UK has more than halved amount of electricity generated from fossil fuels but gas still had largest share at 28%
The UK’s electricity was the cleanest it has ever been in 2024, with wind and solar generation hitting all-time highs, according to a report.
The analysis by Carbon Brief found that in the past decade the UK had more than halved electricity generated from coal and gas and doubled its output from renewables.
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Society to retire plants no longer suited to UK’s changing climate after 14% fewer days of ground frost recorded
Fig and almond trees are thriving in Britain as a result of fewer frosts, the Royal Horticultural Society has said.
The lack of frost, one of the effects of climate breakdown, means plants used to warmer climes have been doing well in RHS gardens. Almond trees from the Mediterranean were planted at Wisley in Surrey several years ago, and without frost this year have fruited well for the first time.
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Bowhead whales may not be the only species that can live to 200 years old. Researchers have found that the industrial hunting of great whales has masked the ability of these underwater giants to also live to great ages
In Moby-Dick, Herman Melville’s epic novel of 1851, the author asks if whales would survive the remorseless human hunt. Yes, he says, as he foresees a future flooded world in which the whale would outlive us and “spout his frothed defiance to the skies”.
Moby Dick was a grizzled old sperm whale that had miraculously escaped the harpoons. But a new scientific paper is set to prove what oceanic peoples – such as the Inuit, Maōriand Haida – have long believed: that whales are capable of living for a very long time. Indeed, many more than we thought possible may have been born before Melville wrote his book.
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Isle of Portland, Dorset: This chilly phenomenon, cold to the touch, brings to mind a sci-fi horror film that was shot here
The frozen waterfall rippled down the cliff face in a silver-purple torrent, like Rapunzel hair. It was a mild, pearl-grey day, the temperature well above freezing, and it wasn’t ice that had arrested the flow but calcification.
Decades of steady seepage had veiled the quarried limestone with a thin stalactite curtain. Cold and silky to the touch, its chilly oddness evoked the apocalyptic sci-fi horror film made on Portland in the early 1960s. The Damned stars a young Oliver Reed as a leather-clad gang hoodlum who becomes involved in rescuing a group of strange children imprisoned by the government. Contaminated by nuclear radiation, the children are stone cold to the touch.
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Products banned on health and environmental grounds, while Milan outlaws outdoor smoking
Belgium has become the EU first country to ban the sale of disposable vapes in an effort to stop young people from becoming addicted to nicotine and to protect the environment.
The sale of disposable electronic cigarettes is banned in Belgium on health and environmental grounds from 1 January. A ban on outdoor smoking in Milan came into force on the same day, as EU countries discuss tighter controls on tobacco.
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Five entire families can be killed, totalling 30 wolves, in move campaigners say is illegal under EU law
Sweden’s wolf hunt starts on Thursday, with the country aiming to halve the population of the endangered predator.
The Swedish government has given the green light for five entire wolf families, a total of 30 wolves, to be killed in a hunt campaigners say is illegal under EU law. Under the Berne convention, protected species cannot be caused to have their populations fall under a sustainable level.
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Emergency services turn focus to recovery efforts after major incident declared on New Year’s Day stood down
“Some people say the way your year starts is how the year is going to be, so I’m expecting some adventures. I’ll be like Indiana Jones,” said Alina Abroutkouki.
The 40-year-old interior designer spent the first night of the new year sleeping in Didsbury mosque, hours after being evacuated from her nearby home by boat.
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Endangered spectacled flying foxes and vulnerable grey-headed flying foxes are ‘astonishing’ animals but misinformation is rife
One of the most spectacular sights at Adelaide’s Womadelaide music festival is not on the official lineup.
As dusk approaches, thousands of grey-headed flying foxes begin chattering and stretching their wings as they prepare to ascend from their roosts in Botanic Park and set out in search of food.
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Across Toronto, a team sets out at dawn to rescue migrating birds that have collided with buildings, and keep a record of the thousands each year that don’t make it
Every morning at dawn, a dozen volunteers scour the streets of Toronto picking up small birds. Some days they will find hundreds of them, most already dead or dying. A few they are able to save. Live birds are put in brown paper bags and driven to wildlife recovery centres, while dead birds are put in a large freezer. If no one picks them up, their carcasses are swept up by street cleaners.
“One of my first days was really horrific,” says Sohail Desai, a volunteer with the charity Fatal Light Awareness Program (Flap) Canada, which has about 135 people patrolling the streets across Toronto. Desai was walking close to his house in the North York area in Toronto when a flock of golden-crowned kinglets flew into a 15-storey glass building.
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Despite Pacific Ocean moving into a La Niña phase, this year is forecast to be one of three warmest years on record
What kind of weather lies ahead in 2025? The Met Office’s global forecast suggests it will be one of the three warmest years on record, surpassed only by 2024 and 2023. This is despite the Pacific Ocean moving into a La Niña phase, which normally brings slightly cooler conditions.
It will be confirmed officially in the coming days, but 2024 is expected to be the warmest year on record and the first when the average global temperature exceeded 1.5C (2.7F) above preindustrial levels. This comes hot on the heels of the previous warmest year on record – 2023 – which recorded an average global temperature of 1.45C above preindustrial levels.
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Znanstvenici iz grupe Bakkers na Institutu Hubrecht uspješno su popravili oštećena mišja srca pomoću proteina iz ribe zebrice. Otkrili su da protein Hmga1 igra ključnu ulogu u regeneraciji srca kod zebrica. Kod miševa je ovaj protein uspio obnoviti srce aktiviranjem uspavanih gena za popravak bez izazivanja nuspojava, poput povećanja srca.
Rezultati nove studije pokazali su da ljudi od 60 godina ili stariji s oslabljenim imunitetom; prvenstveno primatelji presađenih organa koji uzimaju imunosupresivne lijekove kako bi smanjili rizik od odbacivanja i drugi s poremećajima imunološkog sustava; ne reagiraju tako snažno na cjepiva protiv respiratornog sincicijskog virusa (RSV) kao ljudi u istoj dobnoj skupini s normalnom imunološkom funkcijom.
Izgleda da ženski hormon estrogen potiče prekomjerno opijanje kod žena, pokazuje nova studija. Naime, pokazalo se da estrogen uzrokuje da žene konzumiraju velike količine alkohola unutar prvih pola sata nakon što im je on ponuđen.
Nova studija pokazala je da su osobe s visokim krvnim tlakom koje su također kraće spavale pokazivale lošu kognitivnu funkciju i povećane razine markera starenja i ozljeda mozga. Pojedinci koji su spavali kraće, ali su imali normalan krvni tlak, nisu pokazali te nedostatke u kognitivnim funkcijama ili povećane razine markera ozljede mozga.
Nedavno objavljena studija pokazuje da su djeca s Crohnovom bolešću kojima su nakon dijagnoze propisani inhibitori TNF-a (faktor nekroze tumora) imala 82% manji rizik od analnih fistula i drugih iscrpljujućih komplikacija Crohnove bolesti.
Sepsa, teška i često fatalna komplikacija infekcije, vodeći je uzrok i akutne ozljede pluća (ALI) i sindroma akutnog respiratornog distresa (ARDS). Ova stanja, koja su povezana s visokim stopama smrtnosti, i dalje su teška za liječenje zbog nedostatka učinkovitih terapija.
Transfuzija krvi nakon srčanog udara (infarkta miokarda) mogla bi biti mjera za spašavanje života za pacijente s anemijom, ukazuje nova studija. Naime, novi pregled dokaza pokazuje da su anemični pacijenti imali nešto manji rizik od smrti unutar šest mjeseci od srčanog udara ako su dobili više transfuzija.
Kardiovaskularne bolesti i dalje su glavni uzrok smrti diljem svijeta, odnoseći milijune života svake godine. Oštećenja uzrokovana ovim bolestima posebno je teško popraviti, budući da srce ima minimalnu sposobnost samoregeneracije.
Revolucionarno novo otkriće istaknulo je litij - lijek koji se dugo koristio za liječenje bipolarnog poremećaja i depresije - kao potencijalnu terapiju za poremećaje autističnog spektra (ASD). Naime, pokazalo se da litij može obnoviti funkciju mozga i ublažiti simptome ponašanja koji su uzrokovani mutacijama u Dyrk1a genu.
Standardni lijek za Parkinsonovu bolest, levodopa, u četrdesetak posto pacijenata nije učinkovit protiv tremora, osobito u stresnim situacijama. Propranolol, međutim, djeluje tijekom stresa, na način da izravno inhibira aktivnost u moždanom krugu koji kontrolira tremor.