Sv. Rok, Zaštitnik Pasa

Objavljeno u Ljubimci

Blagdan sv. Roka je 16. kolovoza. Sv. Rok je zaštitnik Starog Grada - i pasa.

Svaka priča ima barem dvije strane, čak i više. Jedan susjed se žalio našoj Udruzi u vezi tih jadnih pasa:

Ovo je e-mail upit putem od:  XXX.
Moj susjed ima kuju i štenadi o kojima se nemože brinuti kao ni o sebi. Životinje se pate a o susjedi su uznemireni . Molim da mi se javite. Hvala. D., 18.07.2014.
Odgovor: Hvala na mailu, ali nije mi jasno što namjeravate napraviti u vezi pasa kod Vašeg susjeda? Eco Hvar 20.07.2014.
Štovani, Mi imamo problem sa smradom, izmetom i dlakama koje sa susjedove terase lete na nas stol za rucavanje. Psi su u jako lošem stanju puni krpelja i buha, neuhranjeni. Smješteni su na susjedovoj terasi na najvećem suncu i laju i cvile bez vode. Postoji li kakva institucija koja ih moze udomiti ili nesto slično? D., 21.07.2014.
Odgovor: Poštovani gospodine XXX, Hvala na mailu i širjem objašnjenju. Žao mi da imate takav problem sa psima od susjeda. Nažalost nema skloništa sve do Šibenika. Doduše, pretpostavljam da vlasniku tih pasa bi bilo žao ako njegovi psi su njemu oduzeti silom. Ne znam da li ste razgovarali sa vlasnikom? Da li znate kako se zove? Jedno rješenje bi bilo da Vi dajete hranu i vodu tim psima sve dok ste tu. Barem tako bi prestali lajati. Mi namjeravamo stvoriti sklonište za životinje n Hvaru, ali procedure će trajati. U međuvremenu, imamo namjeru stvoriti privatno prostor di bismo mogli smjestiti takve pse, ali moramo još graditi ogradu i kučice. Bilo bi dobro ako možete mi reći gdje ste u Hvaru, i kako se zove susjed. Ipak možemo pokušati naći neko rješenje za Vaš problem. S poštovanjem, Eco Hvar 21.07.2014.
Gospodin se zove Dragan živimo u Starigradu kod svetog Petra . Razgovarao sam sa vlasnikom i on je voljan dati pse ako ih tko želi . Poštovanje   Best regards D., 21.07.2014.
Odgovor: Hvala još jednom na pažnju. Bilo bi dobro ako nam možete dati broj telefona ili prezime i adresu za tog Dragana, tako da možemo njega kontaktirati, ako nađemo neko rješenje za pse u budućnosti. Žao mi da nemamo odmah rješenje, ali ovdje na otoku je vrlo teško napraviti dobre uvjete za životinja. Lijepi pozdrav, Eco Hvar 22.07.2014.
Bog Gospodin nema telefon. Dragan živi u Starigradu kod svetog Petra . Dovoljno je kad dodjete da bilo koga upitate za njega u susjedstvu . Ja sa obitelji živim u inozemstvu ali svake godine ljetujemo u svojoj kući i zadnjih par godina je mučenje a ne odmor, ova godina je neizdrživo teško .  Hvala na razumijevanju. Best regards D., 22.07.2014.

Odgovor: Večeras sam bila u Starom Gradu, i sam imala priliku doznati malo više o tim jadnim psima. Ćula sam da jedna gospođa se brine za njih, ukoliko daje njima hranu i vodu, a da su preuzeli korake da bi njih smjestili u skloništu na kopnu. Razgovarat ću sa tom gospođom sutra ako nju dobijem, da znam više iz prve ruke. Lijepi pozdrav, Eco Hvar 23.07.2014.

Gospođa Vesna Lupi se brinula za te pse. Njezin sin Dinko je napisao sljedeći dirljiv tekst na Feisu (tekst je prepisan ovdje uz dozvolu):

" Moj susjed i prijatelj iz djetinstva u Starom Gradu na Hvaru živi na rubu siromaštva. Jedan je od onih koji se nisu snašli u životu punom nedaća, bijede i bolesti. Rijetki su mještani koji mu pomažu, a daleko je više onih koji mu se rugaju, upiru u njega prstom i govore djeci da ga se klone. Jedina radost u njegovom životu bio je Čof, psić kojeg je pronašao i usvojio. Kada biste ga pitali kakvo je to ime, odgovorio bi da ga je dao u čast grčkom filozofu Čofoklu. Kasnije se ispostavilo da je Čof ženka. Tijekom tjeranja ovog proljeća, Čof je pobjegla, i kao rezultat te svoje avanture u svibnju okotila sedam divnih psića. Nijednom psiću nikada nije dao ime, osim Blanki, divnoj čokoladno smeđoj ženki koja se izdvajala po nevjerojatno visokim skokovima u mjestu, kad bi joj se nosila hrana. Osam pasa u kući siromašnog čovjeka navuklo je nevjerojatan gnjev mještana. A on, njihov vlasnik, bio je presretan.

Vjerojatno je po prvi put u životu osjetio što znači imati oko sebe živa bića koja vole. Istina zbog svojih nevolja, on se nije previše mogao brinuti o njima, pa je njihovo hranjenje na sebe preuzela moja mama, koja je time na sebe navukla nevjerojatno okrutne optužbe mještana. Izgleda da je običaj mrziti siromašne i neuspješne, a pogotovo njihove pse i one koji im pomažu. To se potvrdilo i noćas oko tri sata ujutro kada su svi psi otrovani. Ugibali su u najtežim mukama pred očima vlasnika kojeg je glasno gušenje pasa probudilo. Prva je uginula Čof. Glava joj je bila potpuno izobličena, a njuškica prekrivena pjenom. Jedan za drugim odlazili su i psići, a Blanka se najduže borila da preživi, no na kraju uginula je i ona. Susjed plače i zapomaže cijeli dan. Moja mama je izvan sebe. Rijetki su oni mještani koji misle da se noćas u Starom Gradu na Hvaru dogodila tragedija. Puno je više onih koji misle da je tako trebalo biti. "

Novinar Mirko Crnčević je također pisao o događaju u 'Slobodnoj Dalmaciji', i istaknuo kako su ti psi bili 'jedina radost' siromašnog Dragana Silića.

Nama u Udruzi Eco Hvar je izuzetno žao što smo nemoćni u ovakvoj situaciji. Očito treba hitno sklonište za životinje na otoku. Nadležne vlasti svakako bi trebale voditi inicijativu za pomoć životinjama. I hrvatski Zakon o zaštiti životinja bi se trebao poštivati - ili poništiti ako nije u funkciji.



Ljubiteljima ljubimaca nije shvatlivo ni prihvatljivo da netko može njih mučiti ili ubiti bez srama niti milosti. Takvo kazneno djelo je razlog za tugu i za ljutnju. Ali je također prilika za oproštenje. Kad oprostima onima koji nam zlo naprave, to je prava pobjeda dobra nad zlom.

© Vivian Grisogono 2014

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Eco Environment News feeds

  • From LNG to drilling in Alaska, here’s everything you need to know about Trump’s energy and climate executive orders

    Through a flurry of executive orders, a newly inaugurated Donald Trump has made clear his support for the ascendancy of fossil fuels, the dismantling of support for cleaner energy and the United States’ exit from the fight to contain the escalating climate crisis.

    “We will drill, baby, drill,” the president said in his inaugural address on Monday. “We have something that no other manufacturing nation will ever have – the largest amount of oil and gas of any country on Earth, and we are going to use it. We’re going to use it.”

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  • A decade ago, up to 1,000 of the apex predators lived in one South African bay. Now they have gone, fleeing from killer whales. But the gap they have left creates problems for other species

    The first carcass of a great white, a small female, washed up in South Africa on 9 February 2017. The 2.6-metre-long body had no hook or net marks, ruling out human involvement. Whatever had killed her had vanished. So too had all the other great white sharks in Gansbaai on the Western Cape, Dr Alison Towner noticed.

    “We had several sharks acoustically tagged, and later realised three had moved as far as Plettenberg Bay and Algoa Bay, more than 500km [300 miles] east,” says the Rhodes University marine biologist.

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  • The Marches, Shropshire: As the ice thins and the paths begin to stick, the ravens and owls are getting busy with their breeding season

    Up on Cyrn y Bwch (Horns of the Buck), known as Old Racecourse Common, a plateau on the edge of the Oswestry Uplands, winter comes and goes in a week. There are still white punctuation marks fallen from the rich quiet of a snow spell that feels dreamlike now as the puddle ice thins to kitchen film and paths turn claggy.

    The thaw is a kind of recall as the past returns. Mounds of heather, the grey, private memories of a heath, like an old tune muffled by bracken and birch. The racecourse grandstand ruins where 18th-century punters watched their fortunes gallop away like horses over the hills. West, the green folds of Powys. East, the sunlit plains of north Shropshire fading towards the Wrekin floating on the horizon. South, a track rolls down through conifers where a small stand of beech and oak are trapped, shadowy apparitions imprisoned in the vertical lines of the plantation.

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  • Representatives of Heartland Institute linking up with MEPs to campaign against environmental policies

    Climate science deniers from a US-based thinktank have been working with rightwing politicians in Europe to campaign against environmental policies, the Guardian can reveal.

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  • Experts say UK should stop biomass burning as electricity sector decarbonisation by 2030 can be achieved without it

    The UK should stop burning wood to generate power because it is not needed to meet the government’s target of decarbonising the electricity sector by 2030, according to analysis.

    Ed Miliband, the energy security and net zero secretary, is expected to make a decision soon on whether to allow billions of pounds in new public subsidies for biomass burning, despite fierce opposition from green groups.

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  • Juan Guillermo Garcés had a brush with death while burning jungle for cattle pasture – now he runs a nature reserve in Colombia where more than 100 new species have been discovered

    • Words and photographs by Anastasia Austin and Douwe den Held

    Juan Guillermo Garcés remembers coming face to face with death at age 17. Smoke filled the air, choking his lungs. The temperature rose and Garcés struggled to see through the haze. Panic set in as he watched monkeys, snakes, lizards and birds desperately trying to escape the flames surrounding them.

    Garcés and his brother started the fire that nearly killed them to clear a large stretch of land. But when the wind suddenly changed direction, they found themselves locked in. The brothers survived, but the fire destroyed the little remaining patch of virgin forest on the family’s 2,500-hectare (6,200-acre) ranch, nestled along Colombia’s Magdalena River. Experiencing firsthand what the animals and plants endured was a turning point for Garcés.

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  • Fans of the flower – known as Putricia – say they are ‘obsessed’ with the plant, although they have ‘never smelt that before’

    In Sydney, word is spreading: a rare endangered plant named after a deformed penis is beginning to unfurl.

    Outside Sydney’s Royal Botanic Garden greenhouse on Thursday, a diverse crowd of hundreds has formed. International tourists wait expectantly by families and young, trendy couples. Babies are everywhere.

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  • Acronyms, in-jokes and online fan clubs spring up as viewers across the globe prepare for Sydney’s first corpse bloom in 15 years – from a safe distance

    In a Sydney greenhouse, a tall pointed flower is about to bloom for the first time in years.

    To the scientific community, the Botanic Gardens of Sydney’s corpse flower is known as amorphophallus titanum, which translates to large, deformed penis. But online, the rare endangered plant has taken on a new name: Putricia.

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  • First Quantum Minerals’ copper operation was shut down more than a year ago, but Indigenous people report restrictions on movement and unexplained illness and death

    For the people of the nine Indigenous communities within the perimeter of the sprawling Cobre Panamácopper mine, travelling into and out of the concession is far from straightforward. An imposing metal gateway staffed by the mining company’s security guards blocks the road. People say the company severely restricts their movement in and out of the zone, letting them through only on certain days.

    The mining concession, located 120km (75 miles) west of Panama City, is owned by Canada-based First Quantum Minerals, which operates through its local subsidiary, Minera Panamá. The company’s private security guards, not the national police, patrol the concession. Local residents, mostly subsistence farmers of modest means, say that First Quantum operates as a state within a state.

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  • Artisanal shellfish farmers face ruinous losses but money meant to help is going to the powerful fishing industry, say critics

    Early on a warm September morning in southern Italy, Giovanni Nicandro sets out from the port of Taranto in his small boat. Summoning his courage, the mussel farmer inspects his year’s work – only to find them all dead, a sight that almost brings him to tears.

    “We have many problems,” he says. “The problems start as soon as we open our eyes in the morning.” The loss is total – not only for Nicandro but also for Taranto’s 400 other mussel farmers, after a combination of pollution and rising sea temperatures devastated their harvest.

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