But there are alternatives....
But there are alternatives....
Exclusive: Newly uncovered documents reveal chemicals giant was aware ‘environmentally neutral’ products did not biodegrade
The multibillion-dollar chemicals company 3M told customers its firefighting foams were harmless and biodegradable when it knew they contained toxic substances so persistent they are now known as “forever chemicals” and banned in many countries including the UK, newly uncovered documents show.
From the 1960s until 2003, 3M made foams containing PFOS and PFOA (perfluorooctane sulfonate and perfluorooctanoic acid), synthetic chemicals that can take tens of thousands of years to degrade in the environment and have been linked to cancers and a range of other health problems such as thyroid disease, high cholesterol, hormonal problems and fertility issues.
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Exclusive: Sampling results show ‘extremely concerning’ concentrations of PFOS and PFOA at sites across UK
RAF bases are hotspots of toxic “forever chemical” pollution in water, analysis of Ministry of Defence documents has revealed.
Moreover, some of the highest concentrations of these chemicals in British drinking water sources are near RAF bases, official sampling results obtained by the Guardian and Watershed Investigations show.
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British arm of Heartland, which has taken oil and Republican funding, to be led by ex-Ukip head Lois Perry
Climate science deniers are lining up a political offensive in Britain after a US lobby group opened a UK branch which is already working with Nigel Farage.
The Reform UK leader was the guest of honour at the launch of Heartland UK/Europe, which is to be headed by a former leader of Ukip and climate denier.
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Adventure centre projects will promote interest in natural world, boosting young people’s wellbeing
A £150,000 initiative to tackle the “teenage dip” in nature connectedness will involve the Scout Association introducing rewilding to its adventure centres across the UK.
The funding, announced on Wednesday by the environmental charity Rewilding Britain, will support 11 projects aimed at putting young people at the heart of nature restoration. Several focus explicitly on reversing the sharp decline in young people’s engagement with the natural world during adolescence.
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Review could lead to bans on plastic chemicals including vinyl chloride, compound at center of 2023 Ohio train wreck
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is launching a formal review of five highly toxic plastic chemicals, including vinyl chloride, the notorious compound at the center of the East Palestine, Ohio, train wreck fire. The move could lead to strong limits or bans on the substances.
Vinyl chloride is most commonly used in PVC pipe and packaging production, but is also cancerous and highly flammable. For about 50 years, the federal government has considered limits on the substance, but industry has thwarted most regulatory efforts, hidden the substances’ risks and is already mobilizing against the new review.
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Legislation has new life in wake of Los Angeles catastrophe but US fossil-fuel industry is already mobilizing against it
In the year preceding the devastating Los Angeles county wildfires, big oil fiercely lobbied to kill a “polluter pay” bill that moved through the California senate and would have forced major fossil fuel companies to help cover the costs of climate disasters.
Fossil-fuel industry lobbying in California spiked to record levels during the 2023-24 legislative session, and the polluter pay bill was among the most targeted pieces of legislation, a Guardian review of state lobby filings found.
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An Environment Agency report has identified more than 10,000 ‘high-risk sites’ contaminated with PFAS
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Women with little to no formal education trained to become solar technicians, transforming villages and tackling patriarchal norms
In a dimly lit corridor of a mud-walled house nestled among coconut trees, Sharifa Hussein stripped red and black cables, a screwdriver voltage tester balanced between her lips and rolls of cable lying by her feet.
Then, with the help of three other women, she attached the two wires to an electronic device nailed on the wall.
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A Guardian and Quinto Elemento Lab investigation finds very high levels of lead and arsenic in homes near a factory processing US toxic waste
Raquel Villarreal lives in a bright-yellow house in Mexico’s Monterrey metropolitan area with her family and nine cats. Here, the emergency medicine doctor has raised three daughters, one of whom died at the age of 14.
Just steps away is an industrial plant that operates 24 hours a day, emitting pollution that neighbors say blankets the neighborhood and which Villarreal says is hard to remove from her car.
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Ontario’s Marineland lost five belugas last year, which the park’s management puts down to the ‘circle of life’. But activists claim animal welfare is at stake
On the southern shores of the Niagara River, a few hundred feet from the thundering falls, sits Marineland of Canada – an amusement park, zoo, aquarium and forest occupying nearly 1,000 acres of land (400 hectares). Over the years, millions of people have clamoured to view the park’s 4,000 animals, including its prized walruses, orcas, dolphins and belugas.
But over the past few years, the park has taken a decidedly dark turn as there has been a string of deaths among the world’s largest captive beluga population. Last year, five belugas died at the facility bringing the total number of whales and dolphins to die there since 2019 to more than 20.
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Koštano tkivo je složena struktura koja se sastoji od mineraliziranih kolagenih vlakana i niza nekolagenih proteina, uključujući proteoglikane kao što su biglikan i dekorin. Ovi proteoglikani stupaju u interakciju s vodom i drugim komponentama u izvanstaničnom matriksu, igrajući ključnu ulogu u utjecaju na mehanička svojstva kosti.
Skupina imunoloških proteina nazvanih inflamasomi može spriječiti da krvne matične stanice postanu maligne uklanjanjem određenih receptora s njihovih površina i blokiranjem aktivnosti gena raka, ukazuju rezultati nove studije.
U laboratorijskom istraživanju provedenom na miševima znanstvenici su otkrili da bioaktivni spojevi u mrkvi mogu poboljšati sposobnost tijela da regulira šećer u krvi te da mogu pozitivno utjecati na sastav crijevnih bakterija.
Znanstvenici s Duke-NUS Medical School i Singapore General Hospital otkrili su da T-stanice, bijele krvne stanice koje mogu uništiti štetne patogene, mogu u potpunosti spriječiti virusnu infekciju, u mjeri za koju se dosad smatralo da je moguća samo zahvaljujući neutralizirajućim antitijelima.
Rezultati nove studije pružaju uvjerljive dokaze da veća konzumacija prerađenog mesa i alkohola povećava rizik od raka debelog crijeva, dok povećani unos mlijeka, mliječnih proizvoda, kalcija i njegovih dodataka, prehrambenih vlakana i cjelovitih žitarica smanjuje rizik od raka debelog crijeva.
Skupina bakterija pod nazivom Enterobacteriaceae, uključujući Klebsiellu pneumoniae, Shigellu, E. coli i druge, prisutna je u niskim razinama kao dio zdravog ljudskog crijevnog mikrobioma. No, njihove povišene razine, uzrokovane, na primjer, povećanom upalom u tijelu ili konzumacijom kontaminirane hrane, mogu dovesti do bolesti.
Rezultati nove studije pokazali su da menopauza ubrzava progresiju multiple skleroze (MS). Naime, uočeno je, da je nakon menopauze hodanje žena s multiplom sklerozom usporenije. Također, bilo je i suptilnijih promjena u finoj motorici i kognitivnim sposobnostima.
Tuberkuloza je najčešća zarazna bolest u svijetu, a samo u 2022. godini bilo je 10,6 milijuna novozaraženih i 1,3 milijuna umrlih. Nova studija sugerira da bi aktivni agens BTZ-043 mogao bi igrati ključnu ulogu u globalnoj borbi protiv tuberkuloze.
Miristamid, amid masne kiseline koji se nalazi u siru Camembert, poboljšava kognitivnu funkciju i razine moždanog neurotrofnog faktora (BDNF), nudeći potencijalne uvide u borbu protiv kognitivnog propadanja, ukazuje nove studija.
Konzumacija pića zaslađenih šećerom uzrok je više od 2 milijuna novih slučajeva dijabetesa tipa 2 i 1,2 milijuna novih slučajeva srčane bolesti diljem svijeta godišnje, ukazuje nova studija.