Objavljeno u O Udruzi

održana dana 23. kolovoza 2017. godine u prostoriji „Splendida“ u Jelsi' .


sa Izvanredne Skupštine Udruge „ECO HVAR“ Udruge za dobrobit ljudi, životinja i okoliša otoka Hvara održane dana 23. kolovoza 2017. godine u 11 sati u prostoriji „Splendida“ u Jelsi' .

Prisutni: Vivian Grisogono, Predsjednica Udruge, Nada Kozulić, Savjetnica, Jasenka Splivalo, Frank Duboković, Susan Corning, Andrew Hilton.

Odsutni članovi koji su ispričali svoj nedolazak: Carol Adeney, Henk Buijs, Ingrid Buijs, Paul Bradbury, Raffaella Catani, Liljana Caratan Lukšić, Jelena Gracin.

Započeto u 11:30 sati.

Skupštinu je otvorila Predsjednica Vivian Grisogono i predložila sljedeći


  1. Otvaranje Sjednice, utvrđivanje broja prisutnih članova, biranje zapisničara

  2. Izvješće o radu Udruge za prvi dio 2016. godine

  3. Prijedlog Predsjednice da gđa Nada Kozulić bude ovlaštena osoba za zastupanje Udruge

  4. Razno.

Ad 1) Predsjednica je utvrdila da Skupštini prisustvuje dovoljan broj članova i da ima dovoljan broj glasova za donošenje valjanih odluka.

Za zapisničara izabrana je Nada Kozulić.

Ad 2) Vivian Grisogono je u usmenom obliku opisala aktivnosti Udruge.

1. Aktivnosti vezane uz zaštitu životinja. Udruga je dobila znatan broj upita u vezi zapuštenih, maltretiranih i izgubljenih pasa i mačaka, pogotovo od lipnja nadalje. Upiti stižu ne samo s Hvara, nego i sa susjednih otoka, osobito s Brača i čak iz Istre. Što se tiče mačaka, očito je sklonište za njih još bitnije nego sklonište za pse, jer takvo sklonište postoji samo na jednom mjestu u Hrvatskoj, i to blizu sela Voloder u Moslavačkoj Gori (http://oldcatshelter.simplesite.com/). Mi se nadamo da će svi Gradonačelnici na Hvaru surađivati u osnivanju takvog skloništa koje su neophodno za kvalitetu života (i imidž kod turista) našeg otoka. U vezi toga naš je prijedlog da pripremimo nacrt projekta, te da pokrenemo akciju za otvaranje skloništa.

2. Aktivnosti vezane uz zaštitu okoliša. Udruga već tri godine prati način provođenja dezinsekcije u Općini Jelsa, a podaci do kojih dolazimo, daju nam sve više razlog za zabrinutost. U srpnju 2017., četiri otrova su mješana u koktel za zamagljivanje po glavnim cestama Općine, i to bez adekvatnih upozorenja građana i turista. Kako smatramo da ta praksa nije niti transparentna niti efikasna, naš prijedlog je da se obratimo Ministru zdravstva i drugim nadležnim institucijama, i tražimo da se zaustavi taj način dezinsekcije. Materijal koji smo pripremili u vezi toga je pokazan prisutnima.

Skupština donosi



Ad 3) Predsjednica Udruge je predložila da Nada Kozulić, bude kao dopredsjednica Udruge ovlaštena za zastupanje Udruge.

Skupština donosi



Ad 4) Kako nije više bilo predmeta za raspravljanje, sastanak je službeno završio u 11,50. Vivian Grisogono zahvaljuje svim prisutnima na njihovom doprinosu radu Udruge.

U Jelsi 24.08.2017

Zapisničar                                                                                                                                                                 Predsjednica

Nada Kozulić                                                                                                                                                           Vivian Grisogono



Eco Environment News feeds

  • Research looking at tissue from postmortems between 1997 and 2024 finds upward trend in contamination

    The exponential rise in microplastic pollution over the past 50 years may be reflected in increasing contamination in human brains, according to a new study.

    It found a rising trend in micro- and nanoplastics in brain tissue from dozens of postmortems carried out between 1997 and 2024. The researchers also found the tiny particles in liver and kidney samples.

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  • Mountaineers now scaling more peaks for first global study of nanoplastics, which can enter lungs and bloodstream

    Particles from vehicle tyre wear are the biggest source of nanoplastic pollution in the high Alps, a pioneering project has revealed.

    Expert mountaineers teamed up with scientists to collect contamination-free samples and are now scaling peaks to produce the first global assessment of nanoplastics, which are easily carried around the world by winds.

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  • Open-net farms to continue despite numbers of wild fish halving as minister looks for ‘acceptable’ pollution levels

    Norway’s environment minister has ruled out a ban on open-net fish farming at sea despite acknowledging that the wild North Atlantic salmon is under “existential threat”.

    With yearly exports of 1.2m tonnes, Norway is the largest producer of farmed salmon in the world. But its wild salmon population has fallen from more than a million in the early 1980s to about 500,000 today.

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  • As commercial monocultures increase, ecologists are calling for the remaining splinters of native woodland to be identified, protected - and expanded

    • Photographs by Rob Stothard

    “This could almost be part of Lapland, up here,” says retired researcher John Spence, approaching a clearing in the Correl Glen nature reserve in Fermanagh, near Northern Ireland’s land border with the county of Leitrim. “You could make a Nordic movie here and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.”

    Spence pauses to point out oak, hazel, birch, ash and alder trees, along with a series of rare “filmy” ferns, wild strawberry bushes and honeysuckle. There are well over 100 species of lichen in this small patch of temperate rainforest alone.

    A path leads towards a sitka spruce forest in Glenboy, near Manorhamilton, in Leitrim

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  • Newbury, Berkshire: From tracks in the snow to musky scent markings to vixens screaming in the night, it is hard to ignore fox mating season

    The sensory presence of foxes is woven through my days and nights lately – sightings, sound, smells, evidence. It is the mating season and, being largely solitary creatures, they are advertising their presence to one another in a manner hard to ignore; in a way that carries across dark, silent miles or cuts through the fumes of urban traffic. Foxy scent markings – musky notes of singed fur, sandalwood, spice and hawthorn flowers – bring me up sharp at a hole in a hedge, by a gatepost or anywhere down the lane.

    In snow, or in the creamy chalk soil that has washed out of gateways in recent storms, tracks give away encounters. Paw prints, narrower than a dog’s, that you can draw a kiss through without touching the pads, track slightly sideways, printing a straight, tacking running stitch across the land. Occasionally, tracks cross and run alongside one another for a while, or pool in a coming together.

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  • Crevasses increasing in size and depth in response to climate breakdown, Durham University researchers find

    The Greenland ice sheet – the second largest body of ice in the world – is cracking more rapidly than ever before as a response to climate breakdown, a study has found.

    Researchers used 8,000 three-dimensional surface maps from high-resolution commercial satellite imagery to assess the evolution of cracks in the surface of the ice sheet between 2016 and 2021.

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  • CJ Taylor was pushing back a fire front when a wind change almost killed him. A new exhibition aims to recreate a flashover – and disturb the public into action

    The roar of an advancing bushfire, for those who have heard it, is often described as being as loud as an aircraft or an approaching freight train. “But my recollection was the opposite,” says volunteer firefighter and visual artist CJ Taylor, of the moment a fire burned over him. “Everything went quiet.”

    It was November 2019, and Taylor and a group of fellow South Australian Country Fire Service volunteers had been deployed to north-eastern New South Wales, near the Guy Fawkes River national park. They were trying to push back a fire front but a sudden wind change meant it was gaining ground too quickly.

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  • Critics say Trump is using every presidential power possible against clean power in sharp turn after Biden investments created jobs

    For several years, Republicans accused Joe Biden of waging a “war on energy” even as the Untied States drilled more oil and gas than at any time in its history. Now, a more tangible assault is gathering pace under Donald Trump – aimed squarely at wind, solar and other cleaner forms of power.

    In the first two weeks of his return as president, Trump has, like his first term, issued orders to open up more American land and waters for fossil fuel extraction and started the process to yank the US from the Paris climate agreement. “We will drill, baby drill,” said Trump, who has promised to cut energy and electricity prices in half within 18 months.

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  • First women working as fishing guides on Laxá River, featured in new film, call for action after farmed fish escape

    For seven generations, Andrea Ósk Hermóðsdóttir’s family have been fishing on the Laxá River in Aðaldalur. Iceland has a reputation as a world leader on feminism, but until recently women have not been able to work as guides to wild salmon fishing for visiting anglers – a job that has traditionally been the preserve of men.

    The 21-year-old engineering student, her sister Alexandra Ósk, 16, and their friends Arndís Inga Árnadóttir, 18, and her sister Áslaug Anna, 15, are now the first generation of female guides on their river in northern Iceland, and among the very first female fishing guides in the country.

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  • Taking anxiety off the market to create a better society is not easy – but it can be done, says our architecture critic

    Imagine a country where everyone could live securely in a decent home, one with room enough for your ordinary needs, that would also be a haven for your dreams and an expression of who you are. Which offers peace and privacy yet is part of a neighbourhood, with access to transport, schools, health, contact with nature, places of work, shops, sport and entertainment. Where you can move easily to another home as your life changes – if you start a family, you become single, you grow old, you move jobs.

    A country that meets such simple needs should, as I argue in my book Property, surely, be the ultimate goal of policies about homes. Britain is not currently this place. And, despite the Labour government’s welcome attention to addressing these issues, its plans are unlikely to make a significant impact any time soon.

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Novosti: Cybermed.hr

Novosti: Biologija.com

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