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Ecobnb je inicijativa za vrijeme koje dolazi, vrijeme rasta ekološke osviještenosti.
Representatives of Heartland Institute linking up with MEPs to campaign against environmental policies
Climate science deniers from a US-based thinktank have been working with rightwing politicians in Europe to campaign against environmental policies, the Guardian can reveal.
MEPs have been accused of “rolling out the red carpet for climate deniers” to give them a platform in the European parliament, amid warnings of a “revival of grotesque climate denialism”.
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Experts say UK should stop biomass burning as electricity sector decarbonisation by 2030 can be achieved without it
The UK should stop burning wood to generate power because it is not needed to meet the government’s target of decarbonising the electricity sector by 2030, according to analysis.
Ed Miliband, the energy security and net zero secretary, is expected to make a decision soon on whether to allow billions of pounds in new public subsidies for biomass burning, despite fierce opposition from green groups.
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Juan Guillermo Garcés had a brush with death while burning jungle for cattle pasture – now he runs a nature reserve in Colombia where more than 100 new species have been discovered
Juan Guillermo Garcés remembers coming face to face with death at age 17. Smoke filled the air, choking his lungs. The temperature rose and Garcés struggled to see through the haze. Panic set in as he watched monkeys, snakes, lizards and birds desperately trying to escape the flames surrounding them.
Garcés and his brother started the fire that nearly killed them to clear a large stretch of land. But when the wind suddenly changed direction, they found themselves locked in. The brothers survived, but the fire destroyed the little remaining patch of virgin forest on the family’s 2,500-hectare (6,200-acre) ranch, nestled along Colombia’s Magdalena River. Experiencing firsthand what the animals and plants endured was a turning point for Garcés.
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António Guterres issues warning at Davos, days after Donald Trump pulled US out of Paris climate agreement
The world’s addiction to fossil fuels is a “Frankenstein’s monster sparing nothing and no one”, the UN secretary general, António Guterres, told leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davoson Wednesday.
“Our fossil fuel addiction is a Frankenstein’s monster, sparing nothing and no one. All around us, we see clear signs that the monster has become master,”Guterres said in a speech days after 2024 was revealed to have been the hottest year on record and Donald Trump began his second term as US president by pulling the country out of the Paris climate agreement and pledging to “drill, baby, drill” for more oil and gas. The fossil fuel industry gave $75m (£60m) to Trump’s campaign.
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Charities in England that bid for share of millions say idea that Treasury could keep money is ‘heartbreaking’
Charities that bid for a share of millions of pounds of water company fines to restore rivers in England polluted by sewage say the UK government will be guilty of an appalling breach of trust if the cash is diverted to Treasury coffers.
“I appreciate that the Labour government have inherited a mess, I am a Labour supporter myself, but I think this is a really deeply appalling decision for a Labour government given the promises they made, and it is a really worrying indication of where we are headed,” said Kathryn Soares, chief executive of the Nene Rivers Trust. Soares runs one of a number of groups waiting more than eight months for grants from an £11m fund made up of water company fines for pollution which Rachel Reeves, the chancellor, wants to divert to the Treasury, it was revealed on Sunday.
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Climate negotiator André Aranha Corrêa do Lago given top job, bypassing Brazilian environment minister Marina Silva
Brazil has announced the top team for the next UN climate summit, which will be hosted in Belém this November, bypassing the country’s environment minister, Marina Silva, in favour of a veteran diplomat for the crucial role of president of the talks.
The experienced climate negotiator and secretary for climate, energy and environment, André Aranha Corrêa do Lago, will preside over the Cop30 summit, which is expected to draw scores of world leaders to Brazil – though not Donald Trump, who soon after his inauguration on Monday ordered the US’s withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement.
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Acronyms, in-jokes and online fan clubs spring up as viewers across the globe prepare for Sydney’s first corpse bloom in 15 years – from a safe distance
In a Sydney greenhouse, a tall pointed flower is about to bloom for the first time in years.
To the scientific community, the Botanic Gardens of Sydney’s corpse flower is known as amorphophallus titanum, which translates to large, deformed penis. But online, the rare endangered plant has taken on a new name: Putricia.
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First Quantum Minerals’ copper operation was shut down more than a year ago, but Indigenous people report restrictions on movement and unexplained illness and death
For the people of the nine Indigenous communities within the perimeter of the sprawling Cobre Panamácopper mine, travelling into and out of the concession is far from straightforward. An imposing metal gateway staffed by the mining company’s security guards blocks the road. People say the company severely restricts their movement in and out of the zone, letting them through only on certain days.
The mining concession, located 120km (75 miles) west of Panama City, is owned by Canada-based First Quantum Minerals, which operates through its local subsidiary, Minera Panamá. The company’s private security guards, not the national police, patrol the concession. Local residents, mostly subsistence farmers of modest means, say that First Quantum operates as a state within a state.
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Artisanal shellfish farmers face ruinous losses but money meant to help is going to the powerful fishing industry, say critics
Early on a warm September morning in southern Italy, Giovanni Nicandro sets out from the port of Taranto in his small boat. Summoning his courage, the mussel farmer inspects his year’s work – only to find them all dead, a sight that almost brings him to tears.
“We have many problems,” he says. “The problems start as soon as we open our eyes in the morning.” The loss is total – not only for Nicandro but also for Taranto’s 400 other mussel farmers, after a combination of pollution and rising sea temperatures devastated their harvest.
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Altadena’s Village Playgarden education center served diverse families with outdoor classrooms, small farm and animals – till it was destroyed by flames
In Altadena, it had become the hot ticket among the preschool set.
But when Geoff and Kikanza Ramsey-Ray first bought the two-acre property at the edge of town in 2008, it was a shambles. The home was a rental for over 30 years and the grounds were woefully neglected. Yet the couple saw promise. Nestled against Angeles Crest national forest, with a mountain view and on a road with few other homes, the place felt protected and perfect for their vision: an early education center called Village Playgarden.
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Rak mokraćnog mjehuraima stopu izlječenja od preko 90% kada se rano otkrije, ali ima visoku stopu recidiva od 70%, što zahtijeva kontinuirano praćenje. Kasno otkrivanje često zahtijeva velike operacije poput uklanjanja mjehura nakon čega slijedi implantacija umjetnog mjehura ili korištenje vrećice za urin, što značajno smanjuje kvalitetu života pacijenta.
Osobe s kožnom bolešću psorijazom često imaju nevidljivu upalu u tankom crijevu s povećanom sklonošću "propusnim crijevima", ukazuje nova studija. Inače, kronične upalne bolesti crijeva (IBD), posebice Crohnova bolest, češće su u bolesnika s psorijazom nego u ostatku populacije.
Izgleda da COVID-19 povećava rizik od razvoja sindroma kroničnog umora. Naime, ljudi koji su dobili COVID-19 imaju gotovo pet puta veću vjerojatnost da će razviti sindrom kroničnog umora, ukazuj rezultati nove studije.
U nedavno objavljenoj studiji znanstvenici su utvrdili kako specifične značajke retinalne vaskulature mogu pomoći u predviđanju rizika od moždanog udara kod pojedinca. Moždana vaskulatura ima mnogo zajedničkih značajki s moždanim krvnim žilama. Zapravo, fundoskopski pregled retine (mrežnice) tako otkriva zdravlje krvožilnog sloja mozga.
Svakih 40 sekundi netko u SAD-u doživi moždani udar. Kod preživjelih od ishemijskog moždanog udara, najčešće vrste moždanog udara, samo 5 posto njih se potpuno oporavi od moždanog udara. Većina drugih pati od dugotrajnih problema, uključujući slabost, kroničnu bol ili epilepsiju.
Više kemijskih spojeva pronađenih u dimu cigareta i e-cigareta može promijeniti funkciju ključne vrste imunoloških stanica koje se nalaze u plućima, ukazuje nova studija.
Mnoge su studije pokazale da pretilost uzrokuje patogenezu zatajenja srca (HF). Povišene cirkulirajuće razine angiopoetinu sličnog proteina 2 (ANGPTL2) primijećene u bolesnika sa zatajivanjem srca ukazuju na potencijalne veze između povišenih razina ANGPTL2, metaboličkih poremećaja i upale.
Cervikovaginalni mikrobiom ima ključnu ulogu u utjecaju na rizik od infekcija genitalnog trakta. Nedavno objavljena studija proučavala je kako cervikovaginalni mikrobiom utječe na učestalost i ponavljanje infekcija sa Chlamydiom trachomatis i njihovih povezanih komplikacija.
Rezultati nove studije pokazali su da je manje vjerojatno da će se djevojkama s Touretteovim sindromom pravovremeno dijagnosticirati spomenuti poremećaj. Inače, Touretteov sindrom se dijagnosticira kada postoje motorički i vokalni tikovi duže od godinu dana.
Suptilne promjene u mozgu, koje se mogu otkriti naprednim snimkama, analizom krvi i spinalne tekućine, događaju se otprilike dvadeset godina prije kliničke motoričke dijagnoze kod ljudi s Huntingtonovom bolešću, otkriva nova studija.