Ian Wood wins Natural History Museum’s people’s choice award with photo taken in St Leonards-on-Sea
A badger captured glancing up at a graffiti version of itself has won the Natural History Museum’s people’s choice award for wildlife photographer of the year.
The image was taken by a British photographer, Ian Wood, on a quiet road in St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex.
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Dealing in metal from Papua could break UK law because of environmental impact of mining it, campaigners argue
Campaigners have warned the world’s largest metals market, the London Metal Exchange (LME), that it could be breaking the law by allowing the trading of copper from one of the world’s most controversial mines.
The way the metal is produced at the Grasberg mine in the highlands of Papua, Indonesia, an ongoing conflict zone, is so environmentally destructive it would be illegal almost anywhere else in the world, they say.
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The city is determined to solve the ‘whodumpedit’ mystery after a huge pile of refuse was discarded, blocking the road. But with fly-tipping across the UK on the up, will it be possible to find the culprit?
Squinting through her car headlights in the early dawn, it looked like some sort of surrealist horror. Weighing just short of 30 tonnes, the enormous pile of rubbish had appeared on Elaine Hutchings’ doorstep in Lichfield overnight. “The road was carnage,” she says. The smell of mildew was nauseating. Granted, Hutchings is only 5ft (1.52 metres) tall – but the heap loomed over her. “I just stood there in shock.”
Discernible among the bricks and rubble were toilet seats, office chairs, school exam papers from 15 years ago and, somehow compounding the absurdity of it all, a single hairdryer. “Nothing would surprise me as to what was in there,” says the 54-year-old business director. “It could have cost someone their life. I was so upset that somebody would even consider doing that without a thought for anybody.”
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Freedom of information data reveals violations on intensive poultry and pig farms
Industrial-scale livestock farms across East Anglia have breached environmental regulations more than 700 times in the past seven years, freedom of information (FoI) data has revealed.
The farms across Norfolk and Suffolk are among the largest in the country. Pig and poultry farming is concentrated in the region and 28% of England’s pig population was farmed in the area in 2023.
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Prof James Hansen says pace of global heating has been significantly underestimated, though other scientists disagree
The pace of global heating has been significantly underestimated, according to renowned climate scientist Prof James Hansen, who said the international 2C target is “dead”.
A new analysis by Hansen and colleagues concludes that both the impact of recent cuts in sun-blocking shipping pollution, which has raised temperatures, and the sensitivity of the climate to increasing fossil fuels emissions are greater than thought.
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Scientists say unusually mild temperatures linked to low-pressure system over Iceland directing strong flow of warm air towards north pole
Temperatures at the north pole soared more than 20C above average on Sunday, crossing the threshold for ice to melt.
Temperatures north of Svalbard in Norway had already risen to 18C hotter than the 1991–2020 average on Saturday, according to models from weather agencies in Europe and the US, with actual temperatures close to ice’s melting point of 0C. By Sunday, the temperature anomaly had risen to more than 20C.
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The French government has faced ridicule for its new laundry edicts which include wearing a T-shirt five times before laundering it. But maybe it has a point?
Age: As old as clothes.
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The monitoring program by Australian Wildlife Conservancy aims to show conservation and cattle grazing can coexist if properly managed
Frame by frame, the wildlife living on a Queensland cattle station are revealed. A long-eared bilby is caught mid-hop on a gibber plain, the name given to the densely packed rocks of the desert pavement. The eyes of an endangered kowari – a palm-sized carnivorous marsupial with a bottle-brush tail – glow an eerie white. A feral cat stalks past and a curious dingo eyeballs the trail camera, one of eight planted on a North Australian Pastoral Company (Napco) property in the channel country as part of a joint biodiversity project with Australian Wildlife Conservancy.
Napco, which manages a 6m hectare cattle estate across northern Australia, first invited AWC ecologists to undertake an ecological assessment on its western Queensland properties in 2020. The ecologists recorded 51 bird species, 10 reptile, seven mammal and six types of frog.
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Death looms large in the pair’s dance trilogy but, as Complicité’s artistic director says, confronting it is ‘integral to and essential for life’
To one side of this light-filled studio at Nederlands Dans Theater in the Hague are director Simon McBurney and choreographer Crystal Pite. McBurney is as still and reflective as a lake, though you sense the currents of contemplation moving behind his eyes. Next to him, Pite can barely stay on her chair and her arms keep rising up in urgency and encouragement. Both are facing the other side of the studio, where the company’s outstanding dancers are crafting a new piece, working through details of timing and spacing as they test the viability of different moves. At the centre of it all stands a deathbed.
It’s a shock at first, but it makes sense. Pite and McBurney are working on the last part of a trilogy called Figures in Extinction. The idea of extinction has evolved over the course of these three pieces: the first focused on non-human life forms; the second on neurological connections between our inner and outer worlds; and the third – well, that’s what they’re finding out right now.
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Many homes are seriously damaged after torrential rain but residents know it could have been much worse and that they were ‘pretty lucky’
Like anyone who has grown up and spent their life in the wet tropics of far north Queensland, Sonia Pollock is used to a bit of precipitation.
“So we just thought it was rain at first,” she says of the torrential downpour around her flat in south-west Townsville.
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Nova studija otkrila je da je SARS-CoV-2 infekcija povezana s brzim rastom aterosklerotskog plaka u koronarnim arterijama i povećanim rizikom od kardiovaskularnih događaja. COVID-19, uzrokovan SARS-CoV-2, u početku je karakteriziran akutnom ozljedom pluća i respiratornim zatajenjem. Međutim, novi dokazi pokazuju da COVID-19 također uključuje ekstremnu upalnu reakciju koja može utjecati na kardiovaskularni sustav.
Američki znanstvenici s Mayo Clinic identificirali su ciljanu terapiju koja bi mogla donijeti olakšanje ljudima koji žive s lichen planusom, kroničnim upalnim stanjem kože, kose, noktiju, usta i genitalija.
Analiza kliničkog ispitivanja koje je uključivalo 777 starijih odraslih osoba sugerira da dnevni unos omega-3 masnih kiselina može umjereno usporiti biološko starenje, pri čemu kombinirane intervencije pokazuju najjače učinke na starenje i prevenciju bolesti.
Novo istraživanje otkrilo je jasne dokaze da promjene u orkestraciji dinamike oksigenacije mozga i funkcije neurona kod Alzheimerove bolesti doprinose neurodegeneraciji. Stoga se može pretpostaviti da je Alzheimerova bolest rezultat toga što se mozak ne hrani na odgovarajući način putem krvnih žila.
Odlazak u bolnicu zbog COVID-19 ili gripe može ozbiljno ugroziti zdravlje vašeg srca, pokazuje nova studija. Naime, pokazalo se, da su odrasle osobe hospitalizirane zbog teške infekcije imale 2,35 puta veću vjerojatnost da će razviti zatajenje srca godinama kasnije.
Prema rezultatima nove studije, redovita konzumacija manga poboljšava regulaciju glukoze povećanjem osjetljivosti na inzulin na razini jetre i gušterače, čime se smanjuje količina inzulina potrebna za održavanje normalne razine glukoze. Poboljšana kontrola glikemije može biti posljedica učinkovitije endogene antioksidativne aktivnosti, koja je povezana s većom osjetljivošću na inzulin.
Rezultati nove studije pokazali su da COVID-19 može ubrzati promjene mozga povezane s Alzheimerovom bolešću, čak i kod osoba s blagim infekcijama. Uočene promjene u biomarkerima plazme ukazuju na potencijalni dugoročni učinak na zdravlje mozga.
Naslijeđeni mutirani gen WNT9B, koji normalno funkcionira u embrionalnom razvoju prostate, povećava rizik od raka prostate kod odraslih, ukazuju rezultati nove studije.
U nedavno objavljenoj studiji, skupina znanstvenika istraživala je povezanost između razvoda roditelja u djetinjstvu i rizika od moždanog udara u starijoj odrasloj dobi među pojedincima bez povijesti zlostavljanja u djetinjstvu. Pokazalo se, da se starije odrasle osobe čiji su se roditelji razveli u njihovom djetinjstvu, suočavaju s rizikom moždanog udara koji je jednak dijabetesu.
Mišićne zakrpe generirane iz matičnih stanica pomogle su u ublažavanju srčanih problema kod majmuna i ljudskih pacijenta, u potencijalnom napretku prema poboljšanju tretmana zatajenja srca, pokazala je nova studija.