Bird Names

Objavljeno u Okoliš

Names in English and Croatian of birds commonly seen on Hvar, together with the scientific names. 

Pied wagtail, December 2015. Pied wagtail, December 2015. Photo Steve Jones

The Croatian Ornithological Society has a comprehensive list of bird names in Croatian and English, together with the scientific names.

Our listing comprises birds commonly seen in Croatia, especially in Dalmatia. We have given links for birds that have been mentioned in our nature reports. Birds which have been identified on Hvar at any time are marked with an asterisk - not all of them have been cited specifically in the birdwatch articles. First sightings in the year are underlined: in some cases the first appearance is identified through the bird's call, in which case the date is followed by an asterisk.

The video at the foot of the page is just one of the beautiful examples of birds and their calls available on Youtube. Another is 'Woodland birdsong: 16 glorious songbirds', uploaded by Nick Penny.

BTOvideo has a comprehensive collection of videos identifying and charting birds of all kinds. They have been researching British birds over many decades. Their most recent major work is a 'Bird Atlas', recording some 19 million birds, their habitats and activities in England and Ireland between 2007 and 2011.

Zlatko Torbašinović has created a beautiful resource of videos of Croatia's birds and birdsong, with bird names in Croatian, Latin and English.

In alphabetical order:

*Alpine swift - čiopa bijela - apus melba, tachymarptis melba. Video by bpofuk. Sightings: April 2018June 2017; April 2017; March 2017; September 2016.

*Bee-eater  - pčelarica -  merops apiaster. Video by Nat Geo WILD. Sightings: Summer 2018; April 2018July 2017; May 2017; August 2016; April 2016.

Bee-eaters near Jelsa. Photo Vivian Grisogono
Bee-eaters flying above their nesting ground just outside Jelsa. Photo: Vivian Grisogono

*Black redstart - mrka crvenrepka - phoenicurus ochruros. Video uploaded by The Nature Box. Sightings: October 2018; February 2018October - November 2017; February 2017; January 2017; March 2016; February 2016; January 2016; Autumn/winter 2015.

*Blackbird - crni kos - turdus merula. Video by Zlatko Torbašinović; Sightings: Summer 2018; April 2018; January 2018December 2017; May 2017; March 2017; February 2017; January 2017; February 2016; January 2016; early January 2016.

*Blackcap - crnokapa grmuša - sylvia atricapilla. Video: Blackcap bird song, uploaded by Sounds Majestic. Sightings: October 2018October 2017; September 2017; May 2017; March 2017; February 2017; January 2017; September 2016; March 2016; February 2016; January 2016. Autumn/winter 2015.

*Black-eared wheateater - primorska bjeloguza - oenanthe hispanica. Video by Ron Jackson. 2016.

*Black-headed bunting - crnoglava strnadica -  emberiza melanocephala. Video by Film studio "Aves". Sightings: May 2018May 2017. 2016

*Black-headed gull - riječni galeb - chroicocephalus ridibundus. Video by Zlatko Torbašinović. Sightings: January 2017; February 2016. January 2016.

*Black-necked grebe - crnovrati, crnogrli gnjurac - podiceps nigricollis. Sighting: January 2018.

*Black-winged stilt - vlastelica - himantopus himantopus. Video by Paul Dinning. Sightings: April 2016.

*Blue rock thrush - stjenjak modrokos - monticola solitarius. Video by Jose Francsico Calvo. Sightings:May 2017; March 2017; Autumn/winter 2015.

*Blue tit - plavetna sjenica - parus ceruleus. Video of song and alarm call uploaded by chainsawbeks. Sightings: December 2018; January 2018October 2017; January 2017; February 2016; January 2016; Autumn/winter 2015.

*Brambling - sjeverna zeba - fringilla montifringilla. Video by Gradimir Jovtchev. Sightings: January 2017; January 2016.

*Buzzard - škanjac - buteo buteo. Video by BTOvideo. Sightings: October 2018; March 2018; January 2018October 2017; February 2017; January 2017; August-September 2016; February 2016; January 2016; early January 2016; December 2015.

Carrion crow - sivo-crna vrana - corvus corone corone

*Chaffinch - zeba - fringilla coelebs gengleri. Video by Zlatko Torbašinović; Sightings: December 2018; October 2018; January 2018November 2017; October 2017; March 2017; February 2017; January 2017; April 2016; March 2016; February 2016; January 2016; early January 2016; Autumn/winter 2015.

*Chiffchaff - zviždak - phylloscopus collybita collybita. Sightings: March 2018*; April 2017; March 2016; February 2016.

*Cirl bunting - crnogrla strnadica - emberiza cirlus. Sightings: January 2018September 2017; May 2017; March 2017; February 2017; September 2016; March 2016; February 2016; Autumn/winter 2015.

*Collared dove - gugutka - streptopelia decaocto. Sightings: February 2017; February 2016.

*Common crane -  sivi ždral  - grus grus. Sighting: October 2018; March 2018; February 2018November 2016Video, cranes andmigration, from Belarus.  Video by Derek Julian. Video, identifying crow, rook and raven, by BTOvideo. 

*Cormorant - veliki vranac, kormoran - phalacrocorax carbo. Video, by Branimir Devilnightmare; Sightings: June 2017; January 2017; January 2016.

*Corn bunting - velika strnadica - emberiza calandra. Video by Ron Jackson. Sightings: Summer 2018May 2017; April 2017; March 2017; April 2016.

*Crane - ždral - grus grus. (see Common CraneVideo by BBC. Sightings: November 2016.

*Crow, hooded - siva vrana - corvus cornix. Video by Zlatko Torbašinović. Sightings: Autumn/winter 2017; February 2017; January 2017; February 2016; January 2016; early January 2016.

*Cuckoo - kukavica  - cuculus canorus. Video by Philip Parsons. Female cuckoo call, described by David Attenborough, BBC Radio 4. Sightings: Summer 2018; April 2018June 2017; May 2017; April 2017; March 2017; April 2016; April 2015.

*Curlew sandpiper - krivokljuni žalar - calidris ferruginea. Sightings: April 2017.

Dove - golubica - columba. Video by ESL and Poluar Culture. (See Rock Dove, Turtle Dove)

*Dunlin - žalar cirikavac - calidris alpina. Sightings: Summer 2018May 2017.

*Dunnock - sivi popić - prunella modularis. Video by Maurice Baker. Sightings: January 2018November 2017; February 2017; January 2017; March 2016. January 2016.

Eagle - orao - aquila

*Eagle owl (European) - buljina, sova ušara  - bubo bubo. Video uploaded by Wickedinsight. Sightings: April 2018February 2017; February 2016.  January 2016*; Autumn/winter 2015.

Eagle owl. Photo Steve Jones

*Egretbijela čaplja  -  egretta. Sighting: Summer 2018

Falcon - sokol - falco

*Falcon, Red-footed - crvenonoga vjetruša - falco vespertinus. Sightings: April 2017.

*Fieldfare - drozd bravenjak - turdus pilaris Video by Maurice Baker; Fieldfare song by Sounds Majestic. Sightings: March 2017; February 2017; January 2017; January 2016.

*Firecrest - vatroglavi kraljić - regulus ignicapilla. Sightings: October 2017.

Firecrest, Vrboska, October 2017. Photo: John Ball

*Garden warbler - siva grmuša - sylvia borin. Sightings: May 2017; August 2016.

*Garganey - patka pupčanica - spatula querquedula, anas querquedula. Sighting: March 2018

*Goldcrestzlatoglavi kraljić - regulus regulus. Sightings: October 2017.

Golden Eagle - suri orao -  aquila chrysaetos. Video by Paul Dinning

*Golden oriole - (zlatna) vuga - oriolus oriolus. Sightings: April 2018September 2017; July 2017; May 2017; August 2016; April 2016; May 2014.

Golden oriole. Photo Steve Jones

*Golden plover - troprsti zlatar - pluvialis apricaria. Sightings: March 2018; 2016; Autumn/winter 2015.

*Goldfinch - češljugar, gardelin, kamjolac, ciganče, štiglić - carduelis carduelis. Video by Film Studio "Aves". Video by Zlatko Torbašinović; Sightings: November 2018October 2017; January 2017; February 2016; January 2016.

*Goshawk - jastreb kokošar - family accipitridae. Sightings: August-September 2016.

*Great tit - velika sjenica - parus major newtoni. Video of call by Steve Hawkeye. Sightings: December 2018; January 2018November 2017; October 2017; March 2017; January 2017; March 2016; February 2016; January 2016; Autumn/winter 2015.

*Great White Egret - velika bijela čaplja - egretta alba. Sighting: December 2018.

*Green Sandpiper - crnokrila prutka - tringa ochropus. Sightings:  March 2017.

*Greenfinch - zelendur - carduelis chloris. Sightings: Summer 2018March 2017; September 2016; March 2016.

*Greenshank - krivokljuna prutka - tringa nebularia. Sightings: May 2017; April 2017.

*Grey heron - siva čaplja - ardea cinerea. Video by Luka Hercigonja, Sightings: January 2017; January 2016; Autumn/winter 2015.

*Grey plover - pijukavca -  pluvialis squatarola. Sighting: February 2018.

*Grey wagtail - gorska pastirica - motacilla cinerea. Sightings: October 2017; March 2017; January 2017; January 2016.

Grouse - divlja kokoška- family: phasianidae

*Gull (seagull) - galeb - most common species: larus

*Hawfinch - batokljun - coccothraustes coccothraustes. Video by Zlatko Torbašinović. Sightings: January 2018December 2017.

*Hen harriereja strnjarica - circus cyaneus. Sightings: March 2018; January 2018September 2017; April 2017; March 2017; February 2017; January 2017; January 2016.

*Heron - čaplja - family ardeidae. Sightings: March 2017; January 2017; January 2016; Autumn/winter 2015.

*Herring gull - srebrnasti galeb - larus argentatus. Sightings: 2016.

*Honey buzzard - škanjac osaš - pemis apivorus. Sightings: September 2017; August-September 2016.

*Hooded crow - siva vrana - corvus cornix. Video by Zlatko Torbašinović. Sightings: Autumn/winter 2017; September 2017; February 2017; January 2017; February 2016; January 2016; early January 2016.

*Hoopoe - pupavac - upupa epops. Sightings: September 2017; May 2017; April 2017; March 2017; September 2016; April 2016; March 2016.

Hoopoe. Photo Frank Verhart

*House martin - piljak - delichon urbica. Sightings: Summer 2018April 2017; September 2016.

*House sparrowvrabac - passer domesticus: Sightings: December 2018August-September 2017; January 2017; January 2016.

Hummingbird - kolibrić - family Trchilidae

*Icterine warbler - žuti voljić -  hippolais icterina. Sightings: September 2016.

Jay - šojka, kreštalica, kreja - garrulus glandarius. Video by Zlatko Torbašinović

*Kestrel - vjetruša - falco tinnunculus. Video by Zlatko Torbašinović. Sightings: October 2018; March 2018March 2017; April 2016.

*Kingfisher - vodomar, vodomar ribar - alcedo atthis. Sightings: October 2018; January 2018January 2017; December 2016; April 2016. January 2016.

*Lapwing (peewit) - vivak - vanellus vanellus. Sightings: October 2018; February 2018February 2017; February 2016.

*Lesser Grey Shrikesivi svračak - lanius minor. Sighting: May 2018.

*Linnet - juričica - carduelis cannabina. Video by BHVSa. Sightings: May 2017; April 2017; April 2016.

*Little ringed plover - kulik spljepčić - charadrius dubius. Sightings: May 2017; April 2017.

*Little egret - mala bijela čaplja -  egretta garzetta. Sightings: April 2017.

*Little stint - mali žalar - calidris minuta, erolia minuta. May 2017.

*Marsh harrier - eja močvarica - circus aeruginosus. Sightings: March 2018September 2017; August-September 2016.

*Meadow Pipit - livadska trepteljka  -  anthus pratensis. Sighting: December 2018

*Melodious warbler - kratkokrili voljić - hippolais polyglotta. Sightings: Summer 2018; 2016.

*Mistle thrush - drozd imelaš - turdus viscivorus. Video by slpanjkovic. Sightings: March 2017; February 2017; January 2017; December 2016; January 2016.

*Nightingale - slavuj - luscinia megarhynchos. Video by Zlatko Torbašinović. Sightings: Summer 2018; March 2018May 2017; April 2017; March 2017; June 2016; April 2016.

*Nightjar - leganj, noćna lasta - caprimulgus europaeus. Nghtjar call, video by 'Wild about images', photography Paul Bunyard. Sightings: May 2018*August 2017; April 2016; Autumn/winter 2015

Owl - sova - families: strigidae and tytonidae (see Scops Owl, Eagle Owl)

*Peregrine falconsivi sokol -  falco peregrinus. Sighting: January 2018.

*Pheasant - fazan - phasianus colchicus. Sightings: February 2017; February 2016.

*Pied wagtail / white wagtail - bijela pastirica - motacilla alba. Sightings: October 2017; April 2017; February 2016; January 2016*.

*Pigeon - golub - family: columbidae

*Purple heron - čaplja danguba, crvena čaplja, čaplja mrka, zmijar ptica - ardea purpurea. Sightings: April 2018May 2017.

*Pygmy Cormorantmali vranac - microcarbo pygmaeus, phalacrocorax pygmeus. Sighting: summer 2018.

*Raven - gavran - corvus corax. Sightings: February 2017; February 2016.

*Red-backed shrike - rusi svračak - lanius collurio. Sightings: Summer 2018September 2017; July 2017; May 2017.

*Red-footed falcon - crvenonoga vjetruša - falco vespertinus. Sightings: April 2017.

* Redstart - šumska crvenrepka - phoenicurus phoenicurus. Sighting: March 2019.

*Redwing - mali drozd - turdus iliacus. Sightings: February 2017; February 2016.

*Reed bunting - močvarna strnadica - emberiza schoeniclus. Sightings: March 2017.

Ring-necked parakeet - papiga, papagaj mali aleksander (mala aleksandra) - psittacula krameri

*Robin - crvendač, čučka crvendać - erithacus rubecula. Video by Zlatko Torbašinović Sightings: October 2018; January 2018October 2017; March 2017; February 2017; January 2017; January 2016; Autumn/winter 2015.

Robin. Photo: Steve Jones

*Rock Bunting - strnadica cikavica - emberiza cia. Sightings: November 2017.

*Rock dove / feral pigeon - divlji golub - columba livia. Sightings: February 2017; February 2016.

* Roller (European Roller)zlatovrana - coracias garrulus. Sighting: May 2018.

*Ruff - pršljivac - philomachus pugnax Sighting: April 2017.

*Rose-Coloured Starlingružičasti čvorak - pastor roseus. Sighting: May 2018.

*Sand martin - bregunica - riparia riparia. sightings May 2018;: March 2017.

Sand Martin (photographed in April 2016 at Reculver Cliffs, UK, by John Ball)

*Sandpiper, Green - crnokrila prutka - tringa ochropus. Sightings: Summer 2018March 2017.

*Sandpiper, Wood - prutka migavica - tringa glareola. Sightings: May 2017; April 2017.

*Sardinian warbler - crnoglava grmuša - sylvia melanocephala. Sightings: January 2018March 2017.

*Scarce swallowtail - Sightings: April 2016;

*Scops owl - ćuk - otus scops. Sightings: March 2018July 2017; April 2017; March 2016.

*Serin - žutarica - serinus serinus. Sightings: October 2018October 2017; April 2017; March 2017; January 2017; September 2016; March 2016; February 2016; January 2016.

*Short-toed eagle - orao zmijar - circaetus gallicus. Sightings: September 2017; August-September 2016.

*Skylark - poljska ševa  -  alauda arvensis. Sighting: November 2018.

*Snipe - šljuka kokošica - gallinago gallinago. Sightings: February 2018.

*Spanish sparrow - španjolski vrabac - passer hispaniolensis. Sightings: May 2017.

*Sparrow (house sparrow) - vrabac - passer domesticus: Sightings: Summer 2018August-September 2017. January 2017; January 2016.

Sparrow enjoying the hospitality at Jelsa's Tarantela cafe, January 2016. Photo Vivian Grisogono

*Sparrowhawk - kobac -  accipiter nisus. Sightings: October 2018; March 2018; January 2018October 2017; September 2017; January 2017; December 2016; August-September 2016; March 2016; February 2016; January 2016.

*Spoonbill (Common) - žličarke - platalea leucorodia. Sightings: May 2017.

*Spotted flycatcher - siva muharica - muscicapa striata. Sightings: September 2017; May 2017.

*Squacco Heronžuta čaplja  - ardeola ralloides. Sighting: May 2018.

*Starling - čvorak - sturnus vulgaris. Sightings: October 2018October 2017; May 2017; March 2017; February 2017. February 2016.

*Stonechatcrnoglavi batić - saxicola rubicola. Sightings: January 2018October 2018October 2017; March 2017.

*Stork, white - bijela roda - ciconia ciconia. Sightings: Summer 2018September 2017.

*Subalpine warbler - bjelobrka grmuša - sylvia cantillans. Sightings: Summer 2018; April 2018April 2017; March 2017; March 2016.

*Swallow - lastavica - hirundo rustica. Sightings: October 2018; Summer 2018; February 2018; October 2017; September 2017; July 2017; April 2017; March 2017; September 2016; Summer 2016; March 2016.

Swallow. Photo Steve Jones

*Swift - crna čiopa - apus apus. Sightings: Summer 2018October 2018October 2017; April 2017; September 2016; April 2016; October 2015. Video: swift sounds.

*Tawny pipit - primorska trepteljka - anthus campestris. Sightings: October 2017; September 2017.

*Teal - kržulja, krkavac, krdža  - anas crecca. Sighting: Summer 2018; March 2018December 2018.

*Tree pipit - prugasta trepteljka - anthus trivialis: January 2017; January 2016.

*Turtle dove - grlica - streptopelia turtur. Sightings: April 2018July 2017; May 2017; April 2017.

*Wheatear, black-eared - mediteranska bjelka - oenanthe hispanica. Sightings: March 2017; September 2016; April 2016; March 2016.

Wheatear, northern - sivkasta bjeloguza, obična bjelka - oenanthe oenanthe. Sightings: October 2018September 2017;

*Whinchat - smeđoglavi batić - saxicola rubetra. Video, by Branimir Devilnightmare. Sightings: April 2018September 2017; April 2017; September 2016;

*Whitethroat - grmuša pjenica - sylvia communis. Sightings: April 2018May 2017; (2016, Split)

*Wigeon - plovka zviždarka, zviždarka - anas penelope. Sightings: March 2018February 2017; February 2016.

*Wood Sandpiper - prutka migavica - tringa glareola. Sightings: May 2017; April 2017.

*Wood Warbler - šumski zviždak - phylloscopus sibilatrix. Sightings: September 2017.

*Woodchat shrike - riđoglavi svračak - lanius senator. Sightings: Summer 2018May 2017; April 2016.

*Woodlark - ševa krunica - lullula arborea. Sightings: January 2018October 2017.

Woodpecker - djetlić - family: picidae

*Woodpecker, greater spotted - veći djetao- dendrocopos major.  Sighting: January 2018.Video by Zlatko Torbašinović

Woodpecker, lesser spotted - manje djetao - dendrocopos minor. Video by Zlatko Torbašinović

*Wood pigeon - golub grivnjaš -  columba palumbus. Sightings: February 2017; February 2016.

*Wren - palčić - troglodytes troglodytes. Sightings: January 2018November - December 2017; January 2017; January 2016; Autumn/winter 2015.

*Yellow-legged gull - sredozemni galeb -  larus michahellis: Sightings: January 2017; January 2016.

Yellow-legged gull - galeb klaukavac - larus cacchinans. Video by Zlatko Torbašinović.

*Yellow wagtail - žuta pastirica - motacilla flava. Sightings: October 2017; September 2017; April 2017; March 2017; Autumn/winter 2015.

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