Objavljeno u Za dobrobit svih

Dajemo sve od sebe kako bi smo pomogli potrebitim životinjama.

Spašeni štenci (2018) Spašeni štenci (2018)

Ovo je pregled onoga što radimo usprkos ograničenim resursima. Cilj nam je učiniti još više! Svake godine, udruga Eco Hvar prima upite, pritužbe i molbe za pomoć oko izgubljenih, napuštenih i zlostavljanih životinja. Neki od upita dolaze od otočana, većina ali od hrvatskih i stranih gostiju. Većina se odnosi na pse i mačke ali ponekad pomažemo i oko magarca, konja i ptica. Nekoliko upita znalo je dolaziti iz drugih otoka, pa čak iz udaljenih dijelova kontinentalne Hrvatske.

Top deset tema:

1. Psi lutajući po mjestu, koji izgledaju gladni i izgubljeni

2. Izgubljeni psi, prijavljeni od strane vlasnika ili pronalazitelja

3. Psi lutalice koji žive na ulici i nemaju se gdje skloniti od sunca, bez redovite hrane i vode.

5. Psi koji remete javni mir i nisu držani pod odgovarajućom kontrolom

6. Napuštene mačke u turističkim naseljima koje se zatvaraju na kraju ljetne sezone

7. Množenje mačaka izvan kontrole

8. Napušteni i gladni mali mačići

9. Bolesne mačke i psi

10. Mačke koje prave nered na privatnim ili javni mjestima

Ono što mi poduzimamo ovisi o okolnostima svakog od slučaja:

1. Ako je moguće pokušavamo doznati detalje slučaja od lokalnih stanovnika i / ili osobnim uvidom kroz odlazak na teren

2. Kontaktiramo nadležne institucije: lokalnog nadzornika, lokalnog veterinara, veterinarnog inspektora i / ili policiju

3. Izgubljene pse vodimo veterinaru kako bi smo provjerili jesi li mikročipirani

4. Pokušavamo pronaći vlasnike lutajućih pasa

5. Pokušavamo utjecati na vlasnike koji drže svoje pse u lošim uvjetima

6. Primamo napuštene pse i pokušavamo im pronaći novi dom

7. Ako je potrebno, odvodimo neželjene pse u Sklonište za napuštene životinje Animalis Centrum u Kaštel Sućurcu kraj Splita, koji ima odličnu stopu uspjeha u pronalaženju novih vlasnika i obavještava nas o statusu pasa s otoka.

8. Koliko god možemo, podržavamo druge dobrotvorce i pojedince koji rade za dobrobit životinja

9. Potičemo vlasnike mačaka i pasa da svoje kućne ljubimce steriliziraju

10. Potičemo vlasnike pasa i mačaka da počiste izmet od svog (ili tuđeg) kućnog ljubimca

11. Primamo (vrlo malo) mačaka i nastojimo pronaći lokalna rješenja za one kojima je potrebna hrana i njega

12. Ako je moguće, vodimo bolesne pse i mačke veterinaru

13. Informiramo ljude koji su nas kontaktirali o relevantnim zakonima koji se odnose na konkretnu situaciju, o mjerama koje smo poduzeli (ili zašto nismo mogli učiniti ništa) i kakav je bio ishod (ako je ikakvog ishoda i bilo)

Dr.vet.med. Mirej Butorović-Dujmović pregledava spašeno štene, veljača 2018. Fotografija: Vivian Grisogono

Budući da na otoku ne postoji sklonište za neželjene pse i mačke, vrlo smo limitirani u onome što možemo učiniti. Međutim, izmjena Zakona o zaštiti životinja NN 102/2017 koji je stupio na snagu u listopadu 2017. godine donijela je promjenu: lokalna vlast je sada dužna poduzeti veće mjere za dobrobit životinja. To je pomoglo u radu dobrotvornih ustanova poput one naše, ali još uvijek ostaje jako puno toga što je potrebno učiniti. Stoga vas molimo da nas na bilo koji način podržite i pomognete nam u našim naporima.

Grad Hvar: Dr. Mirej Butorović-Dujmović, Šime Buzolić Tome 15a, 21450 Hvar.
Telefon: 00 385 (0)21 88 00 22; mobitel: 00 385 (0)91 533 0530
Stari Grad: Dr Prosper Vlahović, Put Rudine 3, 21460 Stari Grad
Telefon: 00 385 (0)21 244 337
2024: POSEBAN APEL. Ako na bilo koji način možete pomoći Skloništu 'Animalis Centrum', Zaklade Bestie (na primjer donacijom novca, hrane ili opreme, aktivnim volontiranjem, bilo to udomljavanjem ili privremenim čuvanjem životinje u nevolji) obratite se Zakladi putem Facebooka ili nazovite Zvonimira na 097 760 8906.

Dvanaest dobrih razloga da podržite Zakladu za zaštitu životinja Bestie iz Splita.


Detalji za donacije:

Preko banke:
Zaklada Bestie
Kukuljevićeva 1, 21000 Split
Otp banka
IBAN: HR9324070001100371229
Paypal gumb za doniranje: https://www.paypal.me/ZakladaBestie


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Eco Environment News feeds

  • Banks, asset managers and industry groups move to accommodate US president’s anti-net zero stance

    The second Trump administration is expected to strike a blow to efforts to align the global financial sector with the path to net zero, with banks, asset managers and industry groups already moving to accommodate the incoming president’s avowed policy of “drill, baby, drill”.

    As authorities declared 2024 the hottest on record, atmospheric carbon dioxide leapt by a record amount and fires ravaged Los Angeles, a key private sector climate alliance, the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) abandoned a requirement that members be aligned to the Paris agreement.

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  • Even average use of nitrogen fertilisers cut flower numbers fivefold and halved pollinating insects

    Using high levels of common fertilisers on grassland halves pollinator numbers and drastically reduces the number of flowers, research from the world’s longest-running ecological experiment has found.

    Increasing the amount of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus doused on agricultural grassland reduced flower numbers fivefold and halved the number of pollinating insects, according to the paper by the University of Sussex and Rothamsted Research.

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  • Pod Point reports weak demand for new cars as government says no firms will pay fines over ZEV mandate

    A charging company has said proposed UK changes to electric car sales rules could increase uncertainty over demand, as it said that it had been caught out by lower numbers of purchases by British drivers.

    Pod Point, which is majority-owned by EDF Energy, said weak demand for new cars meant it made revenues of £53m in 2024 from its sales of chargers and services, compared with a £60m target. The London-listed company’s share price slumped by more than a third on Monday morning.

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  • These ibises have a special skill called ‘remote touch’, which they use to find their worm, grub and snail prey through vibrations

    Hadedas are iridescent grey-brown ibises – jack russell-sized birds with long, curved bills and very small heads – found throughout sub-Saharan Africa.

    They have a special skill called “remote touch”, which they use to find their worm, grub and snail prey. At the tip of their bills is an organ that, when they stick it into the soil, can sense the vibrations of their foodnearby.

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  • String jellyfish species that has killed millions of salmon in Norwegian sea farms reported in Scotland

    A jellyfish species that has been wreaking havoc on Norway’s salmon industry has made its way to Scotland, causing significant damage and prompting calls for urgent action.

    The string jellyfish has killed millions of salmon in Norwegian sea farms with officials urging an extermination of affected stocks.

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  • One in six Welsh species threatened with extinction but report says Welsh government lacks ‘action and investment’

    The Welsh government is failing to halt the “alarming” decline in nature, putting iconic species at risk, a report has concluded.

    Labour ministers were accused of overseeing “delays, undelivered commitments and missed deadlines” by the Senedd’s cross-party climate change, environment and infrastructure committee.

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  • Altadena’s Village Playgarden education center served diverse families with outdoor classrooms, small farm and animals – till it was destroyed by flames

    In Altadena, it had become the hot ticket among the preschool set.

    But when Geoff and Kikanza Ramsey-Ray first bought the two-acre property at the edge of town in 2008, it was a shambles. The home was a rental for over 30 years and the grounds were woefully neglected. Yet the couple saw promise. Nestled against Angeles Crest national forest, with a mountain view and on a road with few other homes, the place felt protected and perfect for their vision: an early education center called Village Playgarden.

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  • Bubbles of air trapped in ancient Antarctic ice, dating up to 2m years old, contain unknown information about Earth’s past climate

    Traversing the world’s most unforgiving continent requires a generous measure of stoicism. “We took risks, we knew we took them,” wrote the Antarctic explorer Robert Falcon Scott in 1912, trapped by a fierce blizzard in the days before he died, on an ill-fated expedition to reach the south pole. “Things have come out against us, and therefore we have no cause for complaint.”

    More than a century later, elemental extremes are still an unfortunate fact of life for scientists in Antarctica. Despite three seasons of bad luck which have delayed his team’s quest to find the world’s oldest ice, the paleoclimate scientist Dr Joel Pedro remains sanguine. He has good reason to be: this summer, after multiple setbacks and a relocation, a plan years in the making is finally coming to fruition.

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  • Volunteers who leave water in the desert describe rising fears of vigilantes and climate peril

    It was a blustery day in the Sonoran desert as a group of humanitarian aid volunteers hiked through a vast dusty canyon to leave gallons of bottled water and canned beans in locations where exhausted migrants could find them.

    Empty plastic bottles, rusty cans and footprints heading north were among the signs of human activity strewn between the towering saguaro and senita cacti, in an isolated section of the Organ Pipe Cactus national monument – about 20 miles (32km) north of the US-Mexico border.

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  • Angelenos returning to homes in burned areas could be exposed to toxic materials and mudslides

    The wildfires raging across the Los Angeles landscape have destroyed many thousands of homes and buildings and damaged hundreds more.

    And each property, experts warn, could pose a risk to Angelenos even long after the flames are extinguished.

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Novosti: Cybermed.hr

Novosti: Biologija.com

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