Zdravlje i zdravstvena zaštita našeg doba

Objavljeno u Zdravlje

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S obzirom na to da sam radila u polju fizikalne rehabilitacije preko 35 godina, prisustvovala sam mnogim promjenama medicinske prakse. Neke su bile na bolje, neke na gore.

Modernom medicinom dominira uporaba terapijskih lijekova. Unosan posao. Veliki profiti za tvrtke koje pronađu pravu nišu na tržištu. Zato je na djelu konstantna utrka za proizvodnjom novog magičnog lijeka koji bi liječio sve moguće ljudske tegobe, da ne spominjem lijekove za prevenciju bolesti, poželjno upakiranog i promoviranog za uporabu što većeg broja ljudi kroz što duži period.

Dobra strana je da se mnogo odmaklo u kontroliranju bolesti poput ospica. Loša strana je da mnogi lijekovi imaju nuspojave koje izazivaju sekundarne probleme, od kojih neki mogu biti opasni ili čak fatalni; a pretjerano je korištenje antibiotika dovelo do stvaranja infekcija koje su otporne na lijelove, poput MRSA i C.Diff te porast bolesti koje bi lijekovi trebali liječiti, poput, na lijekove otporne, tuberkuloze.

Mnogi terapijski lijekovi mogu se danas nabaviti na šalterima i na internetu. Postoje različita pravila propisivanja lijekova. U Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu, osim registriranih liječnika, neke sestre, patronažne sestre, fizioterapeuti i podolozi imaju pravo propisivati određene vrste lijekova, kao i stomatolozi. Kad god se za pacijenta brine nekoliko praktičara, postoji rizik pretjeranog propisivanja lijekova. Još gore, ako praktičari nisu koordinirani, lijekovi suprotnog učinka mogu se primijeniti, a to može dovesti do blaže smetnje ili katastrofe.

Na neki način naglasak na terapiju lijekovima poremetio je principe medicinske njege. Mnogi doktori i pacijenti očekuju da lijek može iskočiti iz boce ili kesice i da je „znanstvena medicina“ jedini način nošenja sa zdravstvenim problemima. Kad sam se obrazovala za fizioterapeuta prije svih tih godina, bila sam nesklona liječiti pacijente s tuberkulozom jer su mi oba roditelja patila od nje, a najstariji brat je umro od iste bolesti. Strahovi su mi odagnani na sljedeći način: „Nije problem dobiti tuberkulozu ovih dana jer se jednostavno uzimaju lijekovi i onda sve bude dobro“. U duhu ovog lažnog samopouzdanja, tijekom narednih godina, većina izolacijskih bolnica za infektivne bolesti u UK je zatvorena. Ovo je, naravno, bilo prije tuberkuloze otporne na lijekove, sad najvećeg razloga za zabrinutost u svjetskom zdravstvu, pored uspona tzv. superbakterij, spomenutih iznad, koje se nalaze u gotovo svim bolnicama u UK. Američki izvještaj „Prijetnje otpornosti na antibiotike u SAD-u, 2013“ koji izdaje Centar za kontrolu i prevenciju bolesti utvrdio je da se „većina smrti povezanih s otpornosti na antibiotike događa u uvjetima zdravstvene skrbi, poput bolnica ili staračkih domova“.

Iz ugla pacijanata, očekivanja da se bolesti liječe čudima moderne medicine stvorila su osjećaj nepobjedivosti. Ljudi se ne osjećaju odgovornima za prevenciju bolesti i promociju vlastite dobrobiti. Promocije zdravlja dođu i prođu, a konstantno se se u medijima mogu primijetiti poruke, ponekad kontradiktorne, o tome što znači „živjeti zdravo“.

Zdrav život ovisi o mnogo faktora, koji si fizički, mentalni i emocionalni. Okoliš isto igra važnu ulogu. Ne postoji jedinstvena formula za zdrav životni stil. Mnogo ovisi o pojedincu. Prehrana, vježbanje i životni stil imaju utjecaj na zdravlje pojedinca i moraju se razmatrati holistički u relaciji s pojedinčevim kapacitetima, preferencijama i aspiracijama. Vrhunski sportaš ima drugačije potrebe od radnika koji sjedi u uredu, ali da bi bili zdravi, obojica moraju paziti na prehranu, tjelovježbu i životne navike. Za sve je higijena od primarne važnosti u preveniranju i kontroliranju infekcija i unakrsnih infekcija.

Godine iskustva u rehabilitaciji specijaliziranoj za traumu i sportske ozljede su me, naravno, naučile mnogo. Osnovni principi mog djelovanja su bili konstantni cijelo vrijeme:

  1. jednostavna rješenja
  2. sloboda izbora

Preferiram prirodne lijekove za ozljede i bolesti, kad god je moguće. Ljudsko tijelo ima moćne kapacitete da ozdravi samo sebe, u ispravnim uvjetima. Na praktičaru je da pomogne stvoriti prave uvjete. Pacijent (ili osoba odgovorna za pacijenta u slučaju djeteta ili osobe nesposobne da donosi razumne odluke) trebala bi biti informirana o prirodi ozljede ili bolesti, mogućim tretmanima i njihovim efektima (uključujući rizike) te metodama samopomoći. Onda je na pacijentu da odluči koji smjer djelovanja je najbolji u određenoj situaciji. Vrlo često, osjećati kontrolu u nekoj situaciji je važan dio pacijentove sposobnosti oporavka.

Ovo je pozadina stvaranja ECO HVARA za zdravlje, neprofitne organizacije koja promovira razumijevanje zdravih životnih stilova, prevencije problema i njihovih rješenja.

© Vivian Grisogono 2013
Prijevod: Bartul Mimica  
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Eco Environment News feeds

  • Numbers of animals once hunted as vermin are rising across the continent. But scientists worry about how we are going to get along with these predators

    Europe’s carnivores have had a remarkable change in fortune. After tens of thousands of years of persecution that wiped out sabretooth tigers, hyenas and cave lions, there has been a recent rebound in the continent’s surviving predators.

    Across mainland Europe, bear, wolf, lynx and wolverine numbers have risen dramatically as conservation measures introduced several decades ago have begun to make an impact. There are now about 20,500 brown bears in Europe, a rise of 17% since 2016, while there are 9,400 Eurasian lynx, a 12% increase.

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  • Research group says discovery could lead to new type of environmentally friendly farming

    A biological mechanism that makes plant roots more attractive to soil microbes has been discovered by scientists in the UK. The breakthrough – by researchers at the John Innes Centre in Norwich, Norfolk – opens the door to the creation of crops requiring reduced amounts of nitrate and phosphate fertilisers, they say.

    “We can now think of developing a new type of environmentally friendly farming with crops that require less artificial fertiliser,” said Dr Myriam Charpentier, whose group carried out the research.

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  • UK food producers plan more protests over inheritance tax changes ahead of this week’s NFU conference in London

    The suits and black cabs which typically dot the streets around Westminster have been frequently replaced by the wellies, tweed jackets and tractors of aggrieved farmers of late. The next protest in London by the nation’s food producers is expected on Tuesday morning, ahead of the annual get-together of the National Farmers’ Union (NFU).

    Farmers have regularly swapped their fields for the city since October, when changes to inheritance tax (IHT) for agricultural businesses were announced by the chancellor, Rachel Reeves, angrily protesting and waving banners.

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  • Expert recommendations will influence plans for energy, housing, transport industry and farming for decades

    Labour will next week be confronted with stark policy choices that threaten to expose the fault lines between the Treasury and the government’s green ambitions, as advice for the UK’s next carbon budget is published.

    Plans for the energy sector, housing, transport, industry and farming will all be called into question in a sweeping set of recommendations for how the UK can meet the legally binding target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

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  • Former federal employees devastated by president’s mass firings: ‘We’re at risk of losing our public lands to the billionaire agenda’

    Approximately 2,300 people have been terminated from the agencies that manage the 35m acres (14m hectares) of federal public lands in the US.

    These are our lands. They encompass national parks and forests, wilderness and marine protected areas, scenic rivers. They are home to campgrounds, river accesses, hiking trails and myriad other sites and facilities that more than 500 million people visit each year.

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  • North Norfolk: Every morning, an endless flow of pink-footed geese passes overhead. Their comings and goings define the day

    The first thing you hear is a raucous cacophony in the distance, ebbing and flowing. Then the first small specks appear, and soon the sky is filled with a seemingly never-ending flow of geese.

    These are pink-footed geese, who migrate to north Norfolk at the start of winter along with hundreds of thousands of other geese. They come here to escape the harsh winters of Siberia, Iceland and Greenland, where they breed. Norfolk has an abundance of food compared to the Arctic: leaves, berries, seeds and crop remains.

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  • Despite conflicting laws, a wave of amateur homesteaders have started keeping fowl in the spirit of self-sufficiency

    Katie Whalen’s backyard in the Florida city of Port St Lucie is testament to her journey towards a life of self-sufficiency. She grows mangoes, avocados, starfruit, jackfruit and coconuts. She is cultivating a tropical tree spinach known as chaya.

    What she really wants, however, is a chicken coop and hens to provide eggs that are becoming increasingly unaffordable in stores. As bird flu worsens across the US and commercial suppliers struggle to keep up with demand, the keeping of fowl and production of eggs in home environments, has surged in popularity, and Whalen is keen to join the revolution.

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  • Robust group of organizers – including midwives, environmental justice advocates and urban gardeners – rewrite what it means to be from the US mountain region

    Appalachia, which spans from southern New York to northern Mississippi, usually evokes images of white working-class people, as depicted in JD Vance’s 2016 memoir Hillbilly Elegy. But it’s little known to people outside of the region that there’s a robust community of Black organizers who are rewriting the narrative of what it means to be Appalachian.

    While just 10% of Appalachia is made up of Black residents, they are disproportionately impacted by resource extraction that has led to adverse effects on the environment, health and access to food. But Black activists in Appalachia such as Staysha Quentrill, a midwife and reproductive justice advocate in West Virginia; the Right Rev Marcia Dinkins, an environmental justice advocate in Ohio; and Femeika Elliott, a foodways practictioner in Tennessee are working to improve the wellbeing and safety of the people in their communities.

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  • In Europe and large parts of the US it has been a week of plunging temperatures and heavy snow

    Severe weather hit South Africa this week, with intense thunderstorms, flooding and reported tornadoes. The South African weather service issued warnings for provinces across central and eastern parts of the country, covering the risk of torrential downpours, strong winds, hail and lightning.

    One tornado, in Pretoria North on Tuesday, damaged hundreds of homes, vehicles and buildings and uprooted trees. By the end of the week, areas in eastern South Africa may record cumulative rainfall of about 100-150mm.

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  • From bats to moths, species working the night shift are suffering as light pollution soars

    When we think about invertebrates, most of us picture bees, butterflies, worms, crabs or perhaps even a jellyfish. But did you know that at least two-thirds of invertebrates are active at night, meaning many are unlikely to be seen? Invertebrates carry out many of the same functions as their daytime counterparts, in some cases doing so with greater efficiency and variety.

    For centuries, artificial light has been a symbol of progress. From the flickering flames of early fires to the dazzling LED displays of modern cities, light has shaped human civilisation. But while we celebrate its convenience, we often overlook the darker side of our obsession with illumination: light pollution.

    The Guardian is running theinvertebrate of theyear competition 2025 – and this time it’s global.Nominate your favourite invertebrate, and then, in a few weeks time, we’ll vote on which is the best.

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Novosti: Cybermed.hr

Novosti: Biologija.com

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