Objavljeno u Za dobrobit svih

Dajemo sve od sebe kako bi smo pomogli potrebitim životinjama.

Spašeni štenci (2018) Spašeni štenci (2018)

Ovo je pregled onoga što radimo usprkos ograničenim resursima. Cilj nam je učiniti još više! Svake godine, udruga Eco Hvar prima upite, pritužbe i molbe za pomoć oko izgubljenih, napuštenih i zlostavljanih životinja. Neki od upita dolaze od otočana, većina ali od hrvatskih i stranih gostiju. Većina se odnosi na pse i mačke ali ponekad pomažemo i oko magarca, konja i ptica. Nekoliko upita znalo je dolaziti iz drugih otoka, pa čak iz udaljenih dijelova kontinentalne Hrvatske.

Top deset tema:

1. Psi lutajući po mjestu, koji izgledaju gladni i izgubljeni

2. Izgubljeni psi, prijavljeni od strane vlasnika ili pronalazitelja

3. Psi lutalice koji žive na ulici i nemaju se gdje skloniti od sunca, bez redovite hrane i vode.

5. Psi koji remete javni mir i nisu držani pod odgovarajućom kontrolom

6. Napuštene mačke u turističkim naseljima koje se zatvaraju na kraju ljetne sezone

7. Množenje mačaka izvan kontrole

8. Napušteni i gladni mali mačići

9. Bolesne mačke i psi

10. Mačke koje prave nered na privatnim ili javni mjestima

Ono što mi poduzimamo ovisi o okolnostima svakog od slučaja:

1. Ako je moguće pokušavamo doznati detalje slučaja od lokalnih stanovnika i / ili osobnim uvidom kroz odlazak na teren

2. Kontaktiramo nadležne institucije: lokalnog nadzornika, lokalnog veterinara, veterinarnog inspektora i / ili policiju

3. Izgubljene pse vodimo veterinaru kako bi smo provjerili jesi li mikročipirani

4. Pokušavamo pronaći vlasnike lutajućih pasa

5. Pokušavamo utjecati na vlasnike koji drže svoje pse u lošim uvjetima

6. Primamo napuštene pse i pokušavamo im pronaći novi dom

7. Ako je potrebno, odvodimo neželjene pse u Sklonište za napuštene životinje Animalis Centrum u Kaštel Sućurcu kraj Splita, koji ima odličnu stopu uspjeha u pronalaženju novih vlasnika i obavještava nas o statusu pasa s otoka.

8. Koliko god možemo, podržavamo druge dobrotvorce i pojedince koji rade za dobrobit životinja

9. Potičemo vlasnike mačaka i pasa da svoje kućne ljubimce steriliziraju

10. Potičemo vlasnike pasa i mačaka da počiste izmet od svog (ili tuđeg) kućnog ljubimca

11. Primamo (vrlo malo) mačaka i nastojimo pronaći lokalna rješenja za one kojima je potrebna hrana i njega

12. Ako je moguće, vodimo bolesne pse i mačke veterinaru

13. Informiramo ljude koji su nas kontaktirali o relevantnim zakonima koji se odnose na konkretnu situaciju, o mjerama koje smo poduzeli (ili zašto nismo mogli učiniti ništa) i kakav je bio ishod (ako je ikakvog ishoda i bilo)

Dr.vet.med. Mirej Butorović-Dujmović pregledava spašeno štene, veljača 2018. Fotografija: Vivian Grisogono

Budući da na otoku ne postoji sklonište za neželjene pse i mačke, vrlo smo limitirani u onome što možemo učiniti. Međutim, izmjena Zakona o zaštiti životinja NN 102/2017 koji je stupio na snagu u listopadu 2017. godine donijela je promjenu: lokalna vlast je sada dužna poduzeti veće mjere za dobrobit životinja. To je pomoglo u radu dobrotvornih ustanova poput one naše, ali još uvijek ostaje jako puno toga što je potrebno učiniti. Stoga vas molimo da nas na bilo koji način podržite i pomognete nam u našim naporima.

Grad Hvar: Dr. Mirej Butorović-Dujmović, Šime Buzolić Tome 15a, 21450 Hvar.
Telefon: 00 385 (0)21 88 00 22; mobitel: 00 385 (0)91 533 0530
Stari Grad: Dr Prosper Vlahović, Put Rudine 3, 21460 Stari Grad
Telefon: 00 385 (0)21 244 337
2024: POSEBAN APEL. Ako na bilo koji način možete pomoći Skloništu 'Animalis Centrum', Zaklade Bestie (na primjer donacijom novca, hrane ili opreme, aktivnim volontiranjem, bilo to udomljavanjem ili privremenim čuvanjem životinje u nevolji) obratite se Zakladi putem Facebooka ili nazovite Zvonimira na 097 760 8906.

Dvanaest dobrih razloga da podržite Zakladu za zaštitu životinja Bestie iz Splita.


Detalji za donacije:

Preko banke:
Zaklada Bestie
Kukuljevićeva 1, 21000 Split
Otp banka
IBAN: HR9324070001100371229
Paypal gumb za doniranje: https://www.paypal.me/ZakladaBestie


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Eco Environment News feeds

  • Expert recommendations will influence plans for energy, housing, transport industry and farming for decades

    Labour will next week be confronted with stark policy choices that threaten to expose the fault lines between the Treasury and the government’s green ambitions, as advice for the UK’s next carbon budget is published.

    Plans for the energy sector, housing, transport, industry and farming will all be called into question in a sweeping set of recommendations for how the UK can meet the legally binding target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

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  • Former federal employees devastated by president’s mass firings: ‘We’re at risk of losing our public lands to the billionaire agenda’

    Approximately 2,300 people have been terminated from the agencies that manage the 35m acres (14m hectares) of federal public lands in the US.

    These are our lands. They encompass national parks and forests, wilderness and marine protected areas, scenic rivers. They are home to campgrounds, river accesses, hiking trails and myriad other sites and facilities that more than 500 million people visit each year.

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  • North Norfolk: Every morning, an endless flow of pink-footed geese passes overhead. Their comings and goings define the day

    The first thing you hear is a raucous cacophony in the distance, ebbing and flowing. Then the first small specks appear, and soon the sky is filled with a seemingly never-ending flow of geese.

    These are pink-footed geese, who migrate to north Norfolk at the start of winter along with hundreds of thousands of other geese. They come here to escape the harsh winters of Siberia, Iceland and Greenland, where they breed. Norfolk has an abundance of food compared to the Arctic: leaves, berries, seeds and crop remains.

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  • Southern Ocean waves are growing larger and faster, threatening coastlines. But some scientists think they could help turn the tide in the climate crisis

    In his remarkable memoir of his life chasing breaks in far-flung corners of the globe, Barbarian Days, the writer William Finnegan describes the “spooky duality” of waves, the way that, “when you are absorbed in surfing they seem alive. They each have personalities, distinct and intricate, and quickly changing moods, to which you must react in the most intuitive, almost intimate way – too many people have likened riding waves to making love. And yet waves are of course not alive, not sentient, and the lover you reach to embrace may turn murderous without warning.”

    This idea of duality is difficult to avoid when thinking about waves. In them we see energy and matter collapse into each other, find fluidity with structure and form, and the eternal in the transient, apprehend both beauty and symmetry and violence and terror. Likewise, the physics of waves are simultaneously very simple and impossibly complex, the non-linear nature of fluid dynamics meaning they can remain relatively regular or combine without warning into rogue waves capable of sweeping people off rocks and sinking ships.

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  • In Buriticupu, about 1,200 people risk losing their homes, and residents have seen the problem escalate in 30 years

    Authorities in a city in the Brazilian Amazonhave declared a state of emergency after huge sinkholes opened up, threatening hundreds of homes.

    Several buildings in Buriticupu, in Maranhão state, have already been destroyed, and about 1,200 people of a population of 55,000 risk losing their homes into a widening abyss.

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  • US government stripping funds from domestic and overseas research amid warnings for health and public safety

    The Trump administration is stripping away support for scientific research in the US and overseas that contains a word it finds particularly inconvenient: “climate.”

    The US government is withdrawing grants and other support for research that even references the climate crisis, academics have said, amid Donald Trump’s blitzkrieg upon environmental regulations and clean-energy development.

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  • In Europe and large parts of the US it has been a week of plunging temperatures and heavy snow

    Severe weather hit South Africa this week, with intense thunderstorms, flooding and reported tornadoes. The South African weather service issued warnings for provinces across central and eastern parts of the country, covering the risk of torrential downpours, strong winds, hail and lightning.

    One tornado, in Pretoria North on Tuesday, damaged hundreds of homes, vehicles and buildings and uprooted trees. By the end of the week, areas in eastern South Africa may record cumulative rainfall of about 100-150mm.

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  • Consumed by anger and still mourning a brother and bandmate, the British quartet have written their masterpiece. They explain how they’re fighting self-loathing and trying to age responsibly

    In a world of low royalties and short attention spans, not many bands make it to 11 albums, much less have their 11th be their masterpiece. But over the course of 20 years, the metalquartet Architects have inched towards this milestone. The Sky, the Earth & All Between sets out its scale in its title, where gigantic pop choruses soar over hellish chasms of churning noise, resulting in the most consistently sublime British rock album of this decade. The band are now at their arena-filling, Metallica-supporting peak, adored by millions.

    “But it means nothing,” says frontman, Sam Carter. “Because you don’t believe it. If you can’t access that part of you that lets it in, then it’s pointless.” Drummer and lyricist, Dan Searle, is equally downcast. “I punish myself, I loathe myself,” he says evenly, blinking behind his glasses. “I feel like I’m shit at everything.” Across two decades, the band have been buffeted by poor mental health, creative differences and an instance of particularly traumatic grief. While the pair are quick to joke during our long conversation in a London photo studio, and are clearly ravenously ambitious, I have never met a rock band as candid about their frailties.

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  • Residents in Topanga Canyon – an area of Indigenous heritage and artists – mobilized against the state’s decision to bring in hazardous materials after wildfires

    Twenty years ago, it was called Rodeo Grounds – an eclectic neighborhood of artists, musicians and surfers living in beach shacks where Topanga Canyon meets the Pacific Ocean. In a bizarre agreement with the former owner some paid as little as $100 a month for rent, raising multiple generations of their families here since the 1950s. But that was before the state purchased the property and started evicting residents in 2001. Julie Howell, who once owned Howell-Green Fine Art Gallery further up in the canyon, says the bohemians were kicked out.

    “I actually had a show in my gallery 20 years ago for the group of artists who lived there at Rodeo Grounds, who they kicked out of that spot because it was so environmentally sensitive,” says Howell.

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  • Residents battle food shortages and health issues after vast areas of forest and farmland burned last year

    As she walks away from the house where she raised her family, Isabel Surubí pauses to point at the bed of a stream, now covered with dry leaves, that once supplied her entire community. “The water used to come from here,” she says.

    In 2024, wildfires in Bolivia burned more than 10m hectares (about 39,000 sq miles) of forest, farmland and savannah – an area greater than the size of Portugal. After the fires, and the drought that preceded them, the spring feeding Surubí’s village of Los Ángeles in Bolivia’s tropical dry forest ran dry.

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Novosti: Cybermed.hr

Novosti: Biologija.com

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