SOS za naše šišmiše!

UNEP/EUROBATS - Sporazum o zaštiti europskih populacija šišmiša je 2011-2012. proglasio Međunarodnom godinom šišmiša u kampanju zaštite 'noćnih vladara neba', osim Ministarstva zaštite prirode (sada Ministarstvo zaštite okolša i energetike) i Državnog zavoda za zaštitu prirode koji o tome stalno brinu, uključili su se brojni hrvatski stručnjaci, pa i neke udruge. Ali...

Pipistrellus nathusii Pipistrellus nathusii Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej
Iz brošure, Prirodoslovno matematički fakultet

Gdje su nestali šišmiši (lat. Chiroptera), zabrinjava mnoge građane, pa tako Vivian Grisogono MA(Oxon), predsjednicu Udruge "Eco Hvar", koja kaže '... Kad sam se vratila iz Engleske i 1988. počela obnavljati svoju kuću u Pitvama na otoku Hvaru, ljeti je u selu bilo šišmiša koliko hoćeš. Sjećam se kako je jedan u jesen 1993. mirno spavao u mojoj konobi, viseći onako naopako s jedne drvene grede. Mještani su mi rekli da je to velika sreća, baš kao da živimo u Kini. No, sada ih sve manje vidimo po hvarskim mjestima, u nekima skoro pa nikako. Velika je razlika od onoga što smo opažali prije oko 10 godina, kada su brojni šišmiši navečer neprestano letjeli i pravili gnijezda u zapuštenim kućama. Zapuštenih kuća još ima, ali šišmiša ne.'

Pipistrelli kuhlii kolonija. Foto: Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej

Uglavnom poznato je da su šišmiši s više od 1000 vrsta druga najveća skupina sisavaca na Zemlji, dok u Hrvatskoj obitavaju ukupno 33 vrste iz tri porodice (potkovnjaci, golorepci i mišoliki šišmiši). Kao i u drugim europskim zemljama u Hrvatskoj su šišmiši strogo zaštićeni: prema Zakonu o zaštiti prirode, za uznemiravanje, hvatanje, ozljeđivanje i ubijanje šišmiša, te uništavanje ili oštećivanje njihovih staništa zapriječena je novčana kazna od 25.000 do 200.000 kuna, te kazna od 1.000 do 4.000 kuna za svakog ubijenog šišmiša.

Dr. sc. Igor Pavlinić, kustos Hrvatskog prirodoslovnog muzeja u Zagrebu, se godinama bavi proučavanjem i zaštitom tih jedinih letećih sisavaca na svijetu. U svom radu je prezentirao kako kao skloništa, osim onih šumskih, šišmiši koriste uistinu najrazličitija mjesta od jama, špilja, napuštenih rudnika i pukotina u stijenama (najviše zimi za hibernaciju), sve do tavana kuća i crkava, dimnjaka, te pukotina u zidovima i mostovima, a to potvrđuje i nekoliko kolonija na otoku Hvaru. U zvoniku jelšanskog Svetišta BDM na Račiću godinama je bilo stanište Sredozemnog golorepca (lat. Tadarida teniotis). Nažalost, poslije dugotrajne obnove crkve, dakle, veće nazočnosti ljudi, i oni su nestali, nisu se vratili.

Crkva Gospe Zdravlja, Jelsa. Foto: Mirko Crnčević

Zašto su šišmiši važni?

Njihova brojnost je 'indeks zdravlja' određenog područja, no što se tijekom povijesti događalo sa šišmišima, jednom od najstarijih linija danas živućih skupina sisavaca, čiji je razvoj najvjerojatnije počeo još u doba kada su zemljom vladali dinosauri? Evolucija tog bića jedno je od najzanimljivijih pitanja evolucije sisavaca danas, a jedino oko čega se većina znanstvenika slaže je da je predak šišmiša bila neka vrsta noćnog, kukcojedog sisavca koji je živio na drveću. Najnovija molekularna istraživanja pokazala su da se kasnijim razvojem iz zajedničkog pretka razvila i nama bliska linija čovjekolikih majmuna, odnosno mi sami.

Rani večernjak, Nyctalus seritonus. Foto: Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej

Rani večernjak, Nyctalus noctula. Foto: Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej

▪ Koliko su šišmiši, ti 'noćnim vladari neba', korisni za naš ekosustav i kakve bi uštede mogli donijeti jednom Osijeku ili Neretvanskoj dolini, evo jedan pravi primjer: Mi sve više slušamo o bolestima koje prenose komaraci, a stručnjaci i proizvođači otrova bjesomučno traže način djelotvornije kontrole tih insekata. No, jedan mali šišmiš koji za lov i snalaženje u prostoru koristi visokofrekventne zvukove - eholokaciju može pojesti i do tisuću komaraca na sat, i što je najvažnije bez ikakvog onečišćenja okoliša. Zanimljivo, zar ne? - pita se Grisogono.

Kasni noćnjak, Eptesicus serotinus. Foto: Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej

Pesticidi, herbicidi, insekticidi!

Ova ekološka aktivistica koja doista puno ulaže u zaštitu prirode i životinja uvjerena je da je nestanak šišmiša, između ostalog, povezan s pesticidima, herbicidima i insekticidima, koji se na otoku koriste u velikim količinama, gotovo kroz cijelu godinu. Ona tumači da ljudi koji ih koriste uopće nisu svjesni njihove opasnosti, iako za to ima puno dokaza barem u znanstvenoj javnosti, a o kolateralnim štetama pojma nemaju. Informacije su uglavnom vrlo jednostrane i najčešće dolaze u obliku reklama sa strane proizvođača. Službena neovisna informacija nedostaje. Kad bi korisnici stvarno razumjeli kakve su posljedice korištenja tih otrova, zasigurno bi tražili prirodne alternative kojih ima puno, neke su stare, a neke nove.

Iz brošure, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb.

Ljudi, spasimo šišmiše!

Šišmiši su se u Lijepoj Našoj koliko-toliko održali zahvaljujući odličnim predispozicijama za prilagodbu različitim životnim uvjetima. Pa iako je dug životni vijek njihova prednost (op. a. najstariji šišmiš ima više od 32 godine) ipak valja znati da se oni dosta sporo razmnožavaju, a i smrtnost mladih šišmiša je također izražena. Stoga, čovjek zaista mora dati svoj doprinos opstanku njihove populacije, potrebno je osvještavanje ljudskog odnosa prema okolišu, da ga se ne onečišćuje i ne uništava. Ljudi moraju kontinuirano stvarati dobre uvjete za skloništa gdje šišmiši mogu obitavati, razmnožavati se u miru i pomagati nam, bez trovanja. I djeca se mogu uključiti u taj koristan projekt, primjerice neka bilježe koliko šišmiša vide kroz ljeto i na kojim mjestima.

© Mirko Crnčević

Ovaj tekst je prije obavljen u časopisu 'Dobroj kobi', br. 184, siječanj 2017.

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Eco Environment News feeds

  • For more than 20 years, scientists have followed the animals in Norway’s Arctic archipelago to understand how they may adapt to changing threats as the ice they depend on melts

    When Rolf-Arne Ølberg is hanging out of a helicopter with a gun, he needs to be able to assess from a distance of about 10 metres the sex and approximate weight of the moving animal he is aiming at, as well as how fat or muscular it is and whether it is in any distress. Only then can he dart it with the correct amount of sedative. Luckily, he says, polar bears are “quite good anaesthetic patients”.

    Ølberg is a vet working with the Norwegian Polar Institute, the body responsible for the monitoring of polar bears in Svalbard, an archipelago that lies between mainland Norway and the north pole. Every year he and his colleagues track the bears by helicopter, collect blood, fat and hair samples from them and fit electronic tracking collars.

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  • Union conference dominated by row over planned inheritance tax changes as farmers battle the bad weather and turbulent geopolitics

    Farmers are warning of a “cashflow crisis” that has left many in the agricultural sector wondering how they will make it to the end of the year.

    At the annual meeting of the National Farmers’ Union (NFU) of England and Wales, its president told members that “bad policy, geopolitics and unprecedented weather” had left some sectors of UK farming “in the worst cashflow crisis ever”.

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  • For the next few weeks we’re asking readers to nominate their invertebrate of the year: click here to give us your suggestions

    Does a worm feel pain if it gets trodden on? Does a fly ache when its wings are pulled off? Is an ant happy when it finds a food source? If so, they may be sentient beings, which means they can “feel”, a bit or a lot, like we do.

    Invertebrate sentience is becoming an ever livelier topic of debate and with new science we are getting new insights. But Dr Andrew Crump at the Royal Veterinary College, who helped ensure that new UK laws recognising animal sentience were amended to include large cephalopod molluscs and decapod crustaceans – octopuses, lobsters, crabs to you and me – says this is not at all straightforward.

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  • Dry pattern seen among entire ‘lower basin’ of the Colorado River, including Arizona and desert cities such as Las Vegas

    Dramatic rainstorms earlier this month brought more than 6in of rain to the California mountains – a full month’s worth of rain in little more than a day – but the deluge wasn’t enough to reverse a worsening drought trend that is set to intensify further in the coming weeks and months.

    Along the iconic Pacific Coast highway in Malibu, where just weeks earlier flames leveled hundreds of oceanside homes, a Los Angeles firefighter was washed out to sea, and later rescued.

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  • After last year’s Cop16 biodiversity talks in Cali left key issues unresolved, the extra summit will attempt to seek consensus, especially over funding

    Global talks to halt the loss of nature will reopen today in Rome, amid “loss of trust” in the United Nations-led process and concerns that countries will not turn up for the meeting. Delegates are due to meet at Cop16, the UN’s biodiversity conference, to discuss global targets to stop nature loss by 2030.

    The additional meeting in Rome was called after talks were suspended in confusion in the Colombian city of Cali in November when they overran and delegates left to catch flights home.

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  • Protesters who tried to disrupt completion of Mountain Valley pipeline to defend themselves in Virginia court

    Climate activists who tried to disrupt the completion of a fossil-fuel pipeline through Appalachian forests will appear in court in Virginia on Tuesday to face serious criminal charges that they vehemently deny.

    The Mountain Valley pipeline (MVP) was pushed through by the Biden administration in mid-2023 – overriding court orders, regulatory blocks and widespread opposition to the 300-mile (480km) fossil fuel project. Biden’s decision triggered a wave of non-violent protests and civil disobedience against the pipeline in Virginia and West Virginia as work crews rushed to finish construction of the pipeline through sensitive waterways and protected forests.

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  • The tycoon’s links with Donald Trump and Germany’s far-right AfD have slammed the brakes on sales and put the car’s owners in a spin

    When Mike Schwede first sat in a Tesla Roadster 15 years ago, he felt like it was a glimpse into the future. By 2016, he was the proud owner of a Tesla, revelling in the thumbs up he would get from other drivers as he whizzed along Europe’s highways in the electric vehicle.

    But of late the sheen of owning a Tesla has begun to wear off. For years the brand has been synonymous with Elon Musk and his stance against the climate crisis. Recently, Schwede watched aghast as the Tesla CEO poured hundreds of millions into backing Donald Trump as he made promises to ramp up domestic oil and gas production.

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  • An educator, archaeologist and scientist were among the thousands of government workers culled by Musk’s agency

    The Trump administration has fired at least 20,000 government employees in its first month, as Elon Musk’s so-called “department of government efficiency” (Doge) dramatically overhauls work at federal agencies. Some economists have speculated that these terminations, which could affect nearly 300,000 workers, will be the biggest job cuts in US history.

    Most of the workers cut were in probationary periods and lacked job protections that come with longer terms of employment. In social media spaces, especially the r/fednews subreddit, these workers described scenes of confusion and feelings of anger directed at Musk, an unelected billionaire dubbed a “special government employee” by the White House. Last week, unions for federal workers sued the Trump administration for unlawfully using probationary periods to cut staff.

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  • As well as intense human suffering, three years of war have had a catastrophic environmental effect, killing wildlife, felling trees and increasing emissions

    Since 2022, the Guardian photographer Alessio Mamo has been tracking the impact of Russia’s war in Ukraine. The Kremlin’s full-scale invasion, which began three years ago on Monday, caused millions of Ukrainians to flee. Cities have been flattened, villages occupied and lives destroyed. At least 46,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed and many more injured in Europe’s biggest conflict since the second world war.

    Aerial view of craters caused by rocket fire in a field in the liberated area between Kharkiv and Donetsk regions. Ammunition and missile residues in these craters may become a source of chemical pollution that could reach the groundwater

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  • The January blazes wiped out a thriving communal food pathway unique to the Altadena neighborhood, but farmers are starting to plan for its renewal

    In Choi Chatterjee and Omer Sayeed’s Altadena backyard, beehives produced pounds of honey, copious amounts of fruit and vegetables were harvested, and hens laid plenty of fresh eggs. A couple of pygmy goats and a pair of 100-pound tortoises, Layla and Manju, roamed the urban farm, keeping the weeds trimmed, the compost turned and the soil alive with microbes, much to the delight of the hundreds of visitors who have enjoyed free tours and home-cooked meals since the couple began offering them in 2020.

    Passersby were often drawn to the Chatterjee-Sayeed residence since the lush butterfly-filled parkway next to their home has served as a free communal garden for more than a decade. Neighbors were welcome to stop by for persimmons, guavas, nopal pads, herbs and varieties of citrus. “We’d get 100 to 200 pomegranates and just hand them out to whoever was walking by,” said Chatterjee, who is co-director of the Urban Ecology Center at Cal State LA. “It was just bustling with life.”

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