Zdravlje i zdravstvena zaštita našeg doba

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S obzirom na to da sam radila u polju fizikalne rehabilitacije preko 35 godina, prisustvovala sam mnogim promjenama medicinske prakse. Neke su bile na bolje, neke na gore.

Modernom medicinom dominira uporaba terapijskih lijekova. Unosan posao. Veliki profiti za tvrtke koje pronađu pravu nišu na tržištu. Zato je na djelu konstantna utrka za proizvodnjom novog magičnog lijeka koji bi liječio sve moguće ljudske tegobe, da ne spominjem lijekove za prevenciju bolesti, poželjno upakiranog i promoviranog za uporabu što većeg broja ljudi kroz što duži period.

Dobra strana je da se mnogo odmaklo u kontroliranju bolesti poput ospica. Loša strana je da mnogi lijekovi imaju nuspojave koje izazivaju sekundarne probleme, od kojih neki mogu biti opasni ili čak fatalni; a pretjerano je korištenje antibiotika dovelo do stvaranja infekcija koje su otporne na lijelove, poput MRSA i C.Diff te porast bolesti koje bi lijekovi trebali liječiti, poput, na lijekove otporne, tuberkuloze.

Mnogi terapijski lijekovi mogu se danas nabaviti na šalterima i na internetu. Postoje različita pravila propisivanja lijekova. U Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu, osim registriranih liječnika, neke sestre, patronažne sestre, fizioterapeuti i podolozi imaju pravo propisivati određene vrste lijekova, kao i stomatolozi. Kad god se za pacijenta brine nekoliko praktičara, postoji rizik pretjeranog propisivanja lijekova. Još gore, ako praktičari nisu koordinirani, lijekovi suprotnog učinka mogu se primijeniti, a to može dovesti do blaže smetnje ili katastrofe.

Na neki način naglasak na terapiju lijekovima poremetio je principe medicinske njege. Mnogi doktori i pacijenti očekuju da lijek može iskočiti iz boce ili kesice i da je „znanstvena medicina“ jedini način nošenja sa zdravstvenim problemima. Kad sam se obrazovala za fizioterapeuta prije svih tih godina, bila sam nesklona liječiti pacijente s tuberkulozom jer su mi oba roditelja patila od nje, a najstariji brat je umro od iste bolesti. Strahovi su mi odagnani na sljedeći način: „Nije problem dobiti tuberkulozu ovih dana jer se jednostavno uzimaju lijekovi i onda sve bude dobro“. U duhu ovog lažnog samopouzdanja, tijekom narednih godina, većina izolacijskih bolnica za infektivne bolesti u UK je zatvorena. Ovo je, naravno, bilo prije tuberkuloze otporne na lijekove, sad najvećeg razloga za zabrinutost u svjetskom zdravstvu, pored uspona tzv. superbakterij, spomenutih iznad, koje se nalaze u gotovo svim bolnicama u UK. Američki izvještaj „Prijetnje otpornosti na antibiotike u SAD-u, 2013“ koji izdaje Centar za kontrolu i prevenciju bolesti utvrdio je da se „većina smrti povezanih s otpornosti na antibiotike događa u uvjetima zdravstvene skrbi, poput bolnica ili staračkih domova“.

Iz ugla pacijanata, očekivanja da se bolesti liječe čudima moderne medicine stvorila su osjećaj nepobjedivosti. Ljudi se ne osjećaju odgovornima za prevenciju bolesti i promociju vlastite dobrobiti. Promocije zdravlja dođu i prođu, a konstantno se se u medijima mogu primijetiti poruke, ponekad kontradiktorne, o tome što znači „živjeti zdravo“.

Zdrav život ovisi o mnogo faktora, koji si fizički, mentalni i emocionalni. Okoliš isto igra važnu ulogu. Ne postoji jedinstvena formula za zdrav životni stil. Mnogo ovisi o pojedincu. Prehrana, vježbanje i životni stil imaju utjecaj na zdravlje pojedinca i moraju se razmatrati holistički u relaciji s pojedinčevim kapacitetima, preferencijama i aspiracijama. Vrhunski sportaš ima drugačije potrebe od radnika koji sjedi u uredu, ali da bi bili zdravi, obojica moraju paziti na prehranu, tjelovježbu i životne navike. Za sve je higijena od primarne važnosti u preveniranju i kontroliranju infekcija i unakrsnih infekcija.

Godine iskustva u rehabilitaciji specijaliziranoj za traumu i sportske ozljede su me, naravno, naučile mnogo. Osnovni principi mog djelovanja su bili konstantni cijelo vrijeme:

  1. jednostavna rješenja
  2. sloboda izbora

Preferiram prirodne lijekove za ozljede i bolesti, kad god je moguće. Ljudsko tijelo ima moćne kapacitete da ozdravi samo sebe, u ispravnim uvjetima. Na praktičaru je da pomogne stvoriti prave uvjete. Pacijent (ili osoba odgovorna za pacijenta u slučaju djeteta ili osobe nesposobne da donosi razumne odluke) trebala bi biti informirana o prirodi ozljede ili bolesti, mogućim tretmanima i njihovim efektima (uključujući rizike) te metodama samopomoći. Onda je na pacijentu da odluči koji smjer djelovanja je najbolji u određenoj situaciji. Vrlo često, osjećati kontrolu u nekoj situaciji je važan dio pacijentove sposobnosti oporavka.

Ovo je pozadina stvaranja ECO HVARA za zdravlje, neprofitne organizacije koja promovira razumijevanje zdravih životnih stilova, prevencije problema i njihovih rješenja.

© Vivian Grisogono 2013
Prijevod: Bartul Mimica  
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Eco Environment News feeds

  • Exclusive: Newly uncovered documents reveal chemicals giant was aware ‘environmentally neutral’ products did not biodegrade

    The multibillion-dollar chemicals company 3M told customers its firefighting foams were harmless and biodegradable when it knew they contained toxic substances so persistent they are now known as “forever chemicals” and banned in many countries including the UK, newly uncovered documents show.

    From the 1960s until 2003, 3M made foams containing PFOS and PFOA (perfluorooctane sulfonate and perfluorooctanoic acid), synthetic chemicals that can take tens of thousands of years to degrade in the environment and have been linked to cancers and a range of other health problems such as thyroid disease, high cholesterol, hormonal problems and fertility issues.

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  • Exclusive: Sampling results show ‘extremely concerning’ concentrations of PFOS and PFOA at sites across UK

    RAF bases are hotspots of toxic “forever chemical” pollution in water, analysis of Ministry of Defence documents has revealed.

    Moreover, some of the highest concentrations of these chemicals in British drinking water sources are near RAF bases, official sampling results obtained by the Guardian and Watershed Investigations show.

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  • British arm of Heartland, which has taken oil and Republican funding, to be led by ex-Ukip head Lois Perry

    Climate science deniers are lining up a political offensive in Britain after a US lobby group opened a UK branch which is already working with Nigel Farage.

    The Reform UK leader was the guest of honour at the launch of Heartland UK/Europe, which is to be headed by a former leader of Ukip and climate denier.

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  • Adventure centre projects will promote interest in natural world, boosting young people’s wellbeing

    A £150,000 initiative to tackle the “teenage dip” in nature connectedness will involve the Scout Association introducing rewilding to its adventure centres across the UK.

    The funding, announced on Wednesday by the environmental charity Rewilding Britain, will support 11 projects aimed at putting young people at the heart of nature restoration. Several focus explicitly on reversing the sharp decline in young people’s engagement with the natural world during adolescence.

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  • Review could lead to bans on plastic chemicals including vinyl chloride, compound at center of 2023 Ohio train wreck

    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is launching a formal review of five highly toxic plastic chemicals, including vinyl chloride, the notorious compound at the center of the East Palestine, Ohio, train wreck fire. The move could lead to strong limits or bans on the substances.

    Vinyl chloride is most commonly used in PVC pipe and packaging production, but is also cancerous and highly flammable. For about 50 years, the federal government has considered limits on the substance, but industry has thwarted most regulatory efforts, hidden the substances’ risks and is already mobilizing against the new review.

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  • Legislation has new life in wake of Los Angeles catastrophe but US fossil-fuel industry is already mobilizing against it

    In the year preceding the devastating Los Angeles county wildfires, big oil fiercely lobbied to kill a “polluter pay” bill that moved through the California senate and would have forced major fossil fuel companies to help cover the costs of climate disasters.

    Fossil-fuel industry lobbying in California spiked to record levels during the 2023-24 legislative session, and the polluter pay bill was among the most targeted pieces of legislation, a Guardian review of state lobby filings found.

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  • A century of foolhardy development, including public subsidies for rebuilding in the firebelt, hugely contributed to this tragedy, writes our architecture critic. LA must rethink – and build upwards not outwards

    ‘Crime don’t climb” is one of the glib mottoes long used by Los Angeles real estate agents to help sell the multimillion dollar homes in the hills that surround the sprawling metropolis. Residents of the lush ridges and winding canyons can rest assured, in their elevated green perches – safely removed from the smog-laden, supposedly crime-ridden flatlands beneath. What the realtors neglect to mention, however, is that, while crime rarely ascends the hills, flames certainly do. And that the very things that make this sun-soaked city’s dream homes so attractive – lush landscaping, quaint timber construction, raised terrain and narrow, twisting lanes – are the very things that make them burn so well. They create blazing infernos that, as we have seen over the past week, are tragically difficult to extinguish.

    LA’s ferocious wildfires have seen an area about three times the size of Manhattan incinerated. At least 12,000 homes have burned to the ground and 150,000 people have been evacuated, as entire neighbourhoods become smouldering ruins. Twenty-five people have died, 24 more are missing. Estimates suggest the cost of damage and economic losses could reach $250bn, making it the costliest wildfire in US history – mainly due to the flames torching some of the highest-value real estate in the country. And it’s not over yet. The city is bracing for further destruction, as weather forecasts suggest winds might pick up again.

    Media coverage has had the air of a Hollywood disaster movie, as helicopters swoop through dark red skies while the list of charred celebrity homes grows, and the palm fronds are left blackened. Mel Gibson lost his $14.5m Malibu mansion while recording a Joe Rogan podcast. Anthony Hopkins’s colonial pile in Pacific Palisades was reduced to a scorched brick chimney. Bella Hadid posted about the loss of her 11-bathroom childhood home, in the inauspiciously named Carbon Canyon. There were Ballardian scenes of bulldozers sweeping abandoned Porsches off the streets, while imprisoned firefighters – temporarily released from jail to battle the blazes for around $10 a day – risked their lives to prevent the inferno from consuming further luxury properties.

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  • The jobs are highly coveted, offering training and reduced sentences, but face criticism over low wages

    As firefighters are battling multiple huge blazes tearing through Los Angeles, California’s prisons have deployed more than 1,000 incarcerated people to battle on the frontlines.

    The California department of corrections and rehabilitation (CDCR) said that, as of Wednesday morning, 1,116 incarcerated people were embedded with the state’s other firefighters to help slow the spread of the infernos that have killed at least 25 people and devastated neighborhoods across LA county.

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  • In El Valle, the world’s second-most expensive spice is not just providing an economic lifeline but also helping to preserve rich biodiversity

    As he wanders around a corner of his land, inspecting his crops, Luilly Murillo González stops and leans down to examine a twisting green vine. He spots four budding flowers, early indications that he will soon harvest his prized product: vanilla.

    “What joy! What damn joy!” he says, shaking his fists in the air, a smile spreading across his face. “Growing vanilla requires a lot of love. You have to be enamoured of the crop, passionate about it.”

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  • An Environment Agency report has identified more than 10,000 ‘high-risk sites’ contaminated with PFAS

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Novosti: Cybermed.hr

Novosti: Biologija.com

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