktivnosti koje se tiču zaštite ljudi, okoliša i životinja.

     © Mirko Crnčević 2016.

Grad Hvar: Dr. Mirej Butorović-Dujmović, Šime Buzolić Tome 15a, 21450 Hvar.
Telefon: 00 385 (0)21 88 00 22; mobitel: 00 385 (0)91 533 0530
Stari Grad: Dr Prosper Vlahović, Put Rudine 3, 21460 Stari Gra
Telefon: 00 385 (0)21 244 337
Eco Hvar  donacije: Privredna Banka Zagreb, IBAN: HR37 2340 0091 1106 0678 6; SWIFT CODE: PBZGHR2X
    Račun:: ECO HVAR
    Adresa Udruge: Pitve 93, 21465 Jelsa, Croatia
Zaklada za Zaštitu Životinja, OIB 05786330179.
NAPOMENA, POSEBAN APEL:  ako na bilo koji način možete pomoći Skloništu 'Animalis Centrum', Zaklade Bestie (na primjer donacijom novca, hrane ili opreme, aktivnim volontiranjem, bilo to udomljavanjem ili privremenim čuvanjem životinje u nevolji) obratite se Zakladi putem Facebooka ili nazovite Zvonimira na 097 760 8906.

Dvanaest dobrih razloga da podržite Zakladu za zaštitu životinja Bestie iz Splita.


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IBAN: HR9324070001100371229
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Eco Environment News feeds

  • Researchers say problem could increase number of people at risk of starvation by 400m in next two decades

    The pollution of the planet by microplastics is significantly cutting food supplies by damaging the ability of plants to photosynthesise, according to a new assessment.

    The analysis estimates that between 4% and 14% of the world’s staple crops of wheat, rice and maize is being lost due to the pervasive particles. It could get even worse, the scientists said, as more microplastics pour into the environment.

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  • André Corrêa do Lago suggests US organisations can play a constructive role even if government limits participation

    The US will be “central” to solving the climate crisis despite Donald Trump’s withdrawal of government support and cash, the president of the next UN climate summit has said.

    André Corrêa do Lago, president-designate of the Cop30 summit for the host country, Brazil, hinted that businesses and other organisations in the US could play a constructive role without the White House.

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  • Environment secretary points to measures to stop lake being ‘choked by unacceptable levels’ of pollution

    The government has said it will “clean up Windermere” after criticism over the volume of sewage being pumped into England’s largest lake.

    The environment secretary, Steve Reed, pledged “only rainwater” would enter the famous body of water in the Lake District, putting an end to the situation where it Windermere was being “choked by unacceptable levels of sewage pollution”.

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  • Campaigners say funding halt is a ‘staggering blow’ to vulnerable nations and to efforts to keep heating below 1.5C

    Donald Trump’s withdrawal of US overseas aid will almost decimate global climate finance from the developed world, data shows, with potentially devastating impacts on vulnerable nations.

    The US was responsible last year for about $8 in every $100 that flowed from the rich world to developing countries, to help them cut greenhouse gas emissions and cope with the impacts of extreme weather, according to data from the analyst organisation Carbon Brief.

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  • Pfas are poisoning our soil and polluting our lungs. The EPA is finally sounding the alarm – but that’s not enough

    Several years ago, I made a movie called Dark Waters, which told the real-life story of a community in West Virginia poisoned by Pfas “forever chemicals”. DuPont – a chemical manufacturing plant – contaminated the local water supply, killing cows and wildlife, making its workers sick and exposing local residents to toxic chemicals. It was an environmental horror story.

    It’s still happening across the country.

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  • Llandrindod Wells, Powys: They’re such captivating birds to watch, and this pair is indulging their preference for flower buds on my cherry tree

    “Hardly hedgerows, little lines of sportive wood run wild”. I was sitting at my dining table, relishing the growing warmth of early spring sunlight, idling over coffee and musing on how apt a description of the towering unkempt hedges around my garden Wordsworth’s lines from Tintern Abbey are, when the pair of bullfinches that inhabit there captivated my attention.

    They are so conjugal – the dowdier hen always in close and discreet attendance on her more brightly coloured spouse. To my mind, few small British birds can match the exquisite colour balance of the male bullfinch – the bright pink glow of his breast, his sleek black cap, the beautiful grey of his wings. I love them, and can watch their activities for hours, especially in early spring when they are notably active, with branches bare of foliage and little else stirring.

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  • An ugly fight has ripped through Galloway in south-west Scotland, with rival campaigns complaining of dirty tricks and murky finances. How could the mere possibility of a new national park stir up so much ill will?

    As soon as the green fields of Galloway, in south-west Scotland, were selected as the preferred site for Britain’s first new national park in 15 years, Denise Brownlee sprang into action. The 64-year-old retired civil servant had served two seasons as a park ranger in Loch Lomond and the Trossachs, and knew a thing or two about the chaos brought by thoughtless day-trippers and campers. “The detritus!” she says. “I’ve seen a two-man tent used as a human litter tray. You think dog poo on the pavement is bad? Try wandering up any remote little area in a national park. Your faith in humankind gets lost.”

    In July, Galloway was chosen as the frontrunner from a shortlist of five areas as part of the Scottish government’s pledge to designate at least one new national park – the country’s third – by 2026. The park’s creation, however, is by no means assured. The other areas in the running had faced varying degrees of opposition (especially Lochaber in the west Highlands), but no one could have predicted the ugly fight that was to tear through one of Scotland’s most picturesque regions, rip apart friendships and turn neighbours against each other.

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  • Rainfall in Bahía Blanca led to 10 deaths, swept away vehicles, destroyed bridges and left areas underwater

    The city of Bahía Blanca in Argentina had a new rainfall record on Friday, after a recent heatwave. More than 400mm (15.7in) of rain was recorded in just eight hours, more than twice the city’s previous record of 175mm set in 1930, and roughly equivalent to a year’s worth of rainfall.

    The heatwave primed the atmosphere for heavy rainfall by creating high instability and raising humidity levels. Then on Friday, as a cold front swept across the region, this warm moist air was able to rise, cool and rapidly condense, leading to severe thunderstorms across the region. As the front then continued northwards towards Buenos Aires over the weekend, further severe storms were triggered, containing heavy rain, hail and strong gusts.

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  • Two Italian cacti smugglers have been fined for illegally trading plants from Chile – and for the cost of restoring the environment. Conservationists hope more cases will follow

    Chile’s Atacama desert is one of the driest places on Earth, a surprisingly cool environment, sucked clean of moisture by the cold ocean to the west. This arid, golden landscape is home to many rare species of cacti, which attract professional and amateur botanists from around the world keen to make discoveries and experience the thrill of naming a new species.

    But they are not the only ones prowling the sands: Atacama has become a hotspot for succulent smuggling.

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  • Damage to trees in western North Carolina from Hurricane Helene was ‘extraordinary and humbling’ but urban areas face particular problems

    The city of Asheville and its surrounding areas have been left vulnerable to floods, fires and extreme heat after Hurricane Helene uprooted thousands of trees that provided shade and protection from storms.

    Helene was catastrophic for the region’s trees – in part due to the heavy precursor rainstorm that pounded southern Appalachia for two days straight, drenching the soil before Helene hit, bringing yet more heavy rain and 60-100mph winds.

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